Fernway Flash
September 6, 2023
This has been one of the best starts to a school year yet. Our students and teachers are settling into the daily routines. I am so proud of our Falcons as they have been putting their best efforts into making good behavioral choices and following the expectations that have been discussed. There are so many Falcon Feather tickets being earned. It is incredible! If you don't know what a Falcon Feather is, ask your child. They are very excited about earning them.
The addition of our new school mascot, Freddy, has been another highlight of the year. Look for Freddy at many of our school events. He brings smiles to all.
Our front door arrival procedures should be securely in place now. I do not anticipate any more changes to take place. Thank you so much for your patience while we worked through the procedures. I appreciated your feedback and suggestions. We worked closely with the police departments and district administrators to develop the plan. Safety of students and staff are always the focus.
Let's make this September one to remember!
Mrs. Hutchinson
Important Dates in September
September 4th - No School (Labor Day)
- September 8th - PTO Hot Lunch Orders are due
- September 11th - Patriot Day Wear Red, White, and Blue
- September 13th - Fall Picture Day
- September 13th - Andrew's VALT Athletes read to students
- September 21st - Board of Education Meeting 7:00 p.m
September 22nd - Half Day (Dismissal at 11:10 a.m.)
- September 25th - PTO Meeting @ 5:30
- September 25th thru 29th - Book Fair
Introducing PBIS
PBIS is an evidence-based approach aimed at promoting a safe, respectful, and nurturing school climate. Its core principles center around teaching and reinforcing positive behaviors to create a supportive learning environment for all students. We have three guiding principles for our students at Fernway..
- Be Respectful
- Be Responsible
- Be a Friendly Falcon
Here is a link to a short video that will explain to you what PBIS will look like at Fernway. Please take a few minutes to watch it and learn about what our expectations are, discover what minors and majors are, and hear about our prizes and rewards. The monthly prizes for September are a squishmallow, a $15 gift card to 5 Below, and a Falcon Dash lunch. I can't wait to see whose name is drawn at the end of September for these prizes.
We are very excited too see the positive impact PBIS will have on our school community. Our students are also excited as we have been introducing the program to them and teaching them what the behavioral expectations are. We just love rewarding our students for making good choices.
Parent Square
KSD 140 uses ParentSquare for all school communication, primarily with email, text, and app notifications. ParentSquare automatically generates an account for each parent, using their preferred email address and phone number. We encourage parents to access their accounts so they can download the mobile app and update their preferences on when and how they are notified.
Please visit ParentSquare.com to register or download the app today using the links below.
Bringing Our Best Every Day
Mrs. Hutchinson
Website: https://www.ksd140.org/fernway
Location: 16600 South 88th Avenue, Orland Park, IL, USA
Phone: 708-349-3810
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FernwaySchool/
Twitter: @FernwayFalcons