Our Lady of the Cape Primary School
Newsletter - Thursday 2 December 2021
We are very thankful, God, for the good times
we have with our families.
Thank You for allowing us to enjoy each other’s company.
Thank You for giving us time to spend with them each day.
2021 Important Dates
Week 8
Fri 3 Dec: Adoration 4Dan
Week 9
Tues 7 Dec: Whole School Christmas Concert 6.00pm;
Wed 8 Dec: Kindy Christmas Concert;
Fri 10 Dec: Graduation Prayer Service - Awards & Morning Tea; Colour Run;
Last day for students
Please go to our calendar for more dates: https://www.ladyofcape.wa.edu.au/calendar.php
Leadership Speeches
End of year Concert
Our end of year concert commences on the school oval at 6.00pm (slightly later time) on Tuesday 7th December. Every student from PP-6 will be performing for their family. Our concert will be held outside on the eastern end of our school oval. (Carpark side). Fine weather is currently forecast for the evening.
Families are encouraged to arrive between 5.30 and 5.40pm. You can bring a picnic rug to sit on the hill by the partially constructed new nature playground, bring a low or a highchair or blanket to sit on. There will be designated areas for each style of chair. Low chairs in front of the stage and higher chairs to the side to allow others behind to see while blankets to be placed on the hill by the adventure playground.
Parking will be available on the school oval, the vacant block on Sloane Drive or early bird parking in the top sealed carpark at school. Families living in the area are encouraged to walk to the venue. Students are required to be in their classroom by 5.40pm. They will then walk down in their classes to sit in their designated areas. Please be reminded this is an alcohol-free event.
Pupil Free Days 2022
Our School Pupil Free Days in 2022 are:
Tuesday March 8 (After Labor Day Long Weekend)
Friday April 8 (Before the beginning of Term 1 Holidays)
Friday June 3 (Before WA Day Weekend)
Monday 29 August
Friday 11 November
No Candy Canes Please!
Please support us and have no candy canes be distributed at school this year.
Just helps us prevent a sugar overload during the final days and assist in prolonging the lifespan our healthy growing teeth.
Class Teachers for 2022
6 Miss Anita Hurst, Mr Sean McSevich
5 Ms Ann Coltrinari (Term 1) Mr Nick Jones, Miss Nikita Rees
4 Mrs Caitlin Delane, Mr Ben Danaher
3 Miss Holly Lombardi, Mrs Kathy Holt/Mrs Serena O’Brien
2 Mrs Monique Wendelin, Miss Amy McFarlane
1 Mrs Penny King/Mrs Gemma Sorgiovanni, Mrs Amy Sherborne/Mrs Sheree Knezevic
PP Mrs Julie Birch, Mrs Kristie Leahy
K Miss Katie Horrocks
Dance - Mrs Ellie Haines
Music - Ms Jane King, Mrs Amy Sherborne
Indonesian - Mrs Melinda Kartana
Extension/Gifted and Talented, Support: Mrs Paula Murphy, Miss Kyla Posthumus, Mrs Emily Tucker
Sport - Mrs Mandy Sinclair
HASS - Mrs Alison Martin
Families will be notified which classes their children are in the week prior to school commencing.
At the end of this year, we say farewell to Mrs. Chris Derickx after being involved at OLC for 25 years since the school commenced. Chris was an inaugural parent of our school community and staff member for 20 years. Chris is the most beautiful person who spreads positivity, sincerity and love wherever she goes. She has given so much to our school over so many years. She lives out Catholic values every day of her life and will be missed by us all for many reasons.
Mrs. Brigid Bradley is leaving after 20 years of service to our school community. Brigid, (very much a quiet achiever) has supported many students with their learning over the years and we all value her contribution to our school. Her dedication to the job has been valued by us all. Brigid has taken a year’s leave this year and has obviously enjoyed the break far too much!
Isobel Christie leaves us to take up a position at St Mary McKillop College in Busselton next year. We thank Isobel for all that she has done for our school this year and wish her all the very best in her future teaching career.
Mrs. Sandy Ricciardone is taking 12 months maternity leave. We all know that Sandy is an outstanding teacher and person. We wish her every bit of happiness and good health as the birth of her new baby approaches.
School Advisory Council and P&F AGM’s
Our school AGMs were held last Wednesday evening in our school hall. Tommy McNeil and Judd Heitman were our newly elected members and Craig Saunders was successfully re-elected to the SAC.
All positions on the P&F are declared open every year. Thank you very much to the following parents for their support of our great school. Honor Putland, Louise Robinson, Kelly Sweet, Lauren Horrocks, Leah Pearson, Jamie Riley, Nikki Rush and Sally Cheffins. Leah has kindly accepted role of president and other positions will be settled early next year.
While community expectations of schools, both public and independent, continue to grow, Our Lady of the Cape Primary School is committed to ensuring that we continue to provide a high quality, affordable Catholic education, especially during the current economic climate. If you have friends, neighbours or colleagues with children, I encourage you to share thegift of our learning and faith sharing community, centred in Christ with them as well. Supporting future enrolments is one of the most important ways to ensure an active, vibrant future for our school.
One on a skateboard, one piggybacking and one dancing!
Can you link the person with the activity and injury?
Passive School Fundraiser
Cape Cooks
OLC Cookbooks available for sale at the Christmas concert $29.95 or online using the following link:
https://olcprimaryschool.bigcartel.comWheelchairs for Kids
Did you know
- Our year 6 class members and teachers all participated in a busy bee down at the Church on Friday morning.
- Candy canes are not to be distributed at school. (Christmas Gringe Lee in action)
- Charlie and Ezra (PP) brought up a great big art display on how Ezra went squidding last Thursday evening.
- Christmas celebrates the birth of Christ.
- Five of our Cape Registration Plates were travelling towards Busselton on Tuesday morning between 7.00-7.20am
- There was a fire truck on the oval with lights flashing last Thursday afternoon and Friday morning. Luckily there was no fire or emergency, they were just learning some new things.
- Miss Lombardi was after a quiet place to work last Friday. She used Mr. Toresse’s office. Mr. Toresse still doesn’t know that she was in there. Mr.Lee is happy that at least something productive may have been happening in there.
- Christmas trees were first used by Ancient Egyptians and Romans.
- Our students write the date on the eggs as we collect them each day.
- The French gave the Statue of Liberty to America as a Christmas gift in 1886.
Watching Darcy Archer and Xavier Ricciardone (4) work out how many hours our students were at school for the year. They had to then take off the pupil free days and public holidays off the tally. They then went on to calculate the number of hours our Kindy students are at school.
Mr. Lee thinks these guys are legends as they saved him lots of time. However, if our school is closed down next year as we do not attend the correct number of hours, our resident mathematicians may become slightly illusive.
Playground Busy Bee - Helpers needed
Busy Bee Friday 03/12 and Saturday 04/12 – bring hat and gloves. Commences at 8.30am
School Fee Accounts
All school fee accounts should be cleared by year end. If you have a payment plan in place or have spoken to the Principal to make other arrangements please disregard this. If you have a leased laptop and your Year 6 child and your family are leaving the school community, fees will need to be paid before laptop can be taken at the end of term. If you required assistance or further information regarding fees please email either Sandra or Kaya in the office.
Uniform Sale
After School Sport
Next year is still to be determined.
O.L.C. Indigenous Garden
During Terms 3 and 4 both Year 6 classes have been busy designing, creating, planting, painting, digging, hammering and building an Indigenous Garden thanks to the generosity of a grant received from Woolworths and Landcare Australia.
In both Science and Digital Technology they have researched indigenous plants and gained knowledge about some plants and their use in our area.
The children have invested a lot of time and effort into creating an outdoor classroom area for the whole school to use. It will continue to grow and evolve even more over time.
Colour run
The colour run will take place again on the last day of school. Just a reminder to please return the fundraiser form to your class teacher. For every $5 raised, each participant will go in the draw to win this Awesome Summer Fun Prize Pack valued at around $200! The prize includes games, sporting equipment, toys donated by Sea Change News agency, stationery, a beautiful book donated by Text and Co and some sweet treats too!
Each participant will receive a small Raw Life icy pole at the end of their run. The Raw Life van will be on site selling juices/icy poles etc to parents/spectators too!
For this day, please wear a white t-shirt and free dress (preferably older clothes).
RE Update
Last Sunday marked the beginning of the special church season of Advent, where as Christians we prepare for the birth of Christ. At this service the first candle of the Advent wreath was lit.
The Advent Wreath is a symbol which reminds us of the everlasting love of God and the time of waiting for the coming of Christ into our lives.
The wreath is round, reminding us of the never-ending love of God.
It is made from evergreens reminding us of the life that comes from God.
There are four candles, three purple and one pink, representing the four Sundays in Advent.
The colour purple is the liturgical colour for Advent, which symbolizes a time of waiting and the colour pink represents the joy we share in the life of Jesus.
During the season of Advent one candle on the wreath is lit each Sunday as a part of the Advent services.
On the first Sunday of Advent, the 28th of November, the first purple candle was lit. This candle represents Hope or expectation in anticipation of the coming of Jesus. This weekend the second purple Advent candle will be lit, representing Peace, which is what the birth of Christ brought to the world. If you would like to attend the Advent church services leading up to Christmas, we would love to see you at the church at 6.00pm on Saturday evenings or 8.30am on Sunday mornings. All welcome, we would love to see you there!
We are so blessed to live in this beautiful place, and we are constantly looking for meaningful ways that our students can "Make Jesus Real" in their daily lives. With this goal in mind, the Year 6 students and their teachers Mrs. Ricciardone and Miss Hurst spent 3 hours last Friday morning helping to tidy up our church during a Busy Bee in preparation for the Christmas Season. Many thanks to parishioners Steve Carmody, Carmen McFaull, Martin Bain, Polly Higgins, Loellen Clarke and Sue Merry for helping to direct the students on the day. Also gratitude to Jack Robinson, Angela Corrigan and Kath Rooney for providing the students with delicious refreshments on a hot day. A great team effort to Make Jesus Real!
Our Year 6 students will enjoy their Graduation Ceremony on Friday 10th of December from 9.00am in the school hall. The service will commence with a prayer service followed by the presentation of awards. The Year 5 parents will be supplying a graduation morning tea for the Year 6 students and their families after the ceremony at approximately 11.00am. We thank these parents for their generosity. We would love to see Year 6 parents and grandparents attend this special day. All welcome!
On Christmas Eve we will be celebrating a children’s Mass at the church from 6.00pm and we are looking for any children who would like to participate in the Nativity play. We will need a narrator, Mary & Joseph, a donkey, three kings, angels and shepherds. Costumes will be provided, and a rehearsal will take place prior to the event. All ages welcome. If your child would like to take part, please contact me at the school at amie.meyer@cewa.edu.au.
Each year at OLC we take time to be thankful for our blessings and to assist those local people in need by contributing to Christmas Hampers distributed by the St Vincent De Paul Society. This year boxes will be in the shared work areas of the school and families are invited to contribute specified items. Please look out for the labelled boxes in the following areas in the next few weeks and give generously to support others in what can be a difficult time of the year. Thank you.
K & PP: Christmas goodies, chocolates, bonbons, puddings, decorations, small children's gifts and stocking stuffers etc.
Years 1, 2 & 3: Pasta sauces, meal kits, rice, biscuits, crackers, sauces, jams, condiments, (basically any non-perishable good food, which can be used beyond Christmas. Please, no baked beans or tinned vegetables 🙂).
Year 4, 5 & 6: Christmas Goodies: Chocolates, tinned fruit, non perishable fruit juices, nuts, small gifts, pampering items, vouchers (KMart, coffee, etc).
Thank you for helping to make someone’s Christmas a little more special this year.
Wishing all our OLC families a safe, happy and holy Christmas and a wonderful break! I am looking forward to seeing you all again in 2022.
God Bless!
Mrs. Amie Meyer. Assistant Principal, Religious Education
Coffee Fundraiser
A massive thank you to Jules and the Tiny Coffee team for their support of our Coffee Fundraiser. With the help of the amazing OLC community, we managed to raise over $400 for the school. Thank you Tiny Coffee for your wonderful support.
We would also like to thank Merchant and Maker for their support of the November coffee fundraiser.
community news
More about us
Email: admin@ladyofcape.wa.edu.au
Website: www.ladyofcape.wa.edu.au
Location: 245 Cape Naturaliste Road, Dunsborough WA, Australia
Phone: 9781 3200
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OLCDunsborough/