Notes from Principal Zeman
December 8th, 2023
ISD 728 Prevention and Safety: Resources for Families and Parents
Please visit THIS SITE which contains family and parent resources to support mental health, social and emotional learning (job preparedness skills), safety, alcohol and substance abuse and more. The information on this page will be updated regularly with new resources, community events relating to these issues and other important information relating to Prevention & Safety.
With the holidays approaching and more quality time at home this month, take time to connect early and often with your children about important health and safety topics like the dangers of drug use.
You can also use this time to engage in fun and meaningful activities, create moments of one-on-one time and develop family traditions. Sometimes we think the big moments make a lasting impact. However, the collection of small moments make real lasting connections.
Developing a strong bond with your child, especially during the teenage years, can help teens form their own values that will help them make positive choices throughout their lives.
Reminder 8th Grade Students Only
Course registration for ERHS incoming 9th grade students is due on Friday, December 15 at 3:00 pm. If you are struggling with filling out the online registration, please reach out to our counseling office or the ERHS Counselors for assistance.
Last Names A-E: Ashley Cloutier, ashley.cloutier@isd728.org
Last Names F-K: Trista Rudstrom, trista.rudstrom@isd728.org
Last Names L-Ri: Erin Shermak, erin.shermak@isd728.org
Last Names Rj-Z: Jase Meyer, jase.meyer@isd728.org
All the registration information presented by the high school is available here:
Students of the Week
Clara Helle and Claire Insel
Elise Henderson
Important Dates
December 12, 7:00 - Tri-Elk-A-Thon Planning Meeting (in the Media Center)
December 14, 7:00 - 7th and 8th Grade Choir Concert
December 15, 3:00 - ERHS registration due for current 8th grade students
December 22-January 1 - No School, Winter Break
January 2 - Return to School
January 5, 5th & 6th hour - 8th Grade Career Day
January 15 - No School, Martin Luther King Jr. Day