194NOW: Sept. 28, 2023
Student Focused. Community Connected.
Welcome back to our Everything to Know in 194 video series! In our first episode of the new school year, Superintendent Dr. Doug Van Zyl recaps the start of the 2023-2024 academic year. He talks about the fun and excitement had on the first day of school, opportunities and challenges that lie ahead for our district, and gives us a preview of the upcoming November 7 referendum.
You can watch this video and previous installments of Everything to Know in 194 online at isd194.org/video-series.
Save the Date! Join us for a Community Meeting on Oct. 30
On Nov. 7 school district residents will vote on a two question referendum. The request is for essential staffing and operating expenses for Highview Elementary. The request also includes a second question for K-12 mental health, behavioral and academic support and the means to attract and retain high quality staff.
To learn more about the request, join Dr. Van Zyl, Superintendent for a community meeting at the Lakeville Area Schools District Office on Monday, Oct. 30 at 6:30 p.m.
In the meantime, get the facts and learn more at isd194.org/GrowingTogether.
Sept. 26 Regular School Board Meeting Recap
Among other items at the Sept. 26 Regular School Board meeting, the Lakeville Area Schools Board of Education:
Heard an attendance area adjustment process report that was initially given to the School Board at its Sept. 19 Work Session and approved the proposed process and initial guidelines for future attendance area adjustment options due to current student enrollment growth and projections. The report included an overview of the attendance area adjustment process and a guiding change document that set forth the School Board’s priorities for the Administration when developing options for attendance area adjustments. Ray Queener, the District’s project consultant, shared that the proposed process will incorporate several opportunities for input from stakeholders, starting in Winter 2023, once the referendum outcome is known. In addition, the process will include frequent communications to stakeholders creating an open and transparent process. The attendance area adjustment process is expected to conclude in Spring 2024.
Heard an annual Pay 24 levy proposal by the Administration. The information will be provided to Dakota and Scott counties to be included in the estimated tax statements sent to property owners in November. A Truth in Taxation hearing will be held for residents on Dec. 12, 7 p.m. at the Lakeville Area Schools District Office. In December, the School Board will certify the Pay 24 levy.
Heard the Superintendent’s report about the upcoming Nov. 7 referendum. The referendum request includes two questions: Question 1 request funds for staffing and operational components for the new elementary school. Question 2 seeks funds to attract and retain high quality staff as well as more consistent K-12 mental health, behavioral and academic support. Dr. Van Zyl shared that stakeholders can learn more about the referendum, including how to vote by visiting isd194.org/GrowingTogether.
For a recording of the meeting, please visit LETV or YouTube. For meeting minutes, please visit Boardbook. The next Board of Education regular meeting will be held Tuesday, Oct. 24 at 7 p.m.
Molly Dexter Named Interim Director of Early Childhood
Molly Dexter will serve as the Interim Administrator of Early Childhood Education for Lakeville Area Schools through the 2023-24 school year.
“Dexter brings a wealth of experience and a strong track record of dedication to the District’s early childhood programming,” said Assistant Superintendent Dr. Emily McDonald. “She has been an integral part of Lakeville Area Schools for 30 years and has consistently demonstrated her commitment to providing high-quality early childhood education and care for the District’s youngest students. Her leadership skills and deep understanding of early childhood programming will ensure the department’s continued success this school year.“
“I’m excited for this opportunity,” said Dexter. “I’m looking forward to leading the process to develop a district-wide vision for early childhood education, supporting early childhood programming and services, and welcoming families and our youngest learners into the school district as they begin their education journey.”
Over her nearly 30 years with the school district, Dexter has worked as a Speech/Language Pathologist, Early Childhood Special Education Teacher, and most recently as the Coordinator for Early Childhood Special Education.
Dexter holds a Bachelor of Science in Communication Disorders/Speech-Language Pathology from St. Cloud State University, a Master of Arts in Early Childhood Special Education from the University of St. Thomas and Educational Administration/Director of Special Education licensure from St. Mary’s University.
FUTURE 101 is Monday, October 2!
Come to Future 101 on Monday, October 2! This event, put on by Lakeville Chamber of Commerce and Tourism and Lakeville Area Schools, will have refreshments, a resource fair and post-high school planning workshops. The event will be held at Lakeville South High School.
FREE - No registration required
Workshops include:
Your high school plan (w / H.S. Deans)
Financial Aid, scholarships, FAFSA
College Selection: 2 and 4-year
Financial readiness and planning
Test preparation
In-demand careers
Alternate pathways and military
- 5:30-6 P.M. - Refreshments and resource fair
- 6:00-7:45 - Workshops (chose three)
- 7:45 - Resource fair and refreshments
For an interpreter: (952) 232-3076 | languagehelp@isd194.org
For more information: (952) 469-2020
Join us for a kindergarten welcome event on October 12!
Calling all incoming kindergarten families! Families with children who will be five or older by September 1, 2024 are invited to attend one of our Kindergarten Welcome Events this fall. This is the first opportunity for parents/guardians to learn about the Lakeville kindergarten experience. Elementary school principals will share a general overview of kindergarten, including readiness and expectations.
Our first fall Kindergarten Welcome Event will be held virtually on Thursday, October 12.
View additional event dates and register for a Kindergarten Welcome Event at bit.ly/194K2024.
Watch this video for helpful tips to get your child ready for kindergarten.
For additional information, go to isd194.org/Kindergarten.
Join our team! Engage. Connect. Make a difference.
Lakeville Area Schools is seeking staff for...
- Student Nutrition
- Custodial
- Special Education
- Facilities Supervisors
- Nurses
To see more positions available and apply, visit our webpage or click the button below!
Next Board of Education Regular Meeting Oct. 24
7 p.m., District Office
Connect with your School
Peachjar Digital Flyers
- Go to isd194.org/flyers-peachjar to find digital flyers from the District, your school and community groups.
Youtube Channal
- Visit the Lakeville Area School's Youtube Channel