Wrightsboro e-News
October 11, 2020
Welcome Back Cool Cats!
Announcements & Reminders
We look forward to welcoming all of our Group AA students back to school on Monday and Tuesday and all of our Group BB students back to school on Thursday and Friday. All students will be remote on Wednesday.
Make sure you check your child’s supply list so they are prepared when they return to school.
The water fountains are closed. All students can bring a water bottle to school to keep at their desk.
All students must have a new green student information form with updated contact information. All students must also have at least 3 emergency contacts who can pick your child up within 10-15 minutes in the event that they become sick. The forms are available to be picked up and submitted at the school office. Forms will also be sent home with students this week. Please return the form as soon as possible.
Spotlight On - Pre-Kindergarten!
Meet Stacy Constantinou - Wrightsboro's Social Worker
My name is Stacy Constantinou. I have been a NC School Social Worker for 15 years. This is my 4th year at Wrightsboro and I love being a Cool Cat!
My job is to address and eliminate identified barriers to students’ education. Some of those barriers include poor attendance, homelessness, lack of basic needs (food,emergency clothing), needs for mental health treatment and family crises. I strive to provide the vital link between home, school, and community to provide support services that impact students’ academic achievement. My goal is to develop positive relationships with families and empower parents as partners with school staff. Working together ensures student success!
Should you need my assistance, I invite you to contact me by phone or email.
(910) 815-6909 ext 76975
Please visit my webpage for more information
Wrightsboro Elementary School
Email: delores.overby@nhcs.net
Website: https://wrightsboro.nhcs.net/
Location: 2716 Castle Hayne Road, Castle Hayne, NC, USA
Phone: (910) 815-6909
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Wrightsboro-Elementary-443163149099593/
Twitter: @WrightsboroE
Our School's Why
School Mission:
The mission of Wrightsboro School is to establish and promote a caring, engaging, and supportive environment that enhances learning and leadership for all.
School Vision:
Today we learn. Tomorrow we lead.
School Beliefs:
We believe children want to learn and lead and will take responsibility to actively meet goals that will help them succeed in the future. We believe teachers inspire success, and encourage a love of learning by providing a supportive environment that fosters leadership through instruction to meet the unique needs of each child. We believe families that work together with our school contribute to successful learning for every child.