Lakeland Ridge Weekly Update!
Friday, October 15, 2021
Hello Lakeland Ridge families,
A few weeks ago we made changes with respect to our COVID protocols. One of the changes we made was to stagger lunch for our Grades 1-6 students, where students in Grades 1-3 ate first and Grades 4-6 ate during the second half of lunch. We have noticed that it has not made a big difference in the number of students who play together, since students usually play with children in the same grade. In addition, Lakeland Ridge is fortunate enough to have a few playgrounds and large open spaces for kids to spread out. Therefore, beginning on Tuesday all students in Grades 1-6 will return to eating during the first half of lunch and will go outside for the second half. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we navigate our way through the pandemic. A copy of our updated changes can be found here.
Finally, just a reminder that there is no school for students on Monday, as staff will be participating in a Professional Learning Day. Have a wonderful weekend!
Upcoming Dates and Events
Oct. 18: Professional Learning Day (No Classes)
Oct. 18: Municipal Election
Oct. 21: Grade 6 Immunizations
Oct. 25-29: Virtual Book Fair
Oct 26: ICON Picture Retakes (Entire School)
Oct 26, 27 & 28: Parent-Teacher Interviews
Oct. 27: ICON Picture Retakes (ECS Group A)
Oct. 27: Gr. 9 Spell-a-thon - Blocks 5 & 6 Mukluk Gym
Nov. 3: Early Dismissal (Jersey Day) & Take Our Kids to Work Day (Virtual)
Nov. 8-12: November Break (No School)
Staffing Update
- We would like to welcome Mrs. Petras to our pack. Mrs. Petras will be working alongside Mrs. Biermann and Mrs. Jarvin in kindergarten.
- Welcome to Mr. Baillie. Mr. Baillie is doing his student teaching with Mr. Fisher. He will be here until December 17.
- Welcome to Mrs. Hyslop. Mrs. Hyslop is working towards completing her Educational Assistant Practicum from Lakeland College. She will be working with a few different classes from Grades 1-9.
Parent Teacher Conferences
Our Grade 1 to 9 Student/Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held on Tuesday, October 26, Wednesday, October 27 and Thursday, October 28 from 3:15 p.m. to 7:51 p.m.
Elementary (Grade 1 to 6) conferences are scheduled for 10 minutes each.
Junior High conferences are scheduled for 5 minutes each.
Our Kindergarten Student/Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held on Tuesday, October 26 and Wednesday, October 27 from 9:00 a.m. to 7:51 p.m. Kindergarten conferences are scheduled for 10 minutes each.
Families will have the option to select a phone interview or a virtual interview using Microsoft Teams upon booking. If you choose a virtual interview, the Microsoft Teams link will be sent via email through School Messenger prior to the conference dates.
Online bookings open Tuesday, October 19 at 4:00 p.m.
and close Monday, October 25 at 4:00 p.m.
Booking information will be emailed to families on Tuesday, October 19.
Virtual Book Fair Oct. 25-29
We will be running a Virtual Scholastic Book Fair from October 25 to October 29. The school will get a percentage of all sales to put towards new Scholastic books for our Library Learning Commons.
A selection of popular Scholastic books will be available for purchase online through a virtual Lakeland Ridge Scholastic store. Items will be shipped to the school at no cost and then distributed to the students.
Watch for more information and a link to the Lakeland Scholastic store on October 25th!
Halloween Activities
We have many students with wonderful, creative ideas about what costumes to wear. What is important to remember, though, is costumes that portray stereotypes about a specific group, culture or race can be hurtful. While we are confident our students would not intentionally try to offend their classmates or teachers, we need to be sensitive to the fact that having one’s background or identity depicted as a costume can be viewed as disrespectful. Elk Island Public Schools is committed to providing a welcoming, caring, respectful, and safe learning and working environment. It is important that celebrations being held at our schools can be enjoyed by everyone - please help us ensure Halloween is fun for all our students! If you have any questions about whether a costume would be appropriate, please contact the school. Students are welcome to bring a personal snack or treat to enjoy during the day, but we are asking parents not to supply treats for the entire class. More information will be sent out next week from the school. We are looking forward to a Spooktacular day!
Staff Contact Information on our Website
EIPS recently made changes to how families can contact school staff from the website. If you’d like to reach out to your child’s teacher directly, simply login to your PowerSchool Parent Portal or your Brightspace Parent & Guardian account. From there you can find the email contact information for all your child’s teachers and reach out to them directly as needed. To connect with school administration and main office staff, refer to the online contact form to send an email to the applicable person directly. From the online contact form, you can also send an email to report your child’s absence. If you’re having trouble with your PowerSchool or Brightspace account, contact the school office. And, of course, we’re always just a phone call away if you have questions or need assistance, 780-416-9018.
Mask Reminder
- Maks are mandatory for all staff and students in kindergarten through Grade 12.
- Any and all visitors to EIPS schools and buildings must adhere to EIPS’ mandatory masking requirement.
Updated COVID Health Checklist
The government has updated the daily health checklist. Please review the new checklist and print a copy for yourself to keep at home.
The main change relates to household contacts of COVID-19 cases.
If you are not fully immunized and are a household contact of a COVID-19 case, you should stay home for 14 days from the last day of exposure and monitor for symptoms.
A household contact is a person who lives in the same residence as the case OR who has been in frequent, long-duration, close-range interaction with a case of COVID-19. For example, someone who is a caregiver or an intimate or sexual partner of a COVID-19 case. For children, it also includes siblings, someone who slept over, or someone who provided direct physical care to the child.
If you have fever, cough, shortness of breath, runny nose, sore throat or loss of sense of taste or smell you are required to isolate for 10 days as per the current CMOH Order OR receive a negative COVID-19 test and feel better before returning to work or activities.
Visitors in Schools
All visitors, couriers, and contractors must sign in at the front main doors and check-in at the office, complete the COVID-19 Alberta Health Daily Checklist, and be wearing a mask properly.
If any of the answers to the questions are “YES,” DO NOT enter the school or workplace.
Similarly, if feeling unwell or have COVID-19 symptoms—fever, cough, runny nose, sore throat, shortness of breath, loss of smell and taste, aches, pink-eye, nausea —DO NOT enter an EIPS-operated school or workplace.
School Council and PAS (Parent Action Society) Update
Parent Action Society Executives for the 2021-22 School Year
- Chair - Michelle Lyster
- Vice-Chair - Amy Dieser
- Secretary - Kerri & Joel Holmes
- Treasurer - Kathi Engel
- Directors At Large - Teresa Bladon, April Childs & Kim Heit
Our next School Council meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 16 at 6:30 p.m. We will be meeting virtually using Microsoft Teams.
Proof of vaccinations and negative tests for volunteers
Please be advised the requirements for proof of vaccination and testing in the EIPS Operations Guidelines have been changed, effective today:
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Proof of Vaccination:
Unvaccinated staff may be required, under occupational health and safety requirements, to take additional precautions. Additionally, all EIPS schools require proof of vaccination, or a negative COVID-19 test result, from volunteers. The negative COVID-19 test must be a privately paid COVID-19 PCR or rapid test and completed within 72 hours. No school will accept a test result from Alberta Health Services or Alberta Precision Laboratories.
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Visitors, Volunteers and Service Providers Entering EIPS:
Visitors, volunteers and contractors are permitted in the school or workplace as long as they have a specific reason for being there and follow the site-visitor protocol—appointments are recommended. As well, anyone entering an EIPS school or building must complete the COVID-19 Alberta Health Daily Checklist, sign the visitor log and sanitize hands. Masks are mandatory in all schools, buses and EIPS-operated buildings. For deliveries, offload at the designated location.
All EIPS schools require proof of vaccination, or a negative COVID-19 test result, from volunteers. The negative COVID-19 test must be a privately paid COVID-19 PCR or rapid test and completed within 72 hours. No school will accept a test result from Alberta Health Services or Alberta Precision Laboratories.
Indigenous News
October 2021
Upcoming Events and Important Dates
As our Division reflects upon the history and continuing legacy of residential schools, annual Orange Shirt Day and the first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, we commit to ongoing learning and truth-seeking. Important learning and conversation cannot happen for just one day; we will continue to deepen our understanding throughout the school year.
Virtual Youth Leadership Conference
Métis Nation of Alberta’s upcoming Virtual Youth Leadership Conference will take place on Oct. 16, 2021 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. It will all be on a virtual platform. We’ll be discussing topics including social justice, 2SLGBTQIA+ rights and climate change. Individuals must be Métis Nation of Alberta Citizens between the ages of 12-29 to attend. The formal registration deadline has passed, but interested families can inquire about possible late registration options by contacting the MNA at
Global TV Story
In September, Global National was at Glen Allan Elementary filming for an upcoming story for their current affairs TV show, “The New Reality.” Various people were involved in the filming including Glen Allan students and teachers along with Elder Wilson Bearhead and Superintendent Mark Liguori. Thank you to Glen Allan for hosting and making everyone feel welcome. The segment is scheduled to air on Global’s “The New Reality” program on October 30. It will be on at 7 p.m. across all markets and time zones (e.g., 7 p.m. in Toronto, 7 p.m. in Edmonton, etc). There will be a YouTube version and an online piece.
Ongoing First Nations, Métis and Inuit Education
Curious to see what’s happening in First Nations, Métis and Inuit education around the Division? Check out the monthly blog on the EIPS website. School leads, teachers, students, administrators and families are working throughout the Division to understand the truths of colonization, to develop foundational knowledge for better understanding and to build respectful relationships.
One exciting project you may have noticed is the inclusion of a tipi at Central Services, thanks to the ongoing relationship with Elder Wilson Bearhead. Many schools in the Division are thinking deeply about Elder Wilson’s teachings, how to honour his invitation for each EIPS school to know their story with land and place, and to breathe life to that story. As such, several schools are learning to build relationships with the natural spaces near their schools or are creating outdoor learning spaces within their schoolyards. Elder Wilson worked alongside Superintendent Liguori to create a vision for a land-based learning space at Central Services. The central space will lead the Division as an example of learning from and with the land. It will showcase Elk Island Public Schools’ commitment to bring to life the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action and the Division’s commitment to honour its responsibility as a Treaty 6 partner. We are just at the beginning stages of this learning as a Division and look forward to all the ways we can work with Elder Wilson, families and communities to invite land-based learning experiences for EIPS students.
Many events happen in the month of November, including Métis Week, Inuit Day, Rock Your Mocs and Indigenous Veterans Day. We’ll include more information on these events and how EIPS will participate via our website and newsletter.
Direct Student Support
MNA Resources From skills courses to wellness kits, discover all the MNA Youth Services has to offer free to all Métis ages 12-29. The Métis Nation of Alberta (MNA) has a variety of other family support services, including health, housing and entrepreneurship.
Literacy Resources For Métis families new to EIPS, the Métis Nation of Alberta has partnered with Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library for the Oskaya Ayamichikewak Young Readers Program. Children four years and older registered in the program receive a new book in the mail every month. It’s an excellent way to promote literacy and foster a love of learning in children. Rupertsland Institute is also holding virtual early learning engagement sessions for Métis parents, educators and families.
Jordan’s Principle Learn more about Jordan’s Principle and the funding supports available for First Nations children—visit the Assembly of First Nations and Government of Canada resources.
Questions? Have questions about your child’s learning? Please reach out to the First Nations, Métis and Inuit Education lead teacher at your child’s school. We’re here to engage with you and offer supports to students. Harlee McArthur, EIPS First Nations, Métis and Inuit Family School Liaison Worker, is also available for conversation and to offer supports to children and families.
Resources of Interest
Virtual Family Gatherings We’re grateful to Elder Wilson Bearhead and the family members who attended our virtual parent gatherings last school year. We look forward to continuing the conversation and welcoming new families to our virtual circle. We have set the meetings for the winter season, the traditional season for gathering and visiting. Once we firm up Elder attendance at the meetings, we’ll share the specific dates, times and meeting link with you. We’ve tentatively planned for one meeting in November, one in January and one in March.
Interested in learning Michif online? Josh Morin will be once again hosting a southern Michif language virtual gatherings for beginners taking place Oct. 13 to Dec. 1, 2021. Register online or call Dana at Further Ed at 780-460-2207.
Interested in learning Cree?
The Centre for Race and Culture is once again offering beginner and intermediate Cree language classes with program coordinator and instructor Reuben Quinn. Check out this website for descriptions, dates and support resources.
NorQuest College also has an open studies beginner Cree course starting in January.
Check out Edmonton Public Library’s commitment to the 94 Calls to Action and working toward reconciliation through their Indigenous Services programs. Many programs are available, including online Cree classes in partnership with the Canadian Native Friendship Centre.
Interested in learning about Indigenous sports role models with your family in a COVID-safe, online format? An invitation to you from our friends at Roots of Resilience.
We’re so excited to be back at it for a second year of speakers series kicking off with the fall series “Indspired Through Sports,” providing an opportunity to celebrate Indigenous resilience and success after the hard but necessary truth learning we all did leading up to the inaugural National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.
This speakers series will feature six incredible Indigenous athletes with different sports and backgrounds. From Bullriding to Dance we’ll hear of their motivations, their setbacks and what pushes them to continue to strive for greatness. This series is going to be a great opportunity for students to get a look into what these professional athletes have gone through to get to where they are today and give a new outlook at the many possibilities sports can open up to youth! The series will also help teachers and adults see first-hand the importance of sports as an avenue to responsibility and success.
Speakers and dates:
October 14: J.R. LaRose (Football)
October 21: Dakota Louis (Bullrider)
October 28: Kendra Jessie (Dancer, Fitness Coach & Tiktok influencer)
November 4: Mathew Rathbone (Hockey)
November 12: Sonya Dodginghorse (Barrel Racing)
November 18: Angie Lightning (the importance of sports for youth)
Tickets are available online (one price for the whole family).
Pay School Fees Online!
School fee information for the 2021-22 school year is now posted on the PowerSchool Parent Portal. All fees are due within 30 days of being posted. To access your fee information, simply log in to the PowerSchool Parent Portal and go to “Student Fees.” There you can view your fees and pay them online using Visa, MasterCard or debit card—when available from your financial institution.
Don’t forget to also log in to the PowerSchool Parent Portal regularly throughout the year. Fees are often added to your child’s account to cover the cost of various school activities such as field trips, class projects, extracurricular activities fees and more.
If circumstances exist where you are unable to pay your fees, you can apply to have fees waived by submitting an Application for a Waiver of Fees. The application deadline is Dec. 15, 2021.
For more information about school fees, waivers and payment deadlines, visit and Lakeland Ridge Fees. Alternatively, contact Cathy Eyben at Lakeland Ridge School at 780-416-9018.
Hello Lakeland Ridge Families!
We just wanted to send an update for all of the families regarding The Local Loyalty Card Fundraiser. All sales need to be in by October 15, end of day,
Queen of Hearts Presents The Local Loyalty Royal Flush! Want to have a chance of winning a $500 gift card of your choice? Queen of Hearts will do a draw for any family that sells over 10 loyalty cards!!! The top selling 5 students will also receive a lower denomination gift card of their choice for all their hard work! And remember, your child’s school will receive $15 back for each card sold to go towards their fundraising program!! It’s a win win!! You’re supporting local, saving at places you already frequent and help your child’s school fundraise for the items they need!!
Our Athletics Schedule is constantly being updated, please reference our athletics calendar for upcoming information.
All home games and select away games will be broadcast via Livestream by the host school. Our home games will be live on our YouTube channel.
In order to limit the potential spread of COVID-19 during EIPS athletic events, spectators are not permitted at practices and games at this time. We ask that when dropping off or picking up student athletes outside the school, parents and guardians maintain a 2-metre distance from other families.
This will be consistent in all EIPS buildings as we follow the Metro Athletics guide.
Lakeland Ridge Jr High Agendas
The agenda is an important classroom tool in school as it helps with communication between the school and home and assists students with organization and preparation. We have a limited amount of Jr High LLR agendas. The agendas are available on a first-come, first-served basis until our supply has been depleted. A form went home with each Jr High student, if you wish to have an agenda for your Jr High student, complete and return to the office.
Improving Home-School Communication
Bell Schedule
Municipal Election 2021: Vote October 18
The next municipal election, which includes the election of local school board trustees, takes place on Monday, Oct. 18, 2021. It’s your opportunity to get involved in public education by casting your vote for a public school trustee.
EIPS Trustee Election information
Electors can cast their votes for municipal candidates—mayors, reeves, councillors, as applicable—and school board trustee candidates—public or separate. Voting stations are typically open from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Each municipality conducts the election for its residents and establishes formal voting station hours and procedures.
To learn more about election day procedures in your area, including opportunities for advance voting and voting by special ballot, visit: