Corbett School Newsletter
March 2023
Corbett SD Calendar Dates to Remember
- March 02 – End of Trimester
- March 08 – Kindergarten Kick-Off
- March 08 – Regular School Board Meeting
- March 09 – PTA Meeting
- March 22 – Cardinal Booster Club Meeting
- March 27-31 – Spring Break
Multicultural Calendar
Women’s History Month: honors the role of women in American history
March 8 – International Women’s Day: A day highlighting the political, social, cultural, and economic achievements of women.
March 8 – Holi: Hindu holiday that celebrates the winter harvest and onset of spring.
March 10 – Harriet Tubman’s birthday (observed): American abolitionist who is well-known for her key role in the Underground Railroad.
March 17 – St. Patrick’s Day: feast day of a Catholic saint who inspires cultural and religious celebrations around the world.
March 21 – International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.
March 22 to April 21 – Ramadan: the start of Islam’s sacred month — during this time Muslims abstain from eating and drinking from dawn until dusk.
Video Message from Superintendent Dr. Derek Fialkiewicz
~Public Meetings~
Regular School Board Meeting
- At this time it is assumed the meeting will be offered hybrid: in person and via Zoom.
- The meeting agenda including the Zoom link will be posted here 3 days prior to the meeting: https://meetings.boardbook.org/Public/Organization/1554
- Everyone is welcome, and each meeting includes time for public comment. The agenda will provide instructions for public comment.
- 2022-23 School Board Members: Michelle Vo - Board Chair; Todd Mickalson- Board Vice Chair, Bob Buttke, Katey Kinnear, Todd Redfern, Rebecca Bratton, David Granberg. Co-Student Representatives - Anneliese Loveland and Elizabeth Loveland.
Wednesday, Mar 8, 2023, 07:00 PM
~Big News~
In District Kindergarten Enrollement
~Mental Health Grant Update~
Interview by Michelle Smith
The new Corbett Superintendent, Dr. Derek Fialkiewicz, hails from Buffalo, New York. He was born in Buffalo and was adopted at the age of 18 months. Derek was an only child to his parents. His dad was a math teacher for 35 years and Derek wanted to be just like him. His mom worked with Key Bank for over 40 years, and his stepfather is a semi-retired electrician. All three parents who raised him are still living and close friends. During his childhood, Derek loved to play sports. During highschool, he played basketball and lettered in track and cross country. College was always "the nextstep" and so that was his focus. Derek mom did not attend college; his dad has a master's degree in math and his stepdad has an associate's degree in engineering. Derek chose Fredonia State University on the basis of being a strong teacher prep school as well as having a championship track program. Derek lettered in three sports (cross country, indoor track and outdoor track) and was a three-time state champion in track while attending FSU. He credits the success to his competitive nature and love of running, which are still with him today. While student teaching in Western New York, Derek decided to move to the warmer climate after he stepped into an icy cold puddle while getting into his car. After graduation he moved to Las Vegas at the advice of a friend. Derek was hired as a math and computer science teacher at Green Valley High School in Las Vegas where he also coached track and cross country. It was during this time that he met and married his first wife, and they had two sons, Marek and Colin. Derek met his current wife, Kelly, at a math conference in Sparks, Nevada. They married in 2011, adding her kids, Katie, Michael, and Angelina to the combined family. After teaching math and computer science for 10 years, Derek transitioned to professional development, helping other math teachers, for two years. He then had an opportunity to become Dean of Students at Bonanza High School for 3.5 years. He loved that job because it provided the opportunity for him to positively impact the students who needed him most. Derek then became the assistant principal at Cram Middle School in North Las Vegas. Derek stayed for five years. In that time he was named Nevada's Assistant Principal of the Year as well as a top three finalist for the National Assistant Principal of the Year in 2017. Soon after receiving this award, Derek was hired as principal of Lied Middle School. He was there for five years and during that time converted it into a STEM magnet school, Lied STEM Academy. He led its transition into one of the top rated middle schools in Nevada. In 2022, Derek was named Magnet Principal of the Year for the Western Region of the US. It was while he was at Lied STEM Academy that he was able, after 10 years of work, to complete his doctorate degree in mathematics education from UNLV.
Why Corbett? Derek and Kelly honeymooned in Lincoln City in 2011. They both fell in love with the area and said aloud that they would love to one day live in Oregon. They came back in 2021 and still felt the same desire to move to Oregon and specifically, the Portland area. When the job position for superintendent was posted for Corbett, the research of the area, the school, and the community began. Derek and Kelly both felt it was a perfect fit. Corbett was the only school district that Derek applied to. At the in-person interview, Derek said he felt very comfortable and thought the Corbett community was very similar to his childhood days growing up in a small town outside of Buffalo. Derek and Kelly both plan to retire in Corbett in ten years. They purchased a home in the community and Kelly was hired as the principal at Camas High School. Six months ago they welcomed their first grandson, Jackson. They continue working on their home and property to warmly welcome all of their visiting adult kids and extended family. They both attend Corbett Community Church and are members of the Columbia Grange. Derek volunteers with Helping Hands at the Grange, attends monthly NEMCCA meetings at the Corbett Fire Hall, and is helping plan the Corbett July 4th Parade and Fun Fest. They are both big sports fans, closely following the Buffalo Bills and the Las Vegas Golden Knights hockey team. Derek feels that there continue to be great days ahead for the Corbett School District. He wants each student to leave high school graduation with as many options as possible. Whether a student chooses college, the military, or a career path, he wants each student to also have a second language mastered and have a musical background. He greatly enjoys talking with both students and parents and has an open-door policy.
~Grade School News~
Corbett has Heart!
Join us in learning about heart health and raising funds to protect all hearts – especially other kids’! Through fun activities we’ll discover ways to take care of our hearts and brains while practicing kindness, gratitude and learning ways to de-stress. Plus, we have the chance to earn PE equipment for our school!
1) Students that register early online will get a special shout out at the Kick Off Assembly.
2) Any student that raises $150 will get to Silly String Ms. Young and others!!
3) The class with the most participation will earn a class party with Popsicles!
4) Students that complete Finn’s Mission will earn a certificate on the wall!!
Event Details
Our event is kicking off on 02/13/2023 and will conclude on 03/10/2023.
Our donation due date is 03/10/2023.
Here is the link for our school if you want more info.
~Middle School News~
764 Math Problems + 8 Pizzas = 1 Win
Corbett sent four teams to Vancouver in February to compete live, for the first time since 2019, in the Math Is Cool competition. We had one team of 6th graders, two teams of 7th graders, and a team of 8th graders. Wow! The students took individual tests, team tests, did the ‘Linda Moore Triple Jump,’ and (everybody’s favorite part…) the College Bowl Round, where they faced off against teams from other schools in a match of both speed and accuracy. Questions concerned probability, area, volume, permutations, algebraic expressions, mental math, and much more. But the best part? The pizza, of course! Eight full pizzas were consumed, along with copious amounts of snack foods and sugar-filled beverages, because it’s hard to deal with pi when you’re busy thinking about a pie. Congrats to all our participants, in particular 8th grader Jackson Chiu and 7th grader Austin Field, who both placed 2nd overall in their grade levels!
~CAPS School News~
~High School News~
February Students of the Month
8th Grade: Mead LaFramboise
- Mead is generous with his time, thoughtful with his comments and kind to his peers. He is an exemplary student and person. I'm glad I get to teach him.--Mr. Rondema
- Mead is a bright, curious and hard-working student. I appreciate the care and effort he puts into his work and even above that the way he asks very good questions in class.--Mr. Cooper
- Mead is insightful and contributes positively to classroom discussions. He is polite and respectful and generally an enjoyable student to have in class!--Ms. Ray
- Mead is highly engaged and curious during Spanish class. He asks genuinely great questions and demonstrates a clear interest in learning the content. Thanks Mead for your hard work!--Mr. Wise
- Mead is always prepared and ready to learn. He’s the first one to participate in class and always is ready to lend a hand to a peer. He’s a joy to have in class and I look forward to working with him next trimester. --Mrs. Pascu
9th Grade: Natalie Stevens
- Natalie is one of the hardest working students I have ever met. She persists even when the concepts are hard. I am so impressed by her work ethic.--Mr. Rondema
- Natalie can always be counted on to do her work and be prepared. She is polite, respectful, thoughtful, and highly capable in all of her endeavors, including her violin!--Mr. Blaeuer
- Natalie advocates for herself and checks in when absent. She has a great attitude about revising and improving work to make it worthy of her esteem. Fantastic student! --Mr. Wallace
- Natalie is a kind and conscientious student. She makes concerted efforts to be the best pupil she can, and always treats others with respect.--Ms. White
- Natalie perseveres with her art projects, and doesn't back away from difficult challenges.--Mr. Young
- Natalie is a joy to have in science class! She is not afraid to dive into whatever the science topic may be, and asks questions to clarify and deepen her understanding. Natalie has an awesome work ethic and is always wanting to ensure she understands everything we do in class. I am grateful to have Natalie in my class this year. --Ms. Trisel
10th Grade: Zach Fredericks
Zach is a thoughtful, hard working young man. He contributes positively to our classroom discussions and interacts respectfully with his peers. I'm grateful for his example and his presence in our community.--Mr. Rondema
Zach is great to have in AP Biology class this year. He is engaged and participates in class discussions and activities to help deepen the learning for everyone. He is always willing to collaborate and help out other students too. Awesome job Zach! --Ms. Trisel
Zach is always prepared and ready to work. He’s always polite and respectful and is ready to help his peers. He takes pride in his work and tries his best on every assignment. Looking forward to continuing to work with him next trimester. --Mrs. Pascu
Zach investigates substantial topics in his art projects and is receptive to feedback.--Mr. Young
11th Grade: Mia Laframboise
Mia was a star in APUSH last year! I appreciated her calm approach to difficult tasks and her ability to navigate them. She has a strong mind for making connections across historical periods and comprehending patterns throughout history. I selfishly wish that she could retake my class! --Ms. Spanjer
Mia is excellent. She is calm and thoughtful, and her quiet wit is a treat. Her effort and focus on the coursework are appreciated and make for an intriguing read. I'm very grateful she is in my class this year!--Ms. LK
Mia is a hardworking, engaged and intellectual student. There are many times I ask the class a question and I notice Mia saying the answer quietly to herself. I think this speaks to Mia's character in that she seeks to grow and learn but doesn't need the attention in order to do so. I really appreciate having Mia in class. Thanks for your hard work, Mia! --Mr. Wise
Mia's presentations in Art History really help others understand important works of art and the context in which they were made. Keep it up!--Mr. Young
Mia is always on top of her work. She takes pride in getting it done and always shows initiative to take it a step further. She’s an independent worker and is always polite and joy to be around. Way to go Mia!--Mrs. Pascu
12th grade: Elias Munoz
Elias is a wonderful example of how to human. They always listen-to-understand with others, and validated the humanity in others—even if they don’t agree with them.--Ms. White
Elias always has something to brighten my day. They are respectful, positive, and kind to their peers. I am consistently proud of their genuine effort in and outside of class. They are a true joy to have as a student :) --Ms. Bassell
Elias has worked to master expressive figure drawing. His artwork is insightful and makes great conversation!--Mr. Young
It’s been great getting to work with Elias in Ecology. Always ready to work hard and loves attention to detail. Elias did an amazing job on the recent Biodiversity poster. Very creative and always taking it a step further. Looking forward to continuing to work with him next trimester. --Mrs. Pascu
~Athletic News~
Wow!! What an awesome swim season for our Cardinals!! With 14 athletes, our 22-23 roster was the biggest team we’ve had in years! Our team set school records in the 100 butterfly: Ellie Schmidt, 100 breaststroke: Anna Rondema, women’s 200 medley relay: Ellie Schmidt, Anna Rondema, Jada Healey and Ella Houston; women’s 400 freestyle relay: Ellie Schmidt Sienna Arechiga, Anna Rondema and Jada Healey and men’s 400 freestyle relay team: Tyler Huskey, Elliot Greene, Riley Brocato and Wyatt Baxter.
It’s been 6 years since Corbett has had a relay team qualify for the state championship meet, and not only did we have two girls relay teams qualify, we had the two most difficult relays qualify!! Our girls 200 medley relay placed 7th overall and our 400 free relay placed 8th overall!!
Tyler Huskey, Anna Rondema and Ellie Schmidt all qualified in individual events, all going personal bests in prelims and Anna and Ellie both qualifying for finals!
Overall, Tyler placed 8th in his 500 freestyle, Anna placed 5th in her 500 freestyle and 8th in her 100 breaststroke, and Ellie placed 5th in both her 200 freestyle and 100 butterfly.
Men’s Basketball:
Showed improvement throughout the season as they competed in our new league! They finished 5th in the league, securing them a spot in the Coastal Range League District Tournament. Their season came to an end with a loss at Riverdale last Monday. Congratulations to Cole Weien for being named 2nd team all conference and Matthew Stencil for receiving honorable mention!
Woman's Basketball
They are on a roll! Our Cardinals took first in the Coastal Range League District Tournament, defeating Banks, who is currently ranked first in the state. It was an exciting game and Corbett had a great crowd show up to support our team! This last Monday Corbett hosted a 2nd round State Playoff game, and defeated #14 Coquille to advance to the Elite 8 Tournament. The Tournament is in Coos Bay March 2-4. Congratulations Women’s Basketball for making it to state! And congratulations to our all-league recipients:
- Honorable Mention: Maddie Lanter, Taylor Donahue
- Second Team: Lilly Schimel
- First Team: Ally Schimel, Ella Holwege
- Coastal Range League Player of the Year: Ally Schimel
Best of luck to our Cardinals as you make your state run!
Corbett brought 6 wrestlers to the District Tournament at Rainier. 4 wrestlers placed in the tournament. Maddox Leith-Ross placed 5th at 138lbs. Miguel Arzeta placed 6th at Heavyweight. Amin Qouchbane placed 3rd at 220lbs and Carl Orchard placed first at heavyweight. Congratulations to Amin and Carl for qualifying for the state tournament at the Memorial Coliseum.
Our HS wrestling program is putting on a youth camp soon! March 6th-9th for grades K-8, Cost $40, 4:00-5:30 in the Cafeteria. Spread the word!
Looking ahead to SPRING SPORTS:
- High School
Track & Field
- High School
- Middle School: grade 6-8
- High School
Track and Field
Our Track and Field season is underway and we're excited about our team. Not only is Corbett represented by strong athletes, but they're a group of people that our school and our community can be proud of.
Three of our returning athletes competed at Hayward Field last year in the State Track and Field meet. Cole Weien (long jump), Sophie Bergkvist (school record in pole vault) and Cyrus Kurkinen (1500) are all leaders on this year's team. In addition, we have a strong group of other runners, jumpers and throwers who are excited to build on the team's success last year.
Our first meet is March 17th at the Mollala Twilight Invitational. All of our meets and results can be found at https://www.athletic.net/team/75/track-and-field-outdoor/2023.
~District Wide News~
C.H.A.M.P.S. Fundraisers
Can and bottle donations: The collection bins have been relocated to the old Corbett Grade School, across from Corbett Water District. PLEASE only drop off OR 10 cent beverage containers. No wine bottles, pickle jars, or hard liquor bottles.
Corbett PTA
- March Meeting 3/9 @ 6:30 in the Grade School
- The Landscaping Committee will start back up in March!
- Please keep scanning those Box Tops!
- Support the Corbett PTA when you shop at: smile.amazon.com and select "Corbett Elem PTA". Every little bit helps and the PTA loves giving back to our schools and teachers
- Follow us on Facebook: Corbett PTA | Facebook
From the Health Room
Corbett School Counseling Services
● Corbet SD has partnered with Care Solace to offer free mental and emotional health services to our students and families.
● Corbett SD has a website provided by the School Intervention Team (SIT) at: https://corbett.k12.or.us/students/mental-health-resources/
● Visit the Student Services web page at:
● Visit the Corbett Mental Health & Behavior Support website at:
● If you know of a Spanish Speaking family who may need an interpreter, you can email Melissa Davis, our ELD teacher, at mdavis@corbett.k12.or.us. If you have a family who needs an interpreter, not in Spanish, email Melissa Davis as well.For questions about access to resources at Corbett School District, please call Student Services at (503) 261-4235.
Bus Driver/.4 FTE (16 hours/week base)
1.0 FTE 8th-12th High School Special Education Teacher
Click here to see the most up to date listing and to Apply:https://corbett.tedk12.com/hire/Index.aspx
Stay Connected
Email: bwindust@corbett.k12.or.us
Website: https://corbett.k12.or.us/
Location: 35800 East Historic Columbia River Highway, Troutdale, OR, USA
Phone: 5032614268
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/corbettschools
Twitter: @CorbettSchools