Parent Partnership
News & Resources from your School Counselor & Success Coach
News and Updates from Mrs. Reverman and Mrs. Hargrave
Dear Findley Families,
I have loved my first 3 weeks getting to know Findley students through the weekly SEL lessons, lunch groups, and Seesaw assignments. I love their smiles and enthusiasm!
Hope is on the horizon as many in our community are beginning to receive vaccinations to protect us all from COVID-19. Along with this comes more concrete plans for an eventual return to school buildings, starting with our youngest students. Families are being asked to make difficult decisions this month about having their students remain in CDL or commit to returning to the school with a "hybrid" plan. There is still uncertainty, but also relief that we will get to resume some version of in-person school in the coming months.
Thank you so much for your support of Social Emotional Learning. Please reach out to your SEL team if you have any questions or concerns.
Carolyn and Su
AVID in Middle School
Our 5th grade students will learn about AVID this month and have an opportunity to apply for the AVID elective in 6th grade, a program available at all BSD middle and high schools. AVID is a college-readiness program that can be particularly helpful to students who would be first generation college attenders. I welcome questions from 5th graders and parents! (Click the AVID link to watch a video).
Clothes For Kids
Appointments are available now!
Clothes for Kids, previously known as the Clothes Closet, is open and well stocked! The link to schedule an online Clothes for Kids Appointment is under the Families tab on the District's website. Appointments are available on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 9:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. or on Wednesdays between 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
Appointments are not needed to make a donation. For the program, donations are best when the program is open during the times listed above. Or, there are two donation bins on the walkway in front of the program that are available Monday through Friday during normal business hours.
Youth Contact is offering Nurturing Hope, a 12-week parenting series for parents / caregivers with children with special needs or health challenges ages birth to 10, in an online format in both English and Spanish. The series starts on Monday, February 22 and concludes Monday, May 17, and each class runs from 6:30-8:00pm. A unique opportunity in the online series is that facilitators will check in with families by phone to help them cope with their particular parenting issues. Registration is now open and filling, so interested families register online at https://youthcontact.org/classes/ or email Sarah Healy at sarah_healy@beaverton.k12.or.us if you have questions.
Youth Contact will also be offering The ABCs of Parenting a 7-week online series in English and Spanish meeting once a week on Wednesdays from 6:30-7:30 starting 4/7-5/19. This series is for parents / caregivers of children 2-8, and includes an overview of positive and nurturing parenting practices. Registration is also open online at https://youthcontact.org/classes/. If you have questions, please email Sarah Healy at sarah_healy@beaverton.k12.or.us.
Upcoming SEL Lessons
Kindergartners have been learning about Kelso's Choices. Big problems are when we feel unsafe or in danger, and we tell an adult. Small problems are problems we can solve by ourselves trying out a few of Kelso's Choices: Go to another game, Share and Take Turns, Talk It Out, Walk Away, Ignore It, Tell Them To Stop, Apologize, Make a Deal, & Wait and Cool Off.
1st & 2nd Graders have been working on Communication: listening and responding to others, engaging in conversation, and being assertive.
3rd, 4th, & 5th Graders have been learning about Problem Solving. The students learn constructive approaches to resolving conflict, focusing on conflict resolution steps that facilitate healthy relationship patterns.
February 17th- No SEL (4 day week)
February 24nd- No SEL (4 day week)
March 3rd -
K- Seesaw Lesson Only
1&2- Seesaw Lesson Only
3-5- Live Zoom and Seesaw Lesson
March 10th -
K- Live Zoom and Seesaw Lesson
1&2- Live Zoom and Seesaw Lesson
3-5- Seesaw Lesson Only
March 17th -
K- Seesaw Lesson Only
1&2- Seesaw Lesson Only
3-5- Live Zoom and Seesaw Lesson