Oxford Weekly Parent Newsletter
Dates to Remember
Thursday, October 26 Records Day AM, Conferences PM (NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS)
Friday, October 27 Parent Conferences AM, Professional Development PM (NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS)
October 31 Trunk or Treat (2:00-3:00)
From the Desk of the nurse
Hello Oxford families,
We’re excited to announce that the Metro School Health mobile team will be back at Oxford on Friday Oct 13th.
They are happy to see your students for check ups, sports physicals, medication refills, needed school vaccines, or anything else your family could use support with.
If you have already filled out a Metro consent form, no need to do another! If you haven’t, they can be found on the district website Metro enrollment form or pick up a scannable QR code from the school nurse.
If you’d like an appointment, please call School Nurse Margie Rossander at 216.320.4955 or Heights Wellness Center at 216.957.1303.
Parent Teacher Conferences
Trunk or Treat
Jackie Taylor, Principal
Email: j_taylor@chuh.org
Website: chuh.org
Location: 939 Quilliams Road, Cleveland Heights, OH, USA
Phone: (216)371-6525
Twitter: @CHUHOxford
Toni White, Assistant Principal
Email: toni_white@chuh.org
Website: chuh.org
Location: 939 Quilliams Road, Cleveland Heights, OH, USA
Phone: 216-371-6525