February | Bobcat Breeze
February 7, 2022
Principal's Message
Dear Edison Families:
As we wrap up a fairly eventful first month after the winter break I am cautiously optimistic that there is more light ahead for us. Through it all, it has been clearly evident that our families convey to their kids each day how important school is, and take time to communicate clear expectations and set goals with them on how they can be their absolute best – edisonstrong!
I encourage everyone to continue to build on this — we are stronger together — approach by showing your enthusiasm for our students, faculty and staff in a variety of ways. Here’s a few to keep in mind:
Maintain a relationship with your child’s teacher. Keep in touch throughout the remaining months. Share information about how your child is doing. Ask the teacher for suggestions on how to best support your child’s learning.
Attend school events online, and when we eventually return to in person, to show your child that school is a priority for you. If your schedule and resources allow, consider volunteering from home and participating in school activities like dine out nights, sharing your ideas, resources or even putting together those homework packets for your child’s teacher.
Maintain a consistent environment for schoolwork. Make sure your child has a quiet, well-lit place to study. Keep it stocked with the supplies she needs. Look over homework and give suggestions. Ask us for help if you need anything to accomplish this!
Keep up with assignments. Doing schoolwork is your child’s responsibility, but you should be aware of what she is studying as well as the status of homework assignments, tests and class projects.
And above all, stay positive about school and schoolwork. Your attitude rubs off on your child. Whenever possible, mention that the latest science unit sounds interesting. Say a good word about your child’s teacher, too. “I really like the way Ms. Beck always gives you a hands-on lab before your tests. I know it helps you to feel more prepared.”
I am grateful that in spite of how the adult world outside of our EdisonNation may feel a bit divided at times, we can remain close and united in support of our amazing staff, students, and families!
As always, I look forward to hearing from you. You are always welcome to connect with me, just shoot me an email at hugo.lopez@omsd.net or call ahead at (909)984-5618 and the door will be open.
Principal Lopez
Kindness Spirit Week
- Monday We don't hide from kindness"-Wear camouflage
- Tuesday Keep it Classy - Come to school dressed to impress and ready to compliment others.
- Wednesday Crazy for Kindness"-Wear the craziest clothes, socks, and hairstyle
- Thursday Find a partner or partners and wear matching clothes – twin, triplet, quadruplet day
- Friday Kindness makes the heart grow" wear pink or red for Valentine's day
Special Education Parent Meeting
Please join us – we are excited to have District Program Specialist, Emily Winebrenner share tips for guiding our students to be the best they can be..
Thursday, February 10
3:15-4:15 pm
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 995 0932 7283
Passcode: 475840
Thursday, Feb 10, 2022, 03:15 PM
Save the Date – No School February 14, 2022 – Lincoln’s Birthday Observed
No school February 14 in observance of Lincoln's Birthday.
Tackle social problems before they affect school performance
Learning how to deal with “friends” who turn out not to be friends is a tough lesson. And it’s one that can distract your child from academic learning and affect his performance in school.
Talk to your child about qualities that make someone a true friend. Suggest he avoid classmates who seem:
Selfish. Does the person seem to think and talk mostly about himself? Is he using your child in order to get something?
Phony. Does the person say one thing and then do another?
Dishonest. Someone who wants to use a friend to cheat on a test is not really a friend at all.
Unreliable. Did the person say he’d walk home with your child after school, but then head off to someone else’s house instead?
Remind your child that he is worthy of real friends who make him feel good about himself—and he should stay clear of people who have not earned his friendship.
“Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget.” —G. Randolf
Source: R.M. Kidder, Good Kids, Tough Choices: How Parents Can Help Their Children Do the Right Thing, Jossey-Bass.
Students Presenting Symptoms at Home -- Please Contact Our Health Office
In an effort to maintain a healthy school environment and to mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 virus, we ask that all parents screen their child for COVID-19 symptoms each morning before they send them to school, and keep them at home if they are sick using our Student Symptom Decision Tree.
This shared responsibility is critical to our ability to keep everyone safe, healthy and attending in person each day.
Please report your child’s illness with details of all symptoms to our health office at 909-984-5618. Our Health Office will follow up on all students that are at home with COVID-19 symptoms.
Additional COVID Testing Opportunities for Students:
School Site Testing Kits (please contact Edison Health Office 909-984-5618)
District Testing Site
Hardy Center, 1515 S. Bon View Ave., Ontario, CA 91761
While no appointment is necessary at the Hardy Center, registration will be required. Click Here to Register.
Monday - Thursday from 8:00 - 11:30 am.
Find available testing site/appointment
Text your ZIP code to GETVAX (438829) or VACUNA (822862) Espanol
Call 1-800-232-0233
- Private medical provider
Reporting an Absence:
It is critical you contact our office to report an absence every time your child is absent. Our absence reporting line is operational twenty-four hours a day, so you can call 909-984-5618 option 3 anytime. You may also email our main office directly at edison@omsd.net. Absences must be reported before 9:15 A.M.
Please be sure to include the following information:
Student's First and Last name
Teacher's name
Length of absence
Reason for absence
Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Focus -- Relationship Skills: Communication and Social Engagement
During the month of February, your child’s SEL instruction will focus on Relationship Skills to increase the ability to communicate clearly, listen well, and resist inappropriate social pressure.
Students often find it difficult to communicate their needs in positive ways without blame or defensiveness. Yet, being able to effectively communicate how they feel—whether positive or strong emotions—and ask for what they need can open up conversation and strengthen relationships.
Amazon Smiles -- Support Edison Academy PFO
When you join AmazonSmile you can help our PFO fundraise for our school at no cost to you. Shop at smile.amazon.com and Amazon will donate 0.5% of eligible purchases to our Edison Academy PFO—no fees, no extra cost.
Click the link to join Amazon Smiles and support Edison PFO today: https://smile.amazon.com/ch/45-2748013
PFO Birthday Grams Fundraiser
Send a message to your birthday kid. See your child's name in lights on their birthday week up on our school marquee -- a birthday connection to our beloved school.
$5 per student
Orders due Thursday before birthday week
Order forms are available in the main office.
Connect With Us
Email: edison@omsd.net
Website: https://www.omsd.net/edison
Location: 515 East 6th Street, Ontario, CA 91764, USA
Phone: (909)984-5618
Twitter: @Edison_OMSD