News and events
Jan. 5, 2024

Jan. 5, 2024
Upcoming Events and Updates
Upcoming Dates:
P.T.O. Meeting - January 9th 6:30PM
No School - January 15
Cosmic Dance - January 25th 6PM
Check out our school district calendars at this link.
Important Information:
P.T.O. Cosmic Dance: Jefferson PTO will be hosting a Cosmic Dance and Activity night on Thursday, January 25th from 6pm-8pm. A flyer with more information will be sent out by the end of next week! We look forward to a night of fun with our Jefferson families!
P.T.O. Butterbraid Sale: Thank you to all of the families that supported our students with this sale!
Parent Pick Up, Cross Walk and Walking Reminders: If your child is doing Parent Pick Up/Drop Off, please drive through our lane off of 113th Ave. Please try to not block the driveway at 113th Ave.
If you choose to use Little League Park, please don't walk in/out in the Parent Pick Up lane. Please walk to the corner of Jefferson St. where our adult crossing guards are working and then meet your child at the Cross Walk/Parent Meeting Area. Students who walk to and from school should also walk to the south side of 113th Ave and use the path along the south side of the street. This ensures they aren't walking through the Parent Pick Up/Drop Off Lane.
Please drive slowly and cautiously! THANK YOU!!
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