Dolphin Splash
Jackie Robinson Academy Weekly Newsletter 11/4/23
Dear JROB Families!
At school. On time. Everyday. Maintaining good school attendance everyday is one of the most important gifts you can give your child. Not only do you ensure that students are not missing out on valuable instruction, being on time and at school everyday builds excellent habits for college and career by teaching children the importance of managing time wisely, keeping to a schedule, and being responsible for the learning and participation that takes place daily in class.
When your child misses a baseball or soccer game, they let down their teammates who depend on them for the part they play on the team. When children miss school, they not only miss out on their own education, the let down their team at Jackie Robinson. Friends, buddy classrooms, and collaborative groups all depend on the efforts of each child for the collective learning of the group. Believe it or not, when you're not here, we miss you!
Lastly, the more school is missed, the harder it is to catch up with missed work, and the harder it is to come back. Help your child build the skills they need for success for coming to school on time everyday. And, when you're sick or have a doctor's appointment, bring a note and clear the absence.
Learn more about why attendance matters by watching the video below:
Your proud principal,
Rebecca Ngo
This Week at JROB:
Saturday, November 4th
- High School Choice Fair at Cabrillo, 9:00am-12:00pm
Sunday, November5th
- Daylight Savings (Fall back) - Set your clocks back one hour!
Monday, November 6th
- Parent Conferences 1:00pm Early Dismissal
- No After School Tutoring
Tuesday, November 7th
- Parent Conferences 1:00pm Early Dismissal
- No After School Tutoring
Wednesday, November 8th
- Parent Conferences 1:00pm Early Dismissal
Thursday, November 9th
- Coffee with the Principal, 8:00am
- Parent Conferences 1:00pm Early Dismissal
- No After School Tutoring
Friday, November 10th
- No School - Veterans Day Holiday
Upcoming Dates
- Thursday, November 9th - Coffee with the Principal: Understanding the Common Core State Standards (after drop off at 8:00am)
- Wednesday, November 15th - JROB Friendsgiving (see flyer below)
- Wednesday, November 15th - Advanced Bank to perform at Band Spectacular at LBCC Veterans Stadium, 3:30-8:30PM
- Thursday, December 7th - Fall Picture Retakes
Minimum Day Schedule November 2nd-9th, 1pm Dismissal for All Students
Coffee with the Principal
Parent Education Workshop: Building a Positive School Climate
Parent Resources
Jackie Robinson Academy
Location: Jackie Robinson Academy, Pine Avenue, Long Beach, CA, USA
Phone: (562) 492-6003