Craddock's Weekly Update
For the Week of February 6, 2023
Mrs. Menta's Message
Good evening Craddock families!
I hope you had a wonderful week and are warm and cozy at home with family this evening. I am typing this message from a Panera in Canton while my son is at baseball practice. Although I love quiet Friday nights at home, this isn't a bad place to get some things done and enjoy some delicious mac and cheese!
I wanted to take a brief moment to provide any needed reassurance following a small event we had take place at Craddock today. We had a student in need and reached out for support from our local police department. They were quick to respond and came to Craddock with an ambulance and police cars. We did our best to keep traffic around the office to a minimum during this, but I am sure some students saw the first responders enter Craddock, which may have made them nervous. The student we needed support for is doing well and we are very grateful for the quick response from the Aurora Police Department and ambulance team. If you hear anything from your child, please reassure him/her everyone is doing okay.
We battled some frigid temperatures this week and it was a great reminder to make sure to communicate how important it is your child has the appropriate clothing to play outside. We have noticed kids with no boots, thin jackets and not many layers on. We do have items we can loan out to help, but those are limited. Thank you in advance for packing all that's needed for your child to play safely and comfortably outside in the cold temperatures. They need that fresh air!
Have a wonderful weekend whatever it may be filled with. We look forward to seeing our adorable 1st and 2nd graders back on Monday!
Take care,
Kim Menta
330-562-3175 - office
216-849-2552 - cell (call or text)
The Scholastic Book Fair at Craddock February 6th-10th
We will also have a Scholastic Family Night on Wednesday, February 8th. More information to come on times! For now, clink the link below to read more about the book fair and to set up your child's account to shop. Let us know if you have any questions or need any help!
1st Grade Craddock Art Show
While you are checking out the first grade art, you can also meander up to the library and visit the Scholastic Book Fair. While the art show will just feature 1st grade work, the Book Fair is for everyone! Come join us!
Sidenote: Please know that the wonderful art of our 2nd graders will be featured at Aurora High School during the 2nd grade performance on Wednesday, May 3rd. More information to come in later months!
Random Acts of Kindness Spirit Week Coming 2/13 - 2/16
Latest ACSD Update from Mr. Roberto
Please view the Superintendent’s video update to all Aurora City School District (ACSD) families for 1/25/23 at the link below.
Video Link:
Key points in the video include:
-Update on New Potential Construction
-Parent/Teacher Conference Reminders
-Change in the School Calendar: No School 3/6/23
-Thank you to the Aurora Board of Education
Important Links
Transcript Link
PDF Transcript Link
ThenDesign Architecture (tda) Presentations
tda Primary Submission Presentation (Round 1)
tda Secondary Submission Presentation (Round 2)
Think Pink Event Coming February 25th
Craddock's Nurse, Mrs. Courtad
Hello Craddock families! I have a district cell phone I am using now that will allow me to have much more convenient access to you! Please know you may receive a text from me for minor clinic visits. Any serious issues I will address with a phone call. You are welcome to store the number and can also send me a message during school hours with any questions or concerns for your child. Feel free to email as well! My school cell number is 330-285-3714. Take care and stay healthy!
Mark Your Calendar
Monday, 2/06 - Friday, 2/10 - Scholastic Book Fair
Wednesday, 2/08 - Scholastic Book Fair Family Night and 1st Grade Art Show at Craddock from 5:00-8:00
Tuesday, 2/14 - Valentine's Party from 2:15 - 3:00
Friday, 2/17 - No School (PD Day for Staff)
Monday, 2//20 - No School (President's Day)
Wednesday, 3/01 - Elementary PTO Meeting at 6:30 p.m.
Monday, 3/06 - No School (PD Day for Staff) **Recent board-approved change to the district calendar.
Important PTO Information
Craddock Elementary School
Location: 105 Hurd Road, Aurora, OH, USA
Phone: 330-562-3175
Twitter: @CraddockSchool