ORSP Newsletter
May 26, 2022
Principal's Message
Hello Preschool families! Happy Thursday!
Can you believe it is the end of the school year already? We have had such a wonderful year!
I would like to take a moment to sincerely thank you for the opportunity to serve you and your child. It has been our pleasure to see the children grow, learn, and develop their special, individual personalities. We have had so much fun together!
I personally wish you a happy and relaxing summer. You are forever a part of our Preschool family. If you need anything at all, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We are always happy to support you even when your child moves on to the elementary school and beyond.
Have a wonderful summer!
Health and Safety
Summer Safety
The summer months offer many opportunities for exploration and play in outdoor learning environments. With proper planning, you can ensure that children are able to take advantage of fun experiences and enjoy the summer months safely.
Visit the link below for safety tips and ideas.
Just a reminder to follow up on physical and dental exams.
Schedule your kindergarten physicals now!