@HSD Health Update
December 27, 2021
HSD Planning a "Test to Stay" Program
Here's the gist:
- This program is targeted at any asymptomatic and unvaccinated student/staff that is a close contact in school. The exposure had to have happened in school.
- Instead of quarantining and being excluded from school, the individual would take a rapid COVID test at least 2x per week at an in-district testing center.
- If the test is negative and the individual remains asymptomatic, s/he may continue to attend school.
- If the test is positive, a PCR will be administered, and the individual will be required to quarantine.
This program in Haddonfield is awaiting approval from the New Jersey Department of Health. Further details will be provided when available.
Fully Vaccinated Students No Longer Required to Quarantine Unless Symptomatic
- Fully vaccinated students are no longer required to quarantine, even if a close contact less than 3ft, unless symptomatic.
Free Zoom Based COVID Testing at no Cost!
- New Jersey and Vault Medical Services have teamed up to offer at-home COVID-19 saliva testing for any person who believes they need to be tested, with or without symptoms, at no cost.
- Click here to order a test.
HSD COVID+ District Notifications
HSD COVID+ Dashboard
HSD Vax Dashboard*^
^Drop in the rate of vaccinated students due to the authorization for 5-11-year-olds.
HSD Vaxxed vs. UnVaxxed Dashboard (NEW)
- Phase I of HSD's COVID-19 testing program applied to HSD mandated testing for staff as outlined in Governor Murphy's Executive Order 253
- Beginning Monday, January 3, Phase II will be implemented to include voluntary testing for all students and staff.
- Before testing can be done, parents must complete the HSD Covid-19 Testing Consent form in Genesis (under the forms link). Consent is only needed once, and parents can change their consent status once selected.
The Objective
The objective of this initiative is to make PCR testing easily accessible for students and staff in two situations:
(1) PCR testing (nasal, shallow swab) in the school nurse’s office for symptomatic staff and students before being sent home for the required quarantine period. Parents will be required to administer the swab for PS-5 students under the nurse’s guidance (option for parent or nurse to administer in grades 6-12). Symptomatic students/staff requiring a COVID test while not in school should seek a local testing provider (e.g., CVS, Rite Aid, etc.).
(2) PCR testing (nasal, shallow swab) in the HMHS Cafeteria for asymptomatic students and staff. Asymptomatic students/staff individuals may voluntarily participate in the District’s weekly after-school testing program.
You must RSVP to indicate your intended participation in the after-school testing clinic (preferably 24 hours in advance) so we can ensure adequate supply. Note the RSVP link next to each date of the testing clinic here. Even when you complete the RSVP, you still need to complete the registration process outlined below.
The Pre-Registration process applies both to the in-office and voluntary after-school testing.
Before testing can be done, parents must complete the HSD Covid-19 Testing Consent form in Genesis (under the forms link). Consent is only needed once, and once selected, parents can change their consent status. (Coincidently, Genesis is the name of our Student Information System and the Lab conducting the testing)
The Process
Pre-Registration: Please scan the above QR Code using your Camera app.
If QR Code is not working, the direct link is https://genesislab.labcollector.online/extra_modules/lsmremote/index.php?action=preregister&job_preg=1&req=9196
Make sure all required information is complete and correct.
All required information is indicated by an *
Also, please ensure you complete the following insurance information:
Picture ID (license) - if the patient is a minor, please use the ID of a parent and/or guardian and make a note of this circumstance.
Policy ID
Policy Group #
Upload of Insurance Card
Once successfully registered, you should receive a QR Code to the email address you provided. Please present this to the school nurse.
If you think you may be interested in testing, we encourage you to register now so that when you need a test, the process will be more efficient.
The Results
If you provide both a cell phone number and an email address, you will receive messages in both places. There will be two messages in total. The first message will provide you with a TOKEN # and inform you that results are pending.
You will receive a SECOND message once the results are finalized, and that will give you a website link to access the results using the TOKEN # and the date of birth.
Results can take anywhere from 1-3 days, depending on lab volume. HSD staff have no control over this timeline.
HSD's Current Quarantine Protocol
- While our region is in the High (Orange) COVID Activity Level, we have maintained quarantine protocols aligned with the Moderate (Yellow) activity level.
- This was done for two reasons (1) we have not seen high rates of in-school transmission due to close contacts, and (2) we are tracking the data to determine if the trend appears that we will stay in the High (Orange) level (e.g., last time we were in the Orange, it only lasted one week).
- We will continue to monitor levels during the winter break; if we remain in the Orange, we will reconsider aligning with CCDOH recommendations to maintain a 14 day quarantine period with no option for early re-entry with a negative COVID test.
- Here is the official guidance provided by the NJDOH - High (Orange): Exposed close contacts who are not fully vaccinated should be excluded for 14 days. Moderate or Low yellow or green): Exposed close contacts who are not fully vaccinated should be excluded for ten days or seven days with negative test results collected at 5-7 days.
- UPDATE 12/27: NJDOH has been amended to allow a shortened quarantine as described above, regardless of the COVID Level.
Haddonfield School District
Email: gpriolo@haddonfield.k12.nj.us
Website: https://haddonfieldschools.org/
Location: 1 Lincoln Avenue, Haddonfield, NJ, USA
Phone: 856-429-7510
Facebook: facebook.com/HaddonfieldSchoolDistrict/
Twitter: @HaddonSchools