North Star News
September 2, 2022
North Elementary
440 N. 10th Street Noblesville, Indiana 46060
Phone: 317-773-0482 Fax: 317-776-6274
Follow us on Twitter at @Northelem2
Follow us on Facebook at North Elem and North Elementary School PTO
Principal's Point
Hello North families,
As you are probably aware, we are not only moving into September but this weekend is a three day weekend to celebrate Labor Day. Sadly this day is often treated by many as the last day of summer.
Although there is sadness at the end of the summer, it is also one of my favorite holidays because it also tells me the start of football season is on its way! Both college football and NFL football begin their season around Labor Day.
For most of us in Indiana, it's the last day that the local outdoor pool is open and the last chance to go for a swim. Traditionally people host or go to a party or picnic around the Labor Day weekend.
No one is quite sure who first came up with the idea of a Labor Day holiday in the United States. Some people say it was Peter J. McGuire, a cabinet maker, who proposed the day in May of 1882. Other people claim that Matthew Maguire was the first to propose the holiday.
However it started, what we do know is that it is a celebration of the American worker which has raised the nation’s standard of living and contributed to the greatest production the world has ever known bringing us closer to the realization of our traditional ideals of economy and democracy.
It is appropriate, therefore, that the nation pays tribute on Labor Day to the creator of so much of the nation's strength, freedom, and leadership – the American worker.
I hope you all enjoy your 3 day weekend however you decide to do so.
Robert Lugo
North Elementary
Mr. Lugo's Brainbuster
The winner of last week's brainbuster was: Henlie Lee. She knew the three numbers, none of which is zero, give the same result whether they’re added or multiplied were 1, 2, and 3 and was drawn from all of the winners. She wins her choice of fast food lunch with Mr. Lugo!
This week's brainbuster
How many bananas can you eat if your stomach is empty?
When you know the answer to the brainbuster, write it down on a piece of paper (make sure to write your name and teacher on it too), bring it to the office, and put it in the brainbuster jar. At the end of the week, Mr. Lugo will pick one from the jar. The winner will choose lunch from any fast food restaurant and eat with Mr. Lugo!
Upcoming Activities and Reminders
9/5/22 No School - Labor Day
9/7/22 Late Arrival - School starts at 8:15
9/9/22 Picture Day
9/14/22 Late Arrival -School starts at 8:15
10/27/22 SAVE THE DATE: Family Literacy Night 6pm-7pm
Don't miss Girl Scout registration night on 9/8 from 6:30-7:30pm in the cafeteria. Learn about all Girl Scouts has to offer! https://www.girlscoutsindiana.org/
Children in grades K-2 will be taking an NWEA Early Literacy Screener (required by SB 217) during the assessment window of 9/12-9/23. This assessment will help us learn more about your child’s foundational reading skills. It will share a child’s strengths in reading as well as if a child might exhibit signs of reading difficulties, including characteristics of dyslexia. We look forward to learning more about your child as a reader.
All transportation changes need to be in by 12pm everyday.
We do not take the word of the student. Please send in a note, email, or call the office.
dawn_bolt@nobl.k12.in.us , kristen_scheib@nobl.k12.in.us, 317-773-0482
Picture Day is coming September 9th
PRE-ORDERING for North Elementary Picture Day is now open! To order with a debit or credit card, please follow the link below. All pre-ordering will close after Friday, September 9, 2022. You do not need to turn in any receipt or form for an online order. If you need to pay by cash or check, the office will have an order form available. Proof ordering will be available 4-6 weeks after photo day once packages have been delivered.
If you have any questions or concerns please fill out our Customer Service Contact Form
Student Services
North Elementary has a school counselor, Mrs. Garrett, and a school social worker, Ms. DeCocq. They work with children individually providing brief solution-focused counseling. They can help students gain self-awareness, learn ways to resolve conflicts, accept responsibility, accept others' differences, make appropriate choices, and manage their emotions. Mrs. Garrett and Ms. DeCocq also work with students in small groups that are educational and supportive in nature, including social skills, divorce, grief and emotion management. They also teach classroom lessons such as conflict resolution, bullying prevention, child safety, career awareness and others.
Contact Information:
Mrs. Garrett shantel_garrett@nobl.k12.in.us or 317-773-0482 ext. 28125
Ms. DeCocq erin_decocq@nobl.k12.in.us or 317-773-0482 ext. 28129
Monthly Lifeskill
Problem solving is our lifeskill for the month of September. Problem solving means to seek solutions to difficult situations. We practice this lifeskill everyday. We are constantly faced with problems that we have to solve. The more practice we get, the better we can become at solving our problems in a positive or peaceful way. As part of the lifeskill convocation, 5th grade performed a song discussing problem solving skills and providing tips for students. Please listen to it with your child.
Problem solving tips:
- Identify the problem: stating the problem out loud can make a difference for students who are feeling stuck
- Think of solutions: brainstorm 3-5 solutions
- Explore consequences: help your child identify possible positive and negative consequences for each solution
- Pick the best solution: encourage your child to pick the solution that he/she thinks will work the best
- Test it out: tell your child to try the solution and if it doesn’t work out then try another solution
Adapted from:
Notes from the Nurse
Breakfast = Brain Power!! Students are coming to school reporting, “I woke up late” or “I don’t like to eat breakfast” or “my parents were in a hurry”… and end up in the clinic with stomachaches and tired with no energy. Please make sure your student is getting breakfast to fuel them up to have a successful day! The North Café serves grab-n-go breakfast daily starting at 7:30 AM. You can view menus and prices on the school website.
eLearning Days
September 21
November 1
January 9
February 13
March 15
Please call the office at 317-773-0482 if you need supervision for your child on any eLearning day.
Cafeteria Reminders
Meals are not free this year.
Breakfast - $1.50
Lunch - $2.25
Please remember to check your child's lunch account at
You can make payments online or send in cash or check.
Community News
A message from Dr. McCaffrey, principal at NHS
Thank you to those who joined us last week for our first home football game at Beaver Stadium. We love that our students, families and community members come out in force to support Miller teams, organizations and events!
As we have more events in the new stadium we continue to learn how best to work together to ensure that everyone has a safe and enjoyable fan experience.
Please note below new protocols that will be in place for football games going forward.
Adult Supervision Required for Students in Grades K-8
Students in grades K-8 must have adult supervision present at all Noblesville High School home athletic events. Unfortunately, we are not able to provide student supervision at after-school events as we do during the school day. Please note that after-school events are open to the general public and attendance can range anywhere from a few hundred to over 6,000 spectators. While our event staff is charged with keeping general order at the event, we cannot monitor individual or small groups of students. Therefore, students in grades K-8 must have a responsible adult present at the event.
Car Rider Pick-Up and Drop-Off Zone
Anyone being dropped off or picked up at an event at Beaver Stadium should use the Noblesville Schools Community center drive on the north side of the stadium (off of Field Drive). This parking lot has a designated pick-up and drop-off drive that allows for safe entry and exiting of a vehicle. Please do not drop off or pick up in other areas around the stadium.
No Student Re-Entry at Sporting Events
Students are not permitted to leave and re-enter any after-school sporting events. Once a student leaves an event, they will not be allowed to re-enter even if they have an all-sports pass or if they purchase another ticket.
Visitors’ Side of the Stadium Off Limits for Students.
Noblesville Schools students of any age are not permitted to travel to the visitors’ side of the field, gym, or stadium before, during, or after athletic contests.
No Footballs
We are not able to allow footballs or other sports equipment at athletic events. If found, these items will have to be confiscated by event staff and picked up at the ticket booth closest to where they were confiscated at the end of the event.
No Baby Powder
Per the Indiana High School Athletics Association, baby powder is not allowed to be thrown at sporting events. Baby powder contains ingredients that may cause allergic reactions in some people and can also make the bleachers and floors slippery, causing a falling hazard. Throwing baby powder at an event will result in immediate ejection and disciplinary action.
Student Seating Adjustment
In an attempt to improve crowd viewing lines and improve the movement of students on and off the bleachers, we will be flip-flopping the student section and the band section at our next home game. The student section will now be at the farthest north end of the bleachers.
Thank you for your attention to these new protocols. For more information on visiting Beaver Stadium, including tickets and parking, please go here.
Boys and Girls Club of Noblesville youth volleyball leagues registering now grades K-12
Inspired by the hit television show American Ninja Warrior on NBC, Ultimate Ninjas offers a wide variety of obstacle courses for kids of every age and skill level. We have an agility course, swinging ropes, monkey bars, quintuple steps, climbing and warped walls among other exciting obstacles for kids to try.
Noblesville Girls Basketball Club registration is now open! Learn more here.
White River Sports offers one of the largest youth basketball programs in Hamilton County for students in grades K-8. Coaches emphasize and focus on building fundamentals from an early age and league rules are designed to grow as participants mature. Register now grades K-8
Would your child like to try tennis? Go here to learn from the NHS tennis coach about how your elementary or middle schooler can get involved or visit http://www.millerstennis.com/
Miller Explorers before/after school care is hiring! If you or someone you know (16+) is interested in working with elementary students part-time in a fun, exploratory environment after school, please reach out to Salena Smith (salena_smith@nobl.k12.in.us) or visit our website to learn more.
Calling all future Millers cheerleaders! Join NHS cheerleaders September 8th to learn cheers, chants, a dance and stunts, and then perform at a football game!