Friday Features
Happy Friday....
Thanks to everyone who attended last night's PTO meeting.
It's hard to believe that Thanksgiving is a week away. That means this week would have been our Thanksgiving Feast. I thought it would be fun to take a look at some pictures from prior years. While we can't celebrate in person this year, we can remember the fun of prior years as we look forward to celebrating in the future. So enjoy.
And that brings us to Holiday Shopping!
Check out AtoZ Connect for Spiritwear available for sale. These are items that we have in our inventory. Items are limited.
Please consider Bradley Gardens when you shop from Amazon. Use Amazon Smile and choose Bradley Gardens as the charity you want to support.
Also remember you can shop for books through Scholastic all year long and support Bradley Gardens.
Our Holiday Shop will be kicking off soon. Please look for more information next week. The children will be able to shop from home and the gifts will be sent to the school.
Have a great week!
Briana George, PTO President
Spiritwear Sale!
We have some shirts and PJ pants available.
And don't forget those folders, pencils and erasers. They'd make great stocking stuffers.
Box Tops for Education
Class Parents needed! Please consider helping out.
Thank you to everyone who has already signed up.
We are still in need of homeroom parents for a number of classes. Specifically:
Mrs. Corrales/ Ms. Callahan AM
Mrs. Rose/ Mrs. Kaye AM
Mrs. Tiberio
Mrs. Winters
Mrs. Maciolek
Mrs. Heffernan/ Mrs. McLaughlin
Mrs. Hudock
Ms. Oliver
Mr. Perler
If you have some time to spare, please consider helping out.
Participating as a Homeroom Parent in your child’s class is a wonderful opportunity to get involved directly in activities at BGS.
If you're considering signing up but have some questions, please reach out.
Specifically, we will need 2 PTO Presidents, 1 PTO Vice President, and 2 PTO Treasurers.
If you are interested in any of the positions, please email Briana George @
Many hands make light work! The more help we have the easier it is to run the PTO events and manage the administration of the PTO. Hopefully next year we are back to "normal", but either way, the events we have come to love and the support that we have given the school in terms of assemblies, equipment and programs need to continue. Please consider joining our team.
I joined the board 6 years ago when my oldest child was in 1st grade. I have served as treasurer and president during that time with many great parents. I promise it is a worth while experience.
Dates to Remember
Nov. 26 - Happy Thanksgiving - No School
Nov. 27 - No School
Nov. 25 - Dec. 10 - Holiday Shop
Stay in Touch
Bradley Gardens PTO
Briana George, President
Twitter: @PTOBradleyGard