SPHS Update
September 1st, 2023
SPHS Community,
Well THAT summer went quickly! I hope that you've been able to find time to rest, recharge, and restore before the start of the 2023-2024 school year. I did, and now I'm ready to keep the positive vibes at SPHS going. We've been planning like crazy to kick things off strong. Teachers were back this week (teachers new to SPHS, who are AWESOME by the way, started two weeks ago) and we're excited to get going. Truly, we can't wait to greet all of our SPHS students on Tuesday, September 5th in Homebase starting at 8:10. The schedule we'll be following on the first day is linked below.
We had an AMAZING Community Picnic and I'm just so pleased to be a part of the positive and supportive community. There are a few photos below. A special thank you to the Rotary Club of South Portland/Cape Elizabeth who donated $1,000.00 to help defray the costs of the event as well as Men's Wearhouse who offered $500 in commissions for formalwear rental for our Prom last year.
Take note of the calendar Items at the bottom of this newsletter. We'll keep these updated with each new addition.
I've been to a Football game (and attending another one tonight) and I'm looking forward to seeing all of the RIOTS represent the community with #RIOTPRIDE. These student athletes are working so hard and really dong a fantastic job of representing our community.
This year at SPHS we're going to be focusing on four community ideals. You should see these threads through everything we do as a school. Were calling it The SoPo Way...
Every graduating class has a different energy when it is their turn to lead the school. I'm excited about the class of 2024 and the amazing community they are going to generate at SPHS.
Finally, we have a new website and WE HAVE AN APP!!! This is where we'll communicate to you about everything SPHS. The SPHS update will be posted there as well. Links to the Android and iPhone apps are below.
One final bright spot on the summer was having the opportunity to celebrate one final Class of 2023 graduate! We're so proud of Jacob Montalvan!
Here we go RIOTS!
Take care,
Scott Tombleson
Important Information
The first SPHS student day is next Tuesday, September 5th.
Our school day begins at 8:10am, with a warning bell at 8:05. Please be sure your student arrives on time.
Meals: All students will once again receive free breakfast and lunch. Breakfast will be available until 8:35 am.
Supplies: There is no specific list of supplies. Students should arrive on Tuesday with a notebook and a pen or pencil. Individual teachers will let their students know what is needed for their respective classes.
Student Forms: Each year, we ask that families complete and submit the following student forms:
- Census Verification Report – This includes all contact information for a student household. We ask that you review the information, make any corrections or changes on the form, and have your student return it to their Homebase teacher or the Main Office.
- Agreement to Publish Student Information – Please indicate whether or not you give us permission to include your student’s name and work on the school website or other school-sponsored media.
- Income Eligibility Guidelines
- Confidential Student Health Information
These forms will be distributed to students next week to take home. Please complete and return the forms to the high school as soon as possible.
PATHS: The first day of PATHS (Portland Arts & Technology School) is Wednesday, September 6th. However, students attending PATHS are expected to attend school on Tuesday, September 5th.
We have APPS!
Greater Portland Health Clinic at SPHS
South Portland High School is partnered with Greater Portland Health to provide a School Based Health Center (SBHC) and a School Based Dental Clinic
The School Based Health Center offers a variety of healthcare services to students directly in schools. This allows for easy access and scheduling for healthcare & saves time for student and parents/guardians.
Services offered include:
Primary medical Health Services, Sports Physicals, Treatment of Minor illnesses, Management of Chronic conditions, Vaccines, and Family Planning services. Behavioral Healthcare.
Dental cleanings, fluoride and sealants.
School staff will coordinate with the School Based Health Center team to connect students to care.
All students must have an enrollment signed by a parent/guardian (if less than 18 years old) in order to be seen in the clinic by a medical provider or behavioral health provider. Return your enrollment form to the School Nurse.
We welcome ALL students to enroll in the SBHC, even if they have a primary care provider elsewhere. We coordinate care with Primary Care Providers while providing easy to access services within school.
Please see the school nurse for an enrollment form to the School Based Health Clinic and Dental Clinic.
2nd Annual Community Picnic
SP Athletics
The Red Riots fall seasons is off to a great start so far. With all of our teams starting their regular season schedules this week!
Upcoming Athletics Schedule Week of 9/5 - 9/9
Monday 9/4
JV Football @ Cony High School
Tuesday 9/5
Field Hockey v. Windham HS
Golf v. Scarborough HS
Boys Soccer @ Thornton Acadmey
Wednesday 9/6
Girls Soccer v. Cheverus
Volleyball v. Cheverus
Thursday 9/7
First team Boys/Girls Soccer @ Scarborough HS
First team Football @ Edward Little
Field Hockey v. Portland/Deering HS
Boys Soccer @ Falmouth HS
Friday 9/8
Cross Country @ Biddeford HS
Football v. Lewiston HS
Saturday 9/10
Volleyball v. Falmouth
Boys First team Soccer @ York HS
For more information please visit www.southportlandathletics.org or follow us on twitter & instagram @spredriots #riotpride
Dates to Note
- September 1st - No school
- September 4th - Labor Day
- September 5th - First Day of School!
- September 8th - Picture Day
- September 14th - Open House, 5:30-7:00pm
- September 18th-22nd - Spirit Week!
- September 20th - Early Release, 11:55am
- September 22nd - Pep Rally!
- September 23rd - Homecoming Dance
- October 6th - Staff In-Service, No school
- October 9th - Indigenous Peoples Day, No school
- October 13th - PSAT Day
- October 18th - Early Release, 11:55am