Jaguar Band Newsletter
Information by parents, for parents!
Summer Band 2023 Menu
Who’s hungry? Check out this year’s summer band menu.
Weekly Schedule
Week 3 Menu
Take Note
- Show Ready Hair for Wednesday
- Water Balloon Fun! We need your help!
- Sewing day August 12th
A Message from the Band Director
Summer Band Volunteer Sign Up - Meal Plan /Band Aid
Game Day and Competition Meal Plan
Things to Know as a New Member
New (and Restocked) Jag Swag!!
Pre-Orders For The 2023 Marching Show Parent Shirt
Fall Fees
Color Guard Corner
How can I help?
- Gently used bath towels and hand towels needed
- Jaguar Jog (includes opportunity for student volunteer hours)
- Jag Jog
Things To Know
- Walking In Two's
- HaysCISD SmugMug Page
Announcements & Reminders
- Jags Athletic Booster Club-Sports Programs
- Trailer Driver Needed
- Jag Jog (yes, again...it's THAT important!)
- Renew or subscribe for Fly-a-Flag Program!
- Workplace charitable donations
- Gift cards/E-cards
This Week and Save The Date
- New Member Guide
- Check out our Jaguar Band & Guard photos!
- Student Service Hours
- Get Involved! (Important Volunteer Information)
- Stay Connected!
This year, students MUST be able to do their own show hair. Wednesday is a great day to try that out!
Please note,
-Long hair must be pulled back in a bun on top of head with product. Please watch tutorial video from a few days ago, linked below!
-Short hair must be slick back with product.
Donations requested: Water Balloon Fun!!
On Friday, August 11, the Celebrations Committee will be putting together a fun water balloon filled evening for the students and we need your help! We want the students to have one last summer fun activity before returning to school.
Please view the below sign up to see how you can volunteer and donate to this event.
Sewing Day August 12th, 2023
Marching Season is about to begin and we are working hard to be ready for it, but we NEED YOUR HELP!! We have over 220 bibbers (band pants) that need to be hemmed, have stirrups added, pressed, and organized before the start of Marching Season. This Saturday, August 12th, 2023, we will have a work day from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm, while the band is at practice, to get this done in the band hall. Please sign up to help!!
This is very important, we as parents have to do our part to help the band look their best while marching their show!! PLEASE SIGN UP TO HELP!! ANYONE AND EVERYONE CAN HELP!!
*No sewing skills necessary. If you can draw a line and a diagonal, you are qualified!! Sign up and we will show you how to do it - promise!
*There will be a limited number of sewing machines available at the school (@ 6-8)
*If you own a sewing machine, please bring it (scissors too) with you.
Here is the link to sign up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0d4da5ad2eaaffc61-sewing#/
This Week & Save These Dates
Save the Date
August 16th
Spirit Night at MOD Pizza in Buda (All Day)
Bring in this flyer, or order online through the MOD app or website using the provided code MODGIVES20 and MOD will donate 20% of your bill to support this great work!
It’s a win win! Support the Jaguar Band and enjoy MOD for dinner! Make sure you let the cashier know you are with the Johnson Band
Mark Your Calendar!
August 7th
Summer Band @ JHS 6:30pm-8:00pm
August 8th
Summer Band @ JHS 8:00am-8:00pm
Band Booster Executive Board Meeting @ JHS Band Hall 6:30pm-9:30pm
August 9th
Summer Band @ JHS 12:00pm-8:00pm
August 10th
Summer Band @ JHS 8:00am-8:00pm
August 11th
Summer Band @ JHS 12:00pm-8:00pm
Game Day Meal Plan due August 11
August 12th
Summer Band @ JHS 8:00am-12:00pm
PARENT Work Day: Build Crew, Sewing Crew, Hat Crew & Guard Crew!
September Competitions
September 16th
Percussion - Thunder in the Hills
September 23rd
BOA Austin Regional @ Kelly Reeves Athletic Complex, 10211 W Parmer Ln, Austin, TX 78717
September 30th
Rocket Review @ D. W. Rutledge Stadium, 900 S Seguin Rd, Converse, TX 78109
Find Required Forms on our WEBSITE!
Pay fees on RevTrak which can also be found on our WEBSITE! Just click on "more..." from top menu and select "Pa
Week of August 6
Dear Parents and Students,
As we enter the last week of summer band, we're excited to reflect on the incredible progress our students have made since July 24th. Their dedication and hard work have brought them far, and we're eager to see where this year's journey takes them!
Let's take a glimpse into the upcoming week's schedule. Monday features a single rehearsal from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM. While it's a shorter day, we emphasize the importance of punctuality. Please arrive ahead of time to be on the field and ready for the downbeat at 6:30 PM. For those who wish to practice earlier, the band hall will be open throughout the day for music and drill sessions.
Mark your calendars for an exciting event on Thursday evening! (See flyer above!) Parents, you're invited to join us for a special dinner where you can connect, foster relationships, and witness your students' progress. The evening will showcase our accomplishments in drill, music, routines, and choreography. As a unique touch, students will teach their parents their individual drills—be ready to step onto the field and experience their hard work firsthand!
A quick reminder that Saturday holds a rehearsal scheduled until 12:00 PM. Please be present to pick up your students so everyone can enjoy the weekend. Although rehearsal ends at noon, we will still wrap up with announcements and equipment relocation to the band hall.
Please note there will be NO rehearsal on Monday due to the day before school starts. This break allows everyone to attend to last-minute matters before the first day of school. However, we'll have an after-school rehearsal on Tuesday, as our students are accustomed to the extended day.
Lastly, our fundraiser goal to offset budget deficits is nearly achieved, thanks to your support! We have one week left to share and promote, aiming not only to cover the deficit but also exceed expectations for extra advancement costs. Let's keep up the momentum and finish strong!
Remember, each day is "a great day to be a Jaguar"!
Please remember...
"Game Day" meals are OPTIONAL
"Competition Day" meal plans are MANDATORY
Select "shop" from top menu
Click on "Meal Plans"
- Game Day meal plan is $80 and due by August 11th
- Competition meal plan is $96 due by September 8th (mandatory)
These rehearsals are required. Please note that the marching field is a classroom! You are welcome as a spectator at any time, but please do not come to the field expecting to talk to your child (unless it is an emergency). Feel free to stop by early when you are picking up your student and watch the end of practice. (parking lot by gym)
Directors will try hard to provide practice dates and times on the GOOGLE calendar. However, practice times may vary. Your student will be informed of changes by the directors. No matter what we tell you and what is said on announcements, things may change or get adjusted. Sometimes you will not know about the changes until the day they happen! Again, please remember that to be a successful band parent, it is most important to be POSITIVE, PATIENT and FLEXIBLE!
It’s time to get your new and restocked spirit gear favorites for our fall season. Order online here today! We’ve added many new designs and returning favorites including our CLEAR BAGS, a necessity for games and competitions. Orders are filled weekly, and pick-ups are Tuesday nights from 7-8pm in the bus lane at JHS. Order yours today!!
Need A Band or Guard Duffel?
We have asked TMF to open their online store for us for duffel orders only. The store is only open through 8/10 because their estimated shipping time frame is up to 4 weeks after the store closes. This means you may receive your duffel around September 7th. This is after football games start but before competitions so it is up to each family whether this time frame works for them. Bags will ship directly to your home.
PLEASE NOTE - the 2022-2023 duffel bags were larger than the previous bags due to supply issues. This year we have gone back to the standard size of duffel bags after feedback from parents that the bags were too big. The measurements for the duffels are shown on the website.
Questions: vpfundraising@johnsonbands.com
You can also pay your student's fees by mailing a check made out to Johnson Band. Please mail it to:
Johnson Band
c/o Tracye Mendez
4260 FM 967
Buda, TX 78610
OR you can drop off a check to Mrs. Mendez at the band hall in an envelope with 1) student name, 2) what it is for, and 3) amount.
We will need help cutting, sewing, and assembling head pieces for the Color Guard. No experience necessary!
We hope to receive the material to make these head pieces early this week. Assuming that the material arrives by Tuesday, we will start cutting material as early as Wednesday evening (5:30 - 8pm) We will communicate the plan via GroupMe.
We will FOR SURE have a work day on Saturday, 8am - 12pm while the band & guard have practice.
If you have them, please bring your material scissors, sewing machines, and glue guns! Thanks in advance!
Please don't forget that your student MUST wear SOLID TAN OR BLACK undergarments with all of their uniforms or costumes. In some circumstances, prints on underwear or bras can be seen through the outfits!
- Guard members must purchase no-show black socks to wear with their black uniform sneakers.
- Guard members must wear thin black booties with their jazz shoes. CLICK HERE for an example. Wearing jazz shoes without socks makes them smell very bad!
The Band is in need of gently used bath towels and hand towels. If you have any to donate please send them in with your student this week. They can leave them in Mr. Lucita's office and the boosters will pick them up.
REGISTER AND SHARE! Please register for the race and / or share via social media with others! Grab a group and win the Special Teams Contest! Rock the final hill and win the 2023 Jaguar Jog King of the Hill award!
There are options to run or sleepwalk (support the program, get a t-shirt … but no need to run/ walk)
SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES! Our annual Jag Jog is looking for Sponsors! This is a great opportunity for businesses and vendors to have their brand shared with our amazing community! A win-win!
Please view and share our brochure and Jag Jog sponsorship page with your friends, family and neighbors. You can also let us know if someone might be interested and we will be happy to reach out to them!
If you have any questions, please email us at jaguarjog@johnsonbands.com or vpfundraising@johnsonbands.com
Jag Jog Committee is looking for volunteers to help between now and race day (9/16)! The committee works with For The Love of Go, local race coordinators who handle race logistics. We are happy to work with you to fit your availability and ANY help is appreciated!
Day of The Race Help Needed:
ADULT & STUDENT VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Students can also earn their volunteer hours!
Remember, as our band and guard programs grow, so should our funding, events, and volunteer participation!
Let’s make this year the most successful Jag Jog yet!!
Can't help the committee but know of a business that would be willing to sponsor? Please see our Fundraising section below. Every effort helps!
Our Committee Interest Form has information about all of our committees and will help us get you connected with the perfect committee for you. Have small kids at home or a work schedule that you think will make it too hard to volunteer? We have ways that you can help during the day, evening, weekend, and at home. We have something for everyone and your involvement will help make your students band and guard goals possible!
Things to Know
Students will walk to and from performances in two's. We parents refer to those walks as the students being in "competition mode". Directors ask families to not talk to or take pictures of the students while they are in this mode. You can, however, talk to and take pictures of your student after they have returned to the buses!
At the end of the awards ceremony at competitions the students will do their PRIDE yell. This is considered a moment between student leadership and their team. You are invited to take pictures but please do not stand up front alongside the drum majors & SLT.
SmugMug Page
JAGS Athletic Booster Club - Sports Programs
Trailer Driver Needed!
Sponsorships: Visit our website to find ways to support and sponsor the Johnson Jaguar Band & Guard. In addition to being to the largest band and guard program in Hays CISD, we have an extensive social media presence that goes beyond our local community. Supporting our hard working students by sponsoring the Moe & Gene Johnson Band & Guard Program is a Win-Win!
Business Sponsorships are a fantastic way for local businesses to support the Jaguar Band AND raise awareness about your company in our community. There are several different levels of sponsorship available, each with its own unique incentives. Check out our Sponsorship Opportunities Flyer to explore the various tax-deductible options available.
The 5th Annual Jag Jog is looking for local businesses and vendors who would like to share their brand with our community. Check out our Jag Jog Sponsorship Flyer to see how you can support our amazing students!
Don't have a business but know someone who does? Share this info with them or let us know they might be interested! We are so grateful for every sponsor that helps us fulfill our mission to support the students!
Gift Cards & E-Gift Cards
Looking at buying gift cards for your personal use or to give as gifts?
You can purchase gift cards through our Raise Right gift card fundraiser and our organization earns back a percentage of the value of the gift card. Many gift cards are digital gift cards which means you can purchase them right before you head to the store or restaurant! The donation to the band / percentage does sometimes change, with certain gift cards running promotions with a higher value of "give back" amounts so check back on your favorite stores often!
Join with our enrollment code: E3A37DB385885
Fly A Flag
Subscribe to Fly a Flag!
Support the Johnson Band and Guard by signing up TODAY for the Fly A Flag Program! For $52 per year, we will place a 3' x 5' flag in your yard 5 times a year for patriotic holidays. Blocks with multiple flags look fantastic so share with your neighbors!
Hurry and Sign Up before we run out of available subscriptions!
(Limited to Johnson School Zone at this time)
Wondering when your subscription needs to be renewed? Email FlyAFlag@johnsonbands.com with any questions.
Workplace Charitable Donations
If your company has a program that makes charitable donations, please let us know so that we can share that with our families who may not be aware. Every opportunity we have to support our students is greatly appreciated!
helpful notes
Check out and share our New Member Guide Book for 2023 - 24!
Jag Band & Guard Photos
Student Service Hours
Get Involved!
Have you signed up to volunteer yet?
All volunteers in Hays CISD must sign up here before volunteering.
All volunteers MUST be registered with the HAYSCISD VIP system. Once approved, below are guidelines for the volunteer check-in process during the year.
Check-in at the Front Office: Anytime you volunteer on campus during the school day.
Check-in at the Band Hall (Mrs. Mendez office): Anytime you volunteer on campus during after-school hours and during summer band hours.
Complete our Committee Interest Form to be informed on upcoming committee meetings as they begin: https://form.jotform.com/221345018736150
Join the Band Boosters: https://www.johnsonbands.com/product-page/2022-2023-booster-membership
Stay Connected!
- Save our website -www.johnsonbands.com
- Find copies of our Jaguar Band Newsletters at: https://www.johnsonbands.com/newsletter
- Sync to the Band Google Calendar: https://www.johnsonbands.com/calendar
- Sign up for 2022 Remind - Instructions here https://www.johnsonbands.com/get-connected
- Like our Facebook Page https://www.johnsonbands.com/get-connected
- Get Connected: Remind App, JHS Band Calendar, Photos & Newsletters. We're also on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube!
Email: president@johnsonbands.com
Website: https://www.johnsonbands.com/
Location: 4260 FM 967, Buda, TX, USA
Phone: 512.268.5172
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/johnsonjaguarband/
Twitter: @JHS_JaguarBand