Stanwood Middle School
Early Family Message - November 4, 2022
Good Morning Stanwood Middle School Families!
Skyward will be down most of the weekend, so our Family Message is early this week.
Friday, November 4th will mark the 45th day of school and the end of 1st Quarter at Stanwood Middle School. The end of each quarter is a great time for students to reset for the year and make sure they understand where they stand academically in their classes and either continue doing what they've been doing or refocus their energy on their academics.
To help students understand the importance of where we are at in the year we held class meetings today for each grade level. We focused on school expectations and keeping the focus in the classroom on learning!!
Here is the link for the Class Meeting presentation:
Our focus over the next few weeks will focus on helping students understand how to get unstuck and show grit when they face obstacles in the classroom.
Dress Up Day and Dance
We had an amazing day Monday. We had the majority of our students dress up for the day and our Leadership Class put on an amazing first dance of the year! There are many pictures below of our amazing students!
Volleyball Registration Open
Volleyball season starts on November 30. Please use this link Stanwood Middle School Athletic Registration to register your Spartan for volleyball season.
Volleyball starts with the first practice on November 30 and the last match on January 26.
In order for an athlete to start a season on time, they must fill out the registration form (link above or hard copy in the office) and be sure to include emergency contact information, insurance and the Athletic Code. 6th graders can participate in Cross Country (XC) and Wrestling only.
Sports Physical: All athletes must have a current sports physical (good for 2yrs) turned into the office BEFORE turning out.
ASB Card/Pay to Participate: Each participant must purchase an Associated Student Body card and Pay to Participate fee before the first contest. The ASB card is $20, Pay to Participate is $50 per sport ($100 maximum per year; Free/Reduced options for those who qualify).
Transportation: In the event that we cannot get a bus to out-of district competitions (due to bus driver shortage), we will have district vans. However, seating is limited, so the Stanwood/Camano School District is allowing families to arrange transportation to and from competitions when this occurs. These families will agree to provide their own transportation to and from away competitions and understand that the district assumes no liability/responsibility for the athletes during the transportation times. The waiver will need to be signed and returned to your athletic director prior to your first out-of-district event. *Hard copies of the waiver can be picked up in the office or from your athlete's coach Parent Transportation Waiver for Middle School Sports
School Boundaries
As you have heard by now the District is looking at adjusting our school boundaries due to unbalanced enrollment. We work alongside a community group called the Capital Facilities Advisory Committee (CFAC). Anyone can join this group; the next meeting is 5:30-7:30 p.m. Monday, Nov. 7, at Port Susan Middle School. We are reviewing the district’s projected enrollment through 2031, studying current overcrowding, and analyzing new boundary options to recommend to the school board in the spring. Please consider joining the CFAC or attending one of our community feedback sessions. We want your input! All of the details are HERE.
Inclement Weather
As the weather forecasts indicate, we may see cold weather this winter. Our Superintendent, Dr. Rumbaugh, has shared with everyone how we make the determination to delay or close schools due to ice, snow, flooding, etc.
Safety first! We consider the safety of our children on buses, our student drivers, families driving and walking to school, and the safety of our staff, especially our bus drivers.
We monitor weather patterns using multiple methods 24/7. In particular, we use a tool called Accuweather that is specifically designed to support school districts in looking ahead at weather patterns.
When there is a concern about school starting on time, our staff begins driving the roads throughout the district as early as 2 a.m. We take photos, check road conditions, monitor traffic, look for hazards, etc. We typically drive the roads multiple times in the early morning to determine if conditions are improving, worsening, or staying the same.
We strive to decide about the school day by 5 a.m. Once the decision is made, we begin communicating with families and staff. We communicate through:
Autodialer (via School Messenger)
Email (via School Messenger)
Flash Alert
Predicting the weather is a challenge, and our primary goal is to ensure that the roads are safe, our campuses are easy to navigate, and the weather does not impede a safe school day.
Have a great weekend!
Tod Klundt
Stanwood Middle School
Meet the Spartan Staff
This week we are highlighting John Getzinger who teaches 6th and 7th grade Social Studies. Mr. Getzinger is in his 25th year of teaching--19 at Stanwood Middle School (he's also previously taught at elementary and internationally).
A four season coach--girls soccer, boys and girls basketball, and track Mr. Getzinger loves to work with our Spartans on the pitch, court, and field. His favorite thing about Stanwood Middle School is the sense of community.
Outside of school Mr. Getzinger loves to travel--internationally or to Disneyland, and he is an adventurous foodie--whether Top Pot Doughnut's latest seasonal speciality (although don't mess with his raspberry jelly) or being undaunted and trying speciality foods in foreign countries like durian (an Asian melon that was his least favorite thing ever).
Dress up day and Dance at SMS!
Please be aware as we hand out chromebooks that there are fines associated with them if they are not returned and/or returned without damage.
Skyward Login Information
Student Calendar Link
PTO Information
Bus Information
Families can access individual student transportation information online.
Versatrans eLink is the portal to access the bus route, stop time, location, and the bus your child will be riding. The "User Name" and "Password" on the login page is your student's 7-digit identification number.
The Stanwood-Camano School District does not discriminate in employment, programs, or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. Inquiries regarding compliance and/or grievance procedures may be directed to the District's Title IX/Affirmative Action Officer and Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator, Maurene Stanton (, or the Section 504/American Disabilities Act Coordinator, Robert Hascall ( Stanwood-Camano School District, 26920 Pioneer Hwy, Stanwood, WA 98292. Telephone: (360) 629-1200.
El Distrito Escolar de Stanwood-Camano School District no discrimina en sus programas o actividades por motivos de sexo, raza, credo, religión, color, origen nacional, edad, condición de veterano de guerra o grado militar, orientación sexual, expresión de género o identidad, discapacidad o uso de perro guía entrenado o animal de servicio, y ofrece igualdad de acceso a los Boy Scouts y a otros grupos de jóvenes especificados. El empleado mencionado a continuación ha sido designado para atender consultas y quejas de supuesta discriminación: Título IX / Oficial de Acción Afirmativa y Coordinador de Cumplimiento de Derechos Civiles, Maurene Stanton (, o la Sección 504 / Coordinador de la Ley de Discapacidades Estadounidenses, Robert Hascall (, Distrito Escolar Stanwood-Camano, 26920 Pioneer Hwy, Stanwood, WA 98292. Teléfono: (360) 629- 1200