Elizabeth Haddon News
September 12, 2021
9/16 School Closed: Yom Kippur
9/22 Back To School Night, 645PM-8:00PM
9/23 Dine & Donate: Brain Freeze Haddonfield 11AM-9PM. 128 Kings Highway East. Mention Lizzy Haddon
9/24 PTA Parent Socials, 730PM
9/25 Mrs. Green’s Retirement Celebration 9AM-10:30AM, Avondale Playground Click Here for Information
9/29 2 Hour Delayed Start See Schedule Here
10/8 EH Fall Fair, 4PM-7PM
10/14 Individual Picture Day
New School Based News
September Lunch Menu
Click Here for the September lunch menu. Students order in class each morning. Lunch is free! Lunch Questions? Contact Barbara Holmes at bholmes@haddonfield.k12.nj.us
Start Strong Assessment - Grades 4 & 5
Start Strong Information for Parents
Students in Grades 4 and 5 will complete the Start Strong assessment on September 20th - 21st. Content areas that will be tested are Language Arts and Mathematics.
- This assessment aims to provide a resource to educators to evaluate the needs of students, especially after a hiatus of standardized testing for the past 2 years.
- Each test is designed to be completed in approximately 45-60 minutes and contains only multiple-choice questions to allow for fast scores and reporting in real-time. This immediate feedback to teachers will guide instruction and student needs.
- For more information, click on the link above.
Band: Grades 4 and 5
Hope you all had a great summer! Band is back!!! We are doing lessons in person! Students will be asked to wear bell coverings during lessons(provided by the school). Flutes will not have any covering as the studies show that it doesn't create aerosols when played. When students are not playing, they will be asked to wear their mask. See link for details.
Band Demos will be next week September 17th!
Even though demos are next week, you can sign up before if you know what instrument your child would like to play! Below are 3 links. 1 is to sign up for band and the other 2 are for companies if you would like to rent the instrument, You do not have to use these companies, they are just for your reference. Signing the google sign-up will only sign you up for band and not for the instrument rental.
If you have any questions, please reach out!
I can't wait to get started and make music! It is going to be a great year and I am ready to get rocking'!!!
Have a great day!
Mr. Hecker
STOPit App
The Haddonfield School District has once again enrolled with STOPit! STOPit is an online reporting tool designed to deter and mitigate bullying, cyber abuse, and other inappropriate behaviors, consisting of an app and a back-end incident management system for school administrators.Our students can have access to the STOPit mobile app, which has two simple but powerful features. Report can be used by students to report incidents to school contacts anonymously. For more information on this and download instructions, Click Here.
Free and Reduced Lunch Application
FEMA Information
Previously Shared School Based News
HSD Covid-19 Guidelines
Update Your Contact Information in Genesis
Absence Reporting Procedures
If it is necessary to keep a child home from school, please do one of the following:
- Call the office before the start of school
Email us at ehattendanceOffice@haddonfield.k12.nj.us or click the link on our school homepage, and include
- Child’s first and last name
- Class
- Reason for absence
If you do not have access to email, you may call in your child absent. You must send in a note when your child returns if you use the call in method.
Important Forms
All important forms can always be found here and on the EH Homepage under the “Important Documents” This site will be updated throughout the year.
School Lunch
- Lunch will be free for ALL students this year.
- Students will be required to order in their classroom each morning.
- Please review the lunch choices with your child (especially those at the younger grades) to help with ordering at school.
- For more information: Food Services in Haddonfield
Morning Lineup/Exit Map
Elementary District Calendar
Haddon Events Calendar
Preschool Modified Schedule
Birthday Celebrations
Back to School Night: September 22, 645PM-8PM
1:1 Chromebooks for Students
This program serves students in Grades 3-5
- The $50 fee is optional but we highly recommend paying the fee. If the fee is not paid, parents will be responsible to pay out of pocket for repairs
- $50 fee paid through the MySchoolBucks portal
- More information will be sent to parents through Genesis by the start of school
1:1 information and updated forms here: https://haddonfieldschools.org/1-to-1-overview/
Adding School Calendar to Your Phone
Click Here for instructions on how to add this to your phone. Paste this code into the "subscribed calendar" box after you go to “Add Account” then “Other” calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/principalbissinger%40gmail.com/public/basic.ics
My School Bucks
This online payment service provides an easy way to pay for items such as ChromeBook fees and class trips using your credit/debit card or electronic check. Enrollment is easy and is available today! To create an account, follow the steps below:
1. Go to www.MySchoolBucks.com and register for a free account.
2. Add your students using their school name and student ID.
3. Make purchases with your credit/debit card or electronic check.
A program fee of 3.9% applies. You will have the opportunity to review any fees
and cancel if you choose, before you are charged.
If you have any questions, contact MySchoolBucks directly:
· (855) 832-5226
· Visit myschoolbucks.com and click Help
Directory 21-22
We are excited to announce that the Zone PTA has kindly covered the cost for everyone to have access to the school directory for the 2021-2022 school year.
If you were a DirectorySpot user last year, then you don’t need to do anything. If you are a NEW user, you can download DirectorySpot for free from the App Store (iPhone users) or Google Play (Android users), or you can also access the data from the web: https://www.directoryspot.net
If you are a new student or have never been in the directory before, please fill out this form and you will be added to the directory: https://forms.gle/EcZ8STi3ZQYmavS1A
If not new, please login to the app to confirm and/or update your family contact information. Please note that you don't have to change your child's grade as that has been done already. Accessing the app is easy:
Download the DirectorySpot app from the App Store or Google Play.
Enter your email as your Username. (Enter the main parent contact email. If email is not found, please contact: Lindsey Murphy at lindseyaperry@yahoo.com
Click Reset Password. An email will be sent with a link that allows you to create or reset your password.
Pets Prohibited on School Grounds
Dogs are not permitted on the school property during school hours and at drop off and pick up times. Although many children feel safe around animals, some children have adverse reactions to pets even though they may be well trained. We have noticed some families bringing pets onto the school grounds especially at morning line-up or pick-up. Please be considerate of others by cooperating with this policy.
PTA News
Thank You For Attending Meet and Greet!
Let's Celebrate Mrs. Green's Retirement!
Please help us memoralize her tenure and submit notes, artwork, photos or stories that celebrate her amazing tenure at mrsgreensretirement2020@gmail.com.
Your memories will be given to Lynn directly, via a printed book by the Sunshine Committee and access to the email. Please! Make our surprise awesome, and submit today!
Parent Socials: September 24th
Room Parents Still Needed!
Thank you to all who have signed up already! Some classes still need support (I'm looking at you 4KE!). Grab a buddy and sign-up here:
And don't forget to pay your PTA dues:
Each school year, we ask every family to pay a small initial contribution of $25 per family. Why? This annual contribution is the seed that starts the school year off right! For example, we've already purchased teacher wishlist items and teacher welcome gifts. In the past, we’ve funded playground builds, replenished iPad fleets and renovated the teacher lounge. Without it, we say "no" until we fundraise again.
Click here to pay your annual dues!
Upcoming PTA Events:
9/22 Doors open 6:35pm
Get full details here.
Dine & Donate: Brain Freeze Haddonfield
9/23 11am - 9pm
128 Kings Highway East. Mention Lizzy Haddon for 20% to be donated back to the school! See our Facebook event here.
Fall Parent Socials
9/24 7:30pm
Sign up here to host your grade!
Mrs. Green’s Retirement Celebration
9/25 9-10:30am, Avondale Playground
Fall Fair
10/8, 4-7pm, Blacktop
District and Community Based News
Click Here for all Community News. All Community News must be sent to Mr. Chuck Klaus’s office for approval. Community members should submit their news by email to Ms. Channell Jorrin at cjorrin@haddonfield.k12.nj.us in order to be included. Please do not send news directly to the school principals.