The Lancer Link
Franklin Elementary School - March 2021
Upcoming Dates
March 1: No School - Pulaski Day
March 5: 3rd Nine Weeks Grading Period Ends
March 10: 3rd Nine Weeks Report Cards Emailed to Parents
March 14: Daylight Savings Time Begins
March 15: Spring Pictures & Band Pictures
March 22: Kindergarten Screening- Please call 524-2243 for an appointment.
April 2: NO SCHOOL- Good Friday
April 5-9: NO SCHOOL- Spring Break
Franklin School Spirit Dress-Up Days
March 11: Western Day
March 18: Disney Day
March 25: Hawaiian Day
April 1: Backward’s Day for April Fool’s Day
Remote Learning Update
In order to establish eligibility for continued remote instruction services, a student’s parent/guardian must submit the medical certification form including a written statement from a licensed medical physician.
Spring Pictures
Band pictures will also be taken on this day. 6th grade band students should bring their instruments to school.
Report Cards
The third nine weeks grading period ends on March 5th. Work that is not completed at that time will reflect a zero in the grade book. 3rd nine week report cards will be emailed to parents/guardians on March 10th.
You can also access your student's grade report by logging into your Alma account at franklin.getalma.com.
Character Word of The Month
*Fair does not mean that everyone is treated equally, but that everyone gets what they need.
*Treat people the way you want to be treated.
*Take turns.
*Tell the truth.
*Play by the rules.
*Think about how your actions will affect others.
*Listen to people with an open mind.
*Don't blame others for your mistakes.
*Don't take advantage of other people.
Daily Health Screening Survey
If your child is currently isolated due to having Covid-19, quarantined from a close contact having Covid-19, or awaiting Covid-19 test results from a close contact, please call the office in addition to filling out the survey. We will need a note from the doctor or local health department for your child to return to school. Thank you for your help.
Contact Us
Email: rwest@massac.org
Website: franklin.massac.org
Location: 1006 Mount Mission Road, Metropolis, IL, USA
Phone: 618-524-2243