Trident Pānui
Term 1- Week 2
Principal's Message
Tēnā koutou ngā whānau, ngā akonga, ngā kaiako o te Kura Tuarua o Taoroa. Nau mai, haere mai ki te tau 2024.
Ko Otawa tōku maunga
Ko Raparapa-a-hoe tōku awa
Ko Hei tōku marae
Ko Te Arawa tōku awa
Nō Te Puke ahau
Ko Mikaere October tōku ingoa
He mihi tuatahi ki te mana whenua, ko Ngāti Awa, tēnā koutou. Ngā iwi, ngā hapū katoa o te Mātaatua, tēnā koutou.
I feel extremely privileged to be the new Tumuaki/Principal at Trident High School. I would like to welcome our new students, staff and whānau and welcome back our returning students, staff and whānau. I would like to introduce the following new staff members to our community.
Owen Roper - HoD Social Sciences
Hamish Galloway - AAT Tutor
Deane Reynolds - Physical Education
Kathrene Webb - Mathematics
Lynora Ngoungou - FA Administrator
Monique-Moana Davidson - Teacher Aide
Rachel Hand - Itinerant Vocal/Choir
I am committed to creating the best possible outcomes for our students in the academic, sporting, arts/culture and leadership realms. We have a team of committed and knowledgeable staff who will promote holistic development of our akonga.
The start of the year is a great opportunity to get into good habits. These include:
Strive for excellence. Doing your absolute best in everything you do.
Attendance - minimum 85% attendance.
Engagement with learning and assessment.
Correct uniform and worn with pride.
Being kind and respectful to all.
Phones ‘away for the day’.
If you would like support for your young person, make contact with the whānau ako teacher or dean in the first instance. He waka eke noa, we are in the same waka and have the same goal of getting the best outcomes for our akonga.
I look forward to meeting our whānau and working with you over the coming years. Thank you for your support.
Ngā mihi nui,
Mikaere October
Important dates
- Tuesday, 13 - Thursday, 15 February- Whakapiki Wānanga
- Thursday, 15 & Friday, 16 February- Tuakana Teina Hiko Days
- Friday, 16 February- Level 1 Geography skills trip
- Friday, 16 February- Jiangxi group visit
- Tuesday, 20 February- Jiangxi group visit
- Tuesday, 20 February- L3 Biology mudflat trip
- Wednesday, 21 February- Meet and Greet evening
- Wednesday, 21 - Thursday 22 February- L3 Health Camp
- Friday, 23 February- Athletics Day (Whole school)
- Friday 23 February- Wednesday, 6 March - Tamadai Hijirigaoka Japanese group visit
- Saturday, 24 - Sunday, 25 February- Grom Series 3 surfing
TUAKANA TEINA HIKOI DAY 2024 (Year 9 & Year 13)
An email has been sent home this afternoon about our Tuakana Teina Hikoi Day for our Year 9 students and Year 13 Tuakana Teina students.
Students will be transported by bus to the following locations and will be engaging in a range of group connection and co-operation activities.
They will travel to:
- Kaputerangi (Toi’s Pa) to share the history of our area
- a walk from Otarawairere village to the beach and
- time spent at Mahy Reserve at the beach where a supervised swim with lifeguards will be an option
The days for each whānau ako class and the Year 13 leaders to attend their hikoi experience are as follows:
9RP, 9MY, 9JR, 9WH, 9SN, 9GA Thursday 15 February
9MC, 9SJ, 9DN, 9KT, 9DR, 9GR Friday 16 February
Year 9 students MUST have returned their signed EOTC form to their whānau ako teacher in order to attend the Hikoi Day.
What to bring:
- casual and comfortable beach clothes (including sun hat)
- snack (Lunch for all students will be provided)
- water
- sun screen lotion
- togs
- towel
If you have any questions or concerns about the day please contact your whānau ako teacher.
2024 Pōhiri
Last week, we had the pleasure of welcoming our new principal, Mikaere October, new students and staff members!
Our new students and their whānau had the opportunity to meet their whānau ako teacher, as well as our Year 13 leaders and their new peers.
Thank you to everyone who attended the Pōhiri!
SEC Welcome
Welcome to all our new students that started at our Special Education Centre this week!
Students and whānau were welcomed to SEC on Wednesday by current students, prefects and staff.
Class photos
We have class photos coming up on Tuesday, 12 March.
There are order forms are available from the front office or you can order online using the link below.
Netball Coaches Wanted
As our netball season is fast approaching and we are needing coaches for this year.
If you are interested in coaching our junior netball teams, please contact Adrienne Pomare by email or contact our Sports Coordinator.
If there are any equestrian students that would like to enter the North Island Secondary School Dressage Carnival, please see Ms Walker in the Sport coordinators office or email
We are looking for a couple more students to join the team.
2024 Stationary
You can order online using the link below.
Waikato BOP Schools XC MTB Champs
Held on 14 March 2024 at the Te Miro Mountain Bike Park, Waterworks Road, Te Miro. Options available for students from year 5-13.
The event is a cross country race predominantly a Grade 2 track. New for this year is a team relay.
Entries open 5 February 2024 and close 5 March 2024.
Pricing is as follows:
Year 5 and 6 $25.00 per person
Year 7 to 13 $35.00 per person
Relay Teams $30.00 per team (3 riders per team)
For more information please see the event manual on the Te Miro MTB Club website:
Frazzled Kiwi Adventure Race: Sun 10 March 2024
Frazzled Kiwi is a perfect introduction to the awesome team sport of adventure racing! Students in teams of 2-5 will use their map and clue sheet, working together to collect checkpoints and complete fun mystery activities. The 6-7km course is on stunning farmland and the race is trek/run only.
Soaked in Adventure 3 & 6 HR races: Saturday 29 June 2024
Soaked in Adventure helps build teamwork, leadership and navigation skills as well as helps to grow resilience. The event is fantastic for beginner and experienced adventure racers – students can choose either the 3HR or 6HR course to navigate together with their teammates by mountain bike and foot. The 6HR course has optional extra checkpoints for experienced adventure racers.
School Docs Policies and Procedures
For information about our school uniform, we have a price list available on our website -
Our uniform can be purchased from NZ Uniforms.
Trident Health Services
Location: Te Aiōtanga
School Nurse: Monday to Friday from 8:30am until 3:00pm.
For all general health needs.
Doctor: Dr Astrid de Jong
A doctor is available every Tuesday from 9am until 11am.
A physiotherapist is available on Tuesday morning.
Appointments for these services can be made through the school nurse.
This is a free, confidential Health Service.
Trident Bank Account Details
Bank Account 12 3253 0004257 00
You may pay any sports or extra curricular fees directly to our bank account.
Please enter student name of student ID in the deposit details.
School App
Go to the App Store or Play Store on your phone and Search Skool Loops
Once downloaded open the App on your phone and select Trident High School
The App allows you to notify the office of an absentee, view daily notices and access to the parent portal.