Weekly Newsletter
Immaculate Conception + St. Joseph School
October 5, 2023
Middle School students enjoyed a field trip to Dyersville last week. They began with Mass in the Basilica.
FUN RUN Tomorrow!
Thank you for making this year’s Fun Run a great success! We still have one night to go and we are on a roll! We appreciate your going all out on this fundraiser to make our classroom makeovers and educational field trips possible. We also give a huge round of applause to our parent committee members who have helped with organization, sponsorships, prizes, set up for and assistance at the event, and so much more.
Here are the details for tomorrow.
- We invite you to join us at the football field for the Fun Run. Parents must be in place by 12:45 for the safety of our students.
- New this year K-8 students will be running from school to the football field as part of the Fun Run. They are leaving at 12:45, so the streets must be clear. We have paired classes of older students with the younger ones, and they will have 12th grade team captains and teachers alongside. We are excited about this parade type of entry to the Fun Run and are grateful to the fire department and police for escorting us and clearing the streets.
- Dismissal: You may take your K-8 student home directly from the football field. Students who are going to ABC will ride the bus back to IC with the preschoolers. Students who normally ride the school bus home will be able to do that from the field. Please make sure your childs teacher knows dismissal plans.
- Preschool will be bused at 12:45 to the field and to IC after the event. Pick up for preschoolers will be at Immaculate Conception unless preschool staff have been notified of other plans.
- What to wear? Comfortable running shoes and either construction gear or a Bosco shirt. Father Diehm is allowing us to be out of uniform for Mass, but we still need to look respectable. The high tomorrow is expected to be 54° F, so please dress your student(s) in layers. Sweatpants are okay and a jacket is requested.
- Backpacks are not needed tomorrow. Students will not need to take water bottles to the run as we will have water and a post-run snack there for them. Hot lunch will still be served if your child wants cold, we ask you send it in a bag that can be thrown away.
If you’re new or haven’t been with us before, here is what to expect. In addition to finishing the run on the track, students will be taking class photos and we will watch the fun results of several challenges that our classes and school have met.
Let’s keep the fire going and get more pledges and donations tonight! We can’t wait to celebrate tomorrow!
From Mrs. Zimmerman
On Sept. 29th the middle school students were able to enjoy a faith-filled and educational field trip thanks to Fun Run donations. The students started their day with mass at the Basilica of St. Francis Xavier in Dyersville. After mass they received a tour and learned about the history of the Basilica. Then students traveled to the Field of Dreams. They ate their lunches and enjoyed some time playing on the field. The students ended their day at Sherman's Pumpkin Farm and Corn Maze in Manchester. They got to try out the corn maze and they enjoyed a hay rack ride. It was a great day! Thanks for your continued support of the Fun Run to make these field trips possible!
Parent- Teacher Conferences
Dear IC Families!
If you have not signed up for conferences yet, please do! Conferences are so important to fulfilling the Mission Statement of the Bosco Catholic Schools, which reads:
Mission: With support from families, we respect and encourage students to reach their potential Spiritually by developing a strong relationship with Jesus and knowledge of His Church, Academically by igniting learning, leadership, and life skills, Physically by learning about and living healthy habits and Socially by becoming active members of the community who serve others as stewards of the Gospel so they are the Light of Christ in the world.
Conferences are a great time to meet face to face to hear how well your child is doing in all of the areas of our mission statement here at school and for you to share with us how they are doing from your home perspective! Thanks so much! See you next week! Oct 9&10
Nurse's Corner
It's Fall Ya'll! The fall brings cooler outdoor weather, harvest, pumpkins and hayrides, It also brings the return of those pesky seasonal allergies, runny noses and coughs. It can be difficult to distinguish between cold symptoms or seasonal allergies. Here are some suggestions to help navigate through this time of year.
-Allergy symptoms such as sneezing, stuffy, runny nose; itchy, watery eyes can be experienced as long as the allergen(such as pollen or ragweed) is present. Best treatment is with antihistamines and decongestants.
-Common cold symptoms, such as stuffy, runny nose; sore throat and cough can last up to two weeks. Treat with rest, fluids, and over the counter medications to ease symptoms.
Archery Informational Meeting
There will be an informational parent meeting about our Archery team in the St. Mary Center commons on Tuesday, October 24 at 6:00pm. Bosco Archery is open to students in grades 4-12. If your student is interested in archery this year, please attend the meeting.
Youth Group
Youth group will meet on November 1st and November 8th from 6:15-7:30pm in the HS FCS room. All 8th grade- 12th graders are welcome!
Fire Prevention Week
Fire Prevention week is October 8- 14.
“Fires Won't Wait. Plan Your Escape”.
Kindergarten, first and second grades will be visiting the Gilbertville Fire Station on October 11 to learn about fire safety.
The Fire Safety House will be here Wednesday, October 11 for our 3-4-5 grades to tour. The Fire Safety House is a mobile, fire education tool designed to teach vital burn prevention and fire escape methods through a fun, safe simulation of common household hazards. The Fire Safety House is equipped with a kitchen, living room and bedroom, which features the types of dangers children, should look for.
In addition, the house fills with non-toxic smoke to teach children to crawl low to safety. A heated door helps children choose the right exit. An escape ladder in the bedroom allows them to practice emergency escapes.
Instruments Needed
Instruments are needed for beginning 5th graders that are wanting to begin in the band program this year. Instruments of all types, but especially Clarinets and French Horns are greatly needed. With the large group of students starting in band last year and then this year so far, the shelves in the music room that had available horns are now empty. It is a nice problem to have, but a problem nonetheless. If anybody has any extra instruments that they are willing to donate or sell to the school for a low price, please contact Mr. Mikita @ mmikita@boscocatholic.org Thank You!
Parish News
Immaculate Conception Parish Harvestfest is Sunday, October 15, 2023. This is a huge fundraiser for our parish. We need lots of help to make Harvestfest a success. Volunteers still needed for clean up. Please be generous with your time. If you are unable to sign up in the Heritage Room please call or email Carol Berry to sign up. (319-296-1089 or cberry@boscocatholic.org)
Please pick up your raffle tickets in the back of church. If you would like your raffle tickets sent home with your student, email Ms. Berry at cberry@boscocatholic.org . We are unable to mail the raffle tickets due to Iowa law. You may return tickets with money to school clearly marked Harvestfest Raffle Tickets and Ms. Berry will get them turned in.
Picture Retake
Picture retake day will be Wednesday, October 11. If your student will be having their picture retaken, they must return the complete original picture package on retake day. If a student was absent on the original picture day, they need to bring their completed picture envelope and money on retake day or order online. To order online go to: http://halverson-photography.hhimagehost.com/2022DonBosco
Leaf Raking Service Project
On Friday, October 27, the middle school students will be participating in our annual leaf raking service project for the elderly and disabled citizens of our community. Please have elderly and disabled citizens who would like their yard raked that day call the IC office at 319-296-1089 or email Ms. Berry at cberry@boscocatholic.org with name and address.
Each middle school student needs one package of lawn/leaf bags and a rake. These may be brought in at anytime. No rakes on Waterloo buses.
Winter Sports Gear
Winter sports are just around the corner. Grab you basketball and cheer gear now!
Both stores will close on October 13.
Basketball Store:
Cheer Store:
Thank you for supporting the Bosco Booster Club and all student extracurricular activities
Boys Basketball Camp
Sign up deadline October 13.
- October 6: Fun Run
- October 8: Youth Choir
- October 8-14: Fire prevention week
- October 9 and 10: Conferences
- October 13: Booster Cheer and Basketball Store closes
- October 12 and 13: NO SCHOOL office closed
- October 15 : Harvestfest
- October 29: Hs/Ms Choir Concert 6pm
- October 29: Youth Choir
With support from families, we respect and encourage students to reach their potential
- Spiritually by developing a strong relationship with Jesus and knowledge of His church,
- Academically by igniting learning, leadership and life skills,
- Physically by learning about and living healthy habits and
- Socially by becoming active members of the community who serve others as stewards of the Gospel so they are the light of Christ in the world.
Submit newsletter articles to icsjnewsletter@boscocatholic.org by 3 PM on Wednesdays.
Website: boscocatholic.org
Facebook boscocatholic.org
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 256, Gilbertville, IA 50634
Immaculate Conception K-8
311 16th Ave
Gilbertville, Iowa 50634
St Joseph Center PS/PK
6916 Lafayette Rd
Raymond, Iowa 50667