KES Family Newsletter
September 2023 (Back to School)
Mission: The mission of Kewaskum Elementary School is to develop the whole child by providing a motivating, stimulating, and nurturing environment to build a better future together.
Vision: The vision of the Kewaskum Elementary School is to guide our students to be respectful, compassionate, and responsible individuals who recognize and value their educational journey.
Principal Message
Welcome back for a great year of learning and growing. I hope everyone enjoyed the warm weather, did something fun, and learned something new. We are quickly approaching the first day of school. Please see the following updates.
- Teacher Assignments: Teacher assignments will be released on August 23rd.
- Handbook: The handbook answers many questions about our procedures, start and end times, attendance, and expectations.
- First Day of School: Parents will be asked to say goodbye to their child at the outside doors on the first day of school.
- Bus Information: The bus routes typically run late the first week of school. Please do not be alarmed. We will triple-check that everyone is where they should go before we dismiss buses. If the buses leave KES after 4:15, we will send a Skyward message informing families that their child's bus is running later than anticipated.
- Transportation Change: If your child requires a change in transportation, please let the office know via phone call. The office will alert the teacher.
- Communication: Teachers will respond to messages with-in 24 hours via phone or email. If you need immediate assistance, please call the office, and someone can help.
- Attendance: All pre-planned absences (appointments and/or vacations) need to be sent to school in writing (email, paper) to the front office before those appointments.
- Technology: Please talk to your child about safety while handling technology. Chromebooks that break at school may be expensed to the family. Please refer to the student handbook.
Drop-off/Pick-up Procedures
Our Building Leadership Team enjoyed sometime this summer creating pick-up and drop-off videos for you. Below is some important information, along with the videos.
- Students can arrive at school at 8:45. Before 8:45; students should not be on the playground. The playground is reserved for our 3 daycares that are at KES in the morning and afternoon. Supervision of students is at the doors from 8:45-8:55. At 8:55, those students that are not in the building will have to be dropped off in the front office.
- Correct drop-off procedures
- Students will be dismissed at 3:45. Students that are in grades 3-5 that do not have siblings in pre-k-2 can be picked up on the side road (along the sidewalk) that goes to the back parking lot. Here is the video of the 3-5 Pick-up procedures.
- 3rd Street pick-up procedures for all students grades pre-K through 5th grade with younger siblings will use the pick up line on 3rd Street. Please refrain from doing these things when you pick up your child(ren). This will help keep the line moving safely.
- Below is an example of what you should place in your window before coming to the car line. Please include your family's last name.
Kewaskum Way Behavior Team
The former Positive Behavior Intervention System (PBIS) is now called the Kewaskum Way. This summer our team worked to re-build the behavior standards that we find to be the most important to our building. Our Kewaskum Way S.O.A.R. Matrix will be shared with students when they return.
Chalk Messages
Surprise your child by leaving a chalk message on the playground or on the sidewalk around the school!
When: Monday, September 4th at 4:00 pm through Tuesday, September 5th at 7:00 am.
Details: Chalk will be left on the playground for you to use
Upcoming Dates
August 29: Open House 4:00pm-6:00pm
September 5: First Day of School
September 11: PTO meeting 6:00pm
September 12: Picture Day
September 15: Forward Exam results released to families