Tioga Family Bulletin
October 7, 2022
Translating: Did you know?
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You're Invited: International Night
Save the Date: Halloween Parade
It's hard to believe that Halloween is a few short weeks away! We are looking forward to celebrating Halloween at Tioga on Monday, October 31. Please carefully review the reminders below to ensure a safe and fun celebration for everyone!
TREATS: Due to allergy concerns and ongoing COVID safety measures, students will not be allowed to pass out anything edible this year, including pre-packaged, store-bought treats. Click here for a list of suggestions for non-food treats to pass out.
COSTUMES: Students are encouraged to wear their Halloween costumes to school. Face paint, fake blood, and look-alike weapons are not allowed. Halloween masks may be worn during the Halloween parade, but not during the regular school day.
PARADES: We are excited to bring back our outdoor costume parade in the afternoon! Families are invited to gather outside to watch the parade. Details such as the start time and parade route will be shared during the week of October 24.
PARTIES: Following the parade, students will head back inside for classroom parties. Family members will not be allowed to enter the building during these parties.
DISMISSAL/TRANSPORTATION: If your child will be going home in a different way than normal (e.g., being picked up instead of taking the bus), please let both the classroom teacher and office know of the change by 4:00 PM on Friday, October 28 so that everyone can plan accordingly.
Fall Parent/Teacher Conferences
Updated Visitor Protocol
Cold Weather: Recess and Accessories
As the seasons continue to change, the weather will be getting cooler! Please be sure to send your child to school with a coat and necessary accessories for the forecasted weather. During the winter months, students will continue to go outdoors for recess each day unless the wind chill factor and weather creates unsafe conditions. In those instances, students will remain indoors for recess in their classrooms.
If you are in need of cold weather accessories (e.g., coats, gloves, scarves, etc.) please reach out to one of our SEL staff members.
- Arcelia Garay, Social Worker
- Kerry Olsen, Counselor
- Estefania Palafox, Pre-K Social Worker
- Francis Segura, Social Worker
Social Emotional Learning with Ms. Kloss
Students in kindergarten through 5th grade have been working hard in their Social Emotional Learning (SEL) class this past month. Please click on the picture to the right to read Ms. Kloss' SEL Newsletter and learn more about different strategies and tools that students are learning and resources that may be available to families.
Spirit Wear
Water Bottles and Snacks
As a reminder, each classroom takes a short snack break each day. Please remember to send a snack and a refillable water bottle with your child on a daily basis!
Drop-Off and Pick-Up Reminders
As reminders, families can further assist in creating a safe arrival by ensuring that:
- Students exit their vehicle through the curbside door
- Parents and students respect the directions of Tioga Crossing Guards
- Families respect Village of Bensenville parking signs when parking on nearby streets and the property of Tioga's neighbors
- Dropping students off on Memorial Road is not permitted due to student safety issues
Please contact the Tioga office with any questions about student arrival or dismissal.
Important Upcoming Dates
- Friday, October 7: Progress Reports released
- Monday, October 10: No School - Columbus Day
- Wednesday, October 12: International Night from 6:00-7:00 PM
- Thursday, October 20: No School - Parent/Teacher Conferences 12:00-8:00 PM
- Friday, October 21: No School - Parent/Teacher Conferences 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
- Monday, October 31: Halloween Parade at Tioga (time TBD)
- Monday, October 31: Trunk or Treat from 3:00-5:00 PM in Downtown Bensenville
- Tuesday, November 8: No School - Election Day
- Wednesday, November 9: Pre-K Picture Day
Check out our upcoming Spirit Day themes:
- Friday, October 7: College Day
- Wednesday, October 12: National Bullying Prevention Day
- Friday, October 14: Disney Day
- Wednesday, October 19: Throwback Day ('70s or '80s)
- Friday, October 28: Tioga Spirit Day
- Monday, October 31: Halloween
- Friday, November 4: Hoodie Day
Tioga Elementary School
Ms. Soike - Assistant Principal
Email: ckramer@bsd2.org
Website: https://www.bsd2.org/Tioga
Phone: (630) 766-2602