Patriot Post
February 2022
Winter Formal
Saturday, Feb 5, 2022, 07:00 PM
Coto Valley Country Club, Vía Venado, Trabuco Canyon, CA, USA
Mark Your Calendar - Senior Events
5/25 - Graduation
3/2 - FAFSA Deadline (Financial Aid)
4/23 - Prom
5/19 - Disneyland Trip
5/27 - Grad Night
Grad Night Reminder...
SENIORS! Remember to purchase your Grad Night tickets today! Forms are in the front office. Please submit your completed form, along with a check or cash to the front office. This will be your last night to celebrate and make unforgettable memories with all your friends at Beckman!
Graduation FAQ
Q) Graduation is on May 25th. What time will the ceremony be held and where will it be?
A) There will be TWO ceremonies this year. One at 3:00 pm and one at 6:00 pm. Both ceremonies will be on Northrup Field at Tustin High School (the stadium).
Q) Why are you holding two ceremonies?
A) There are several reasons for holding two graduation ceremonies. The first is simply related to the unknown capacity restrictions we could be facing in May. COVID guidelines are constantly changing and The smaller ceremonies will allow us to issue more tickets to a smaller group of students while still meeting capacity restrictions. The smaller ceremonies will also allow for easier access to parking and stadium seating. Similar to last year, we will also be able to allow graduates to walk in and sit with friends during the ceremony.
Q) How will students be assigned to a graduation time?
A) In early May, an electronic form will be sent to student emails allowing them to choose which ceremony they would like to attend. Students will be placed in the ceremony they choose on a first-come first-served basis. For planning purposes, students should coordinate with their peer group to select the ceremony they prefer.
Q) How many tickets will be passed out to each student?
A) This is still yet to be determined. It will be based on the capacity restrictions in place at the time of graduation. We will issue as many tickets per student as capacity will allow. For reference, current guidelines would allow for 4 tickets per graduate. If the guidance changes, we will adjust that number as required.
Robotics Update
Beckman Robotics competed in the San Diego VEX Tournament this past Saturday, with 2496J winning the tournament.
Congrats to:
- 2496J (Jeff Le, Felix Jing, Tae Eun Park, Kelly Zhuo, Stephen Chien, Lucy Xu, Evana Thomson, Rhyan Shah) Tournament Champs, Excellence.
- 2496R (Melody Chien, Malaya Gaerlan, Andres Garcia, Gerald Lu, Dennis Wang, Van Phuong Nguyen, Chloe Gonzalez, Krish Aggarwal) Design Award.
- 2496Y (Conner Wallace, Ethan Epelman, Armaan Saxena, Dillon Park, Purav Patel, Henry Hoorizadeh, Nick Bower, Megan Huang) Innovate Award
Athletics Update
The regular season for our Winter Sports programs is coming to a close this week. We're extremely proud of how our coaches and athletes have demonstrated character and flexibility during this season with numerous games needing to be rescheduled over the past month. Overall, it's been a tremendous season with all of our sports challenging for a spot in the playoffs, with Boys and Girls Soccer still battling for a League Championship. We also had our Wrestling program complete their league duals last week, finishing in 2nd place overall in the PCL. With playoff brackets for Winter Sports being posted February 7 or 8 on the CIF website, we'll begin our playoff competitions in the latter part of next week. With how determined our athletes have been to succeed this Winter, we look forward to seeing our teams perform in the playoffs.
COVID and School Activities
Over the course of the last several weeks, we have been faced with rising COVID cases that have produced some athletic postponements, event rescheduling, and in rare cases, the cancellation of an event. We want to let you know that we have every intention of creating as much of a traditional high school experience as we possibly can for our students. Our goal is to hold all our traditional events while adhering to COVID guidelines as best as we possibly can. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we navigate through these times.
On the bright side, the Orange County Public Health Department has reported 11 straight days of decreasing COVID cases and attendance at school has returned to near normal numbers. This is a good sign for us moving forward!
EdFund Update
PTO Corner
Happy New Year! And for those that welcome the Lunar New Year, may it bring great happiness and prosperity for all! 2022 has certainly tested us right from the start, but there are plenty of silver linings, too. School is in session – and Beckman PTO is here for you, as well as our community of parents, caregivers, staff and students. We have many resources. One example are the exclusive offerings from our friends at Revolution Prep (RP). You’ll also find webinars, online tutoring and affordable practice SAT and ACT tests dates offered for our Patriots. This month, RP continues a FREE valuable 3-part webinar series Strategies for Finding Success in College Admissions. Be sure to check it out the options… and sign up! https://www.revolutionprep.com/partners/122/.
PTO’s sponsorship of the student Lunch and Learn program continues into this semester. We encourage you to chat with your student about these self-development opportunities. Additionally, there will be a virtual Parent Wellness workshop on 2/23.
Your feedback is always welcome and appreciated You can join us virtually at our next PTO meeting on Wednesday evening, 2/16 @ 6:30 p.m. Thank YOU for your membership and involvement in Beckman PTO!
TUPE Slogan Contest
Hey Patriots! Want to demonstrate your creative side while promoting tobacco prevention? Create a slogan with a unique design to spread a positive message to your fellow Beckman Patriots. If your slogan is selected, you will win a pair of Airpods Pro. Contest ends March 7th. Scan the QR code or visit the bit.ly for more rules and ways to enter.
Winter Formal Court
Tustin Unified School District
(Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, § 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973)
The Tustin Unified School District (Tustin USD) is committed to ensuring equal, fair, and meaningful access to employment and education services. The District prohibits, in any employment practice, education program, or educational activity, unlawful discrimination, including discriminatory harassment, intimidation, and bullying, based on actual or perceived race or ethnicity, color, ancestry, nationality, national origin, immigration status, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital or parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, genetic information, veteran or military status, medical condition, pregnancy and related conditions, retaliation, or political beliefs; or association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. Your child has a right to a free public education, regardless of immigration status. The District will take steps to assure that the lack of English will not be a barrier to admission and participation in District programs. A copy of the District’s nondiscrimination policy is available from the Tustin Unified School District Office.
The following position is designated Coordinator for Nondiscrimination to handle complaints regarding discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying, and to answer inquiries regarding the District’s nondiscrimination policies: Director, Assessment and Evaluation, 300 South C Street, Tustin, CA 92780
Any student who feels that he/she has been subjected to discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying should immediately contact the Coordinator, the principal, or any other staff member. In addition, any student who observes any such incident should report the incident to the Coordinator or principal, whether or not the victim files a complaint.
Any school employee who observes an incident of discrimination, harassment, intimidation, or bullying or to whom such an incident is reported shall report the incident to the Coordinator or principal, whether or not the victim files a complaint.