Huffman Headlines
September 12, 2021
Message from Principal Hickox
Thank you for helping us make the start of the school year a success! We are so happy to be back in person with students. There are challenges of course, but when we think back to where we were one year ago, we are all thankful to have students in person at school.
I will send these all school newsletters twice a month to keep you informed about all school events and news, but always feel free to contact me or your child's teacher directly anytime if you have any questions, concerns, or celebrations to share.
Molly Hickox, Principal
Huffman Elementary School
Absence Reporting
Don't Forget to Follow the Traffic Pattern!
Meet our new Health/SEL teacher!
Don't Forget to Send Extra Masks to School Each Day!!
FastBridge Assessments
FastBridge is the ASD benchmark assessment for students in grades K-2 in reading and mathematics. Grades 3-6 may also use FastBridge as a progress monitoring tool. FastBridge utilizes curriculum-based measures and is used by schools as part of the ASD Comprehensive Assessment System to support informed instructional decisions.
FastBridge will only be administered in-person during the benchmark windows listed below
Fall 2021: September 7 - September 30
Winter 2021: November 29 - December 10
Spring 2022: March 14 - April 1
Results for students that were assessed during a benchmark window, will be available in Parent Connect the week after each benchmark window closes ParentConnection Login Information
MAP Growth Assessments
MAP Growth is the ASD benchmark assessment for students in grades 3-9 in reading and mathematics. Grades 10-12 also take MAP Growth as part of Tier II and Tier III reading and mathematics courses.
MAP Growth is an online benchmark assessment tool used for instructional purposes. MAP Growth is an adaptive assessment that provides each student with a personalized testing experience with data that speaks to their individual progress and growth in mathematics and reading. Practice tests and accommodations are available. The MAP Growth Benchmark will be administered in person during the benchmark windows for 2021-2022:
* Fall Benchmark 1—September 27 - October 8
* Winter Benchmark 2—November 29 - December 10
* Spring Benchmark 3—April 18 - April 29
MAP Growth Benchmark practice tests are available to allow students the opportunity to become familiar with the types of questions and tools available on the actual MAP Grow assessments such as the highlighter and calculator. Practice tests are provided at and require login information (USERNAME: grow PASSWORD: grow) to access.
COVID Health Information
Receive a negative molecular test. * ASD is not accepting antigen tests or at-home tests.
Obtain a doctor note that states that the symptoms are not COVID related (Chronic Condition/Symptom Release Form)
Isolate for 10-days from the start of symptoms (can return to school/work on Day 11)-re-testing not required after quarantine
ASD guidelines for close contacts have been updated as of Friday, September 10. If a student is identified as a close contact of a confirmed positive case, here are the current guidelines:
If I have had a positive Covid test in the past 90 days, I do not need to quarantine. 90 days begins on the date the test was collected.
10-day quarantine is recommended but not required at ASD. If opting to quarantine you may return to school/work on Day 11.
Day 0 is the last day that you were exposed to the positive person
If you have no symptoms, you may return to school/work. The CDC recommends that you receive a lab-confirmed, molecular-based test on or after Day 6. This is not required at ASD.
ASD requires universal masking at school. It is recommended by the CDC that you wear a mask in public and monitor symptoms for 14-days from the last day of exposure.
We will continue to notify families if there is a positive case in your child's classroom, and if your child has been determined to be a close contact or not. If you have questions about the new guidelines, please reach out to Nurse Krista at
Testing: If your child is symptomatic and you need to get a COVID test, here are some links for places that offer molecular based tests:
All testing sites in Anchorage
For symptomatic students, many people have had success getting rapid molecular based tests at the Capstone Clinic on Dimond and Calista Ct, and results have come in just under a couple of hours.
PE News from Mrs. Miller
Outdoor P.E.
It is wonderful to have Huffman students back in the gym this year! We are making a big effort to take P.E. classes outside everyday (a little rain won't stop us). Exercising outside in the fresh air gives students a chance to get some fresh air without masks and it greatly increases both their moods and ability to focus on schoolwork. Please be sure your children are dressed for success on P.E. days with a light jacket/sweatshirt, appropriate footwear for running, and hat/gloves as the weather gets cooler.
Cross Country Running Update
Huffman Cross Country Running has been a huge success! We have almost 220 students registered and a whole crew of volunteer parents & teachers. Practice will continue Tuesday & Thursday until September 23rd. Thanks for being AWESOME Husky Runners!
The ASD Health P.E. Department has cancelled all of their district wide elementary activities so unfortunately there will not be a South Area Running Jamboree at Service this fall. Stay posted for a potential Spring Jamboree!
Bikes & Scooters in P.E.
All students will be using scooters (k-2) or bikes (3-6) in P.E. class for the next two weeks. We are excited to borrow the ASD Bike & Scooter trailer! Look in your child's backpack for a note with all of the important details.
XC Running Club
Ultimate Frisbee Club
Battle of the Books
Texas Roadhouse: Dine to Donate!
Wednesday, Sep 22, 2021, 09:00 PM
Texas Roadhouse, Old Seward Highway, Anchorage, AK, USA
Huffman Elementary School
Location: 12000 Lorraine Street, Anchorage, AK, USA
Phone: 907-742-5650