Thompson Friday Forecast
February 3, 2023
From the Thompson Administration Team
Happy Friday Thunder Families!
This week at Thompson, to align with our ongoing learning around appreciating diversity, we are honoring Black History Month.
Every morning this week we shared a notable historical fact from Black History and in tutorials we had announcements around Black History facts. Today students heard “Lift Every Voice and Sing” to celebrate the freedoms we have today, alongside our Pledge of Allegiance. Lessons in each classroom will vary by team, but there is additional learning in the classroom setting around the importance of Black History.
As part of the Social and Emotional Learning standards, students will also participate in lessons around appreciating diversity. Students will interview peers to practice moving past affinity bias and to develop empathy and respect for all differences within our community.
It is great to see so many of our students taking advantage of the myriad of opportunities beyond the classroom that adds to the middle school experience our students consume. If your middle schooler mentions being bored with school or not having anything school related to do, please encourage them to consider joining a Thompson club or activity. Our club options are listed on the Thompson website.
Have a great winter weekend!
Please click on the link below for more information and to sign up to volunteer.
From the PTO
-Alicia Flint, Holiday Cookie Chair
TMS Health Office Donations
On occasion, students come to the Health Office and need more than an ice pack or a band-aide. While we keep a limited supply on hand, we do need to replenish these items periodically. We would appreciate your donations. Please click on this link.
Thank you, in advance, for your generosity!
Random Acts of Kindness Week 2023 - February 13th-19th.
Join Random Acts Matter during this special week dedicated to Keep Kindness Growing STC! It’s easy to get started, simply look for opportunities to share kindness, care and compassion. NO ACT OF KINDNESS IS TOO SMALL!
Acts can be informal and simple, share a smile even with a mask, open a door for someone, greet a person in public or share an act of kindness in your own home.
Acts can be more organized like those hosted by Random Acts Matter.
Acts can benefit one person, a larger group like your co-workers, neighbors, or the whole community.
Please share your Acts, big or small with them on Facebook at Random Acts Matter, Twitter @RandomActsSTC, Instagram #randomactsmatter. Your kindness may inspire someone to Keep Kindness Growing.
Silent Disco Dance Parties at the St. Charles Public Library
Join other middle schoolers (Grades 6-8) for a silent dance party on Friday, February 10th from 6:30 - 7:30 pm in the Huntley Community Room of the St. Charles Public Library. They will have headphones, playlists and glowsticks! You bring your blacklight reactive clothing and dancing feet! Choose from one of three playlists to listen to or switch between them all. Colored lights on the headphones will show you who else is dancing to your music.
Another party for families will be held the next day, Saturday, February 11, at 3:00 pm! REGISTER
Data Dashboard
D303 Administration has worked with the Board of Education to establish a routine summary on the health of District 303 through a Data Dashboard. This chart, which will be updated monthly on the District website, provides an overview of nine important measurements in the categories of Academics, Operations and Belonging.
TMS After School Tutoring Program
'North Stars Helping Thunder' is an after school tutoring program where St. Charles North High School Honors students help our Thunder students with their homework. This program runs from 3:45 - 4:30 pm every Tuesday and Thursday in the LRC. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Sarah Romano ( or Diane Pollilo (, Thompson Staff Facilitators. Please consider encouraging your child to take advantage of these resources!
Vape: What Parents Should Know
February 16, 2023 (Virtual), 6:00 - 7:00 pm
- Vape: What Parents Should Know is a one-hour informative and engaging presentation that focuses on common devices used for vaping, substances vaped such as nicotine and marijuana, and the health risks associated with vaping and the substances vaped. The presentation includes a backpack demonstration of where teens can hide their devices and examples of common devices.
- Click here to register! A recording will be available after the presentation.
Identifying and Supporting Students with Anxiety
March 1, 2023, 9:30 - 10:30 am and 6:30 - 7:30 pm
Haines Center, Community Room 140
Presenter: Allyse Rehak, MA, LCPC with Riverview Counseling Services
- As anxiety becomes more prevalent in our children, parents want to be able to support their child in managing worries. Come learn more about anxiety and how to build your child’s emotional health.
- Click here to register!
Dates to Remember
- Monday, February 13 - Friday, February 17 - HOPE Week
- Thursday February 16 - Parent University - Vape: What Parents Should Know 6:00 - 7:00 pm (Virtual)
- Monday, February 20 - Presidents Day Holiday - No School for Students
- Wednesday, February 22 - MS Early Release Day - Students are dismissed at 2:52 pm.
- Wednesday, March 1 - Parent University - Identifying and Supporting Students with Anxiety - 9:30 - 10:30 am and 6:30 - 7:30 pm
- Wednesday, March 1 - PTO Meeting (Virtual) - 9:00 - 10:00 am
- Friday, March 3 - Teacher Institute Day - No School for Students
Thompson Middle School
Mrs. Michelle Dague - Interim Principal
Ms. Lindsay Mortensen - Assistant Principal
Mrs. Danielle Moeller - Student Support Coordinator
Mr. Sam Pasholk - Student Support Coordinator
Location: 705 West Main Street
Phone: (331) 228-3100