Lincoln Elementary Newsletter
September 2023
Welcome Back
Thank you to the HSA for sponsoring our signage on the first day of school!
2023-2024 School Year is Off to a Great Start!
The first month of school is now behind us and everyone is settling into the new school year. Our littlest learners have been acclimating to the daily routines and our 3rd graders have been taking on some big tasks such as the morning announcements. There is such a strong sense of community at Lincoln Elementary School. Our entire staff aims to meet the needs of our students and their dedication to their craft is commendable.
Some of our staff members during the first week of school.
Important Dates 📅
10/9 School Closed- Teacher In-Service
10/20 Picture Day (Information will go home the week of October 16th)
10/26 W.I.N. Night @ 7 PM (Letters for specific students will be sent home)
10/31 Halloween Parade 🎃👻
11/9-10 School Closed- Teachers Convention
11/17, 20, & 21 Parent-Teacher Conferences
11/22 Early Dismissal 1 PM
11/23-24 School Closed- Thanksgiving 🦃
School-Wide Events
We hosted two school-wide events during the month of September. The first was an ESL Family Night which was geared toward our Spanish-speaking families. This event was held on September 12th and translated by our World Language teacher, Senora Blake. It was organized by Senora Blake and Mrs. Holmes, our English-Second Language teacher. Additionally, Mrs. Rigas, our school counselor, also assisted in preparing for the evening.
We held our Back to School Night on September 21st. Based upon feedback from several parents and staff members, the format of the evening was altered. This change allowed time for families to interact with the special area teachers, interventionists, and special education teachers. Additionally, the change in format ensured that every parent/guardian could hear the welcome message from the principal and other staff members from the comfort of their child's homeroom. The building was buzzing with parents/guardians and the feedback was very positive. As always, your insight into making our events run smoother is always welcomed!
PRIDE in Public Education is a campaign that shares the successes of New Jersey’s public schools while building community support and involvement.
The RBEA supports many school/community-sponsored events including: Back-to-School Night, the "Darks Lake Spooktacular", and the sponsorship of athletic teams in town.
Senora Blake teaches Spanish at Lincoln and TJ. She is a huge asset to our Spanish-speaking families.
Ms. Stein teaches our Gifted and Talented program at Lincoln and TJ. She is in her 6th year in the Rockaway Borough School District.
In Our Classrooms
We are R.A.M.S. (more than our mascot)
The R.A.M.S. program was established more than ten years ago and has evolved over time. Our current committee, made up of various staff members, has revamped the program for the 2023-2024 school year. As a positive behavioral interventions and support system, R.A.M.S. is infused into all aspects of Lincoln's school culture. Any staff member can recognize a student or class for exhibiting R.A.M.S. behaviors.
R-Respect self and others A-Achieve excellence M-Make good choices S-Stay safe
Our students have been exceeding our expectations within the first month of school! We have seen many students earning R.A.M.S. stickers for their excellent behavior. When a student earns a "RAM" they also have their name entered into a raffle. At the end of the month, one student will be selected from each class, in addition to as a class winner. The class winner will display the trophy in their classroom for the entire month in addition to earning a class prize. All winners for the month will participate in a school-wide parade. A great discussion to have with your child is about the choices they can make in school and at home to demonstrate RAMS.
Individual Winners in September:
Mrs. Leslie/Mrs. Grlica- Emma Suarez
Mrs. Conway-Jade Ross-
Ms. Lawton- Reagan Barkocy
Mrs. Schwarz-Laura Cabrera
Ms. Doering- Jade Rueda
Ms. Tajiddin- Chloe Dougherty
Mrs. Yobs- Naevia Dawkins
Mrs. Jones-Zack Dalton-Huebner
Mrs. Medore-Colby Alvarenga
Mrs. Tuluca-Rachelle Arias
Mr. Kadus-Sara Jean- Kadus
Ms. Schumacher-Alisha Cisneros Adams
Mrs. Thompson-Ryder Schiller-Romero
Mrs. Schwarz' kindergarten class was our RAMS' Class Winner for the month of September! They enjoyed some extra time outside with chalk and bubbles.
Students enjoyed "Friday FUNday" with Mrs. Holmes, ESL teacher, getting to practice how to ask questions while playing everyone's favorite game, Guess Who.
Kindergarteners from Mrs. Conway's class were on a hunt looking for the letter "L" and found themselves searching in Principal Skomial's office. Their excitement was contagious!
Mrs. Leslie's preschoolers helped add some more scarecrows to our fall decor outside. They have been enjoying all of the extra special touches that were added to the exterior of our school.
Welcome to our New Staff
Important Reminders
From Principal Skomial
- Let's remember to arrive no later than 8:30 AM.
- Pack a nutritious snack, lunch, and drink.
- Dress for the weather. We go outside as much as possible.
- Reach out to your child's teacher and our administrative assistant, Mrs. Murphy (kmurphy@rockboro.org), if your child is going to be absent. Health concerns and questions can be directed to Mrs. Jacobus (djacobus@rockboro.org).
From Officer Mark:
Our children's safety is of utmost importance. Please be reminded of the following rules when picking up your children:
- K-turns are only permitted in the designated area (near the TJ driveway).
- Please do not park against traffic.
- No parking in the staff lot.
- No turning around in the staff lot.
From the Nurses:
Please remember to keep your children at home if they are feeling ill. We want to do our best to keep our students and faculty healthy so we need your help. Thank you for your diligence!
Home and School Association Updates
The next meeting is on 10/11 @ 7:30 PM at Lincoln Elementary. Childcare will be available.
Spirit Wear Shirts (<--linked) are $12. Orders will be delivered to school and provided to your child(ren).
Charleston Wrap fundraiser is due by 10/30. 💰
Membership Drive- Sign up through this link. The grade with the highest percentage of student/family membership can win a $50 Amazon gift card for each teacher in that grade.
Raffle Tickets - $10/ticket with winning ticket being pulled during Winter Wonderland on December 9th (need not be present to win). 1st prize- 30% of proceeds, 2nd prize 15% of proceeds, 3rd prize 5% of proceeds. Email HSA if you would like a pack of tickets to help sell or to purchase. rbhsa@rockboro.org
Thank you to all of the parents and children who participated in the beautification project. Mrs. Skomial asked for help and you delivered. Our school looks FALLtastic! 🍂
Community News
From Rockaway Borough Library
October 2023 Rockaway Borough Library Programs
Call 973-627-5709 or visit rblibrary.org for details about each event.
Wednesday, October 11 ~ 3:30pm. Ages 6-10. *Registration required.
This month we are painting wood pumpkin ornaments with Ms. Geri.
Monday October 16 ~ 6:00pm. Ages 9 and up. *Registration required.
We welcome back the Joe Kubert Art School for this spooktacular Halloween art class.
Thursday, October 19 ~ 11:00am-12:30pm. Adults 18 and up
Friday, October 20 ~ 11:00am-12:00pm. Adults 18 and up. *Registration required.
Come to the library to work on your art journal! Art Journals are a visual diary where you can explore memories, thoughts, feelings, emotions, etc. with any type of art you enjoy. Participants can bring supplies from home or share ours as they work on creating a new page for their journal. First-time participants will receive a journal of their own to use.
Monday, October 23 ~ 1:30pm. Adults 18 and up. *Registration required.
Special visit from Weis dietician Kimberly who will be whipping up a fall treat.
Wednesday, October 25 ~ 6:30 pm. Ages 18 and up. *Registration required.
Reserve a copy of How to Sell a Haunted House by Grady Hendrix. Participate in a discussion about the book at the meeting.
Friday, October 27 ~ 11:00-11:45am. Ages 1-5. *Registration required.
Meet friends for books, coloring and play time! Wear orange and black or your Halloween costume for a treat!
Tuesdays, October 31 ~ 11:00am. Ages 2-5. *Registration required.
Have a ghoulishly good time with Ms. Geri & Mrs. O. in this special Halloween storytime. Wear your costume if you desire.
Saturday, October 28 ~ 12pm. Ages 18+. *Registration required.
Michael Caprio will discuss his memoir, "A Bump in the Road: My Medical Journey over Potholes, Detours and the Bridge to Gratitude." The book is about his battle with a rare genetic condition that has been in his family for four generations. Anyone going through an obstacle in life will appreciate Michael’s perspective. Copies of the book will be available for purchase.
10/28 Dark Lake at Parks Lake 5:30-8:00 pm (free Halloween event at Parks Lake)
Recreation Boro Ball Sign Ups (https://www.rockawayborobasketball.org/)