Padbury CPS Newsletter
Issue #2 - 5th March 2021
Please check the community calendar for upcoming and future dates as the calendar is regularly updated.
2021 Pupil Free Day Dates for your diary:
Friday 12 March 2021
Friday 28 May 2021
Tuesday 8 June 2021
Friday 18 June 2021
Monday 16 August 2021
Dear Parents
The Latin word sacramentum means ‘a sign of the sacred.’ Sacraments are ceremonies that point to what is sacred, significant and important for Catholics. They are special occasions for experiencing God's saving presence and are signs and instruments of God's grace. Celebrating sacraments is such an important part of our lives. The Sacramental Programme at Our Lady of the Mission Parish has commenced with enrolment masses taking place this weekend. The school will continue to work very closely with the Parish Team to ensure that our children and families are fully prepared. In our parish the sacramental programme is Parent focused, Parish based and a School supported Sacramental programme. Please refer to the Religious Education and calendar section of the newsletter for further details and dates and keep reading the newsletter for updates regarding parent information evenings.
Our Lady of the Mission Pastoral Council extends an invitation to all PCPS families to join in celebrating Father Cyprian’s ten years being a priest on 7 March at 11.00am. Celebrations will commence with a Mass on the oval near the church, followed by lunch and entertainment. This coincides with the Sacramental Enrolment Mass for children making a sacrament this year. I hope to see you there.
Our school Code of Conduct is mandated by the Government and Catholic Education Office of WA. The purpose of the Code of Conduct is to describe minimum standards of conduct in all behaviour decision-making to ensure the safety and well-being of students. The code applies to staff, students, parents, volunteers and guardians. It promotes positive work practices and establishes expectations for personal and professional boundaries concerning appropriate and inappropriate behaviour in relation to staff, students, volunteers, parents and guardians. It provides guidance about behaviour, relationships, attitudes and responsibilities and outlines the process that will be followed if the code is not observed. Please take the time to read the Code of Conduct on our school website
The Protective Behaviours Programme taught at Padbury CPS is the Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum (KS:CPC). It is a child safety program for children and young people from age 3 to year 12. It teaches children to:
· recognise abuse and tell a trusted adult about it
· understand what is appropriate and inappropriate touching
· understand ways of keeping themselves safe
All children and young people have a right to:
· be treated with respect and to be protected from harm
· be asked for their opinions about things that affect their lives and to be listened to
· feel and be safe in their interactions with adults and other children and young people
· understand as early as possible what is meant by 'feeling and being safe'
The curriculum follows 2 main themes:
· we all have the right to be safe
· we can help ourselves to be safe by talking to people we trust
The two themes are explored through 4 focus areas:
· the right to be safe
· relationships
· recognising and reporting abuse
· protective strategies
The focus areas are targeted to the age of the learners. The KS:CPC has been taught in our school for the last few years, is mandated by the Government and is taught every year by the class teachers. The teachers will send home letters regarding when they are commencing their units this year and what will be taught.
Thank you to all the parents who came along to the first P&F meeting of the year. The turnout was terrific and the commitment and dedication to PCPS, endless! We look forward to a great year ahead not only doing a little bit of fundraising but most importantly, friend raising.
The Family Fun Night is on tonight, 5 March. This is a special event in Term One where we can all catch up with everyone on a social level. Big thankyou to Catherine and Clinton Rudd for co ordinating the event and to their band of helpers. I look forward to seeing you from 5-8pm. Please read the P&F section for further details.
Our P&F Faith and Education committee are excited to be hosting URSTRONG, an internationally recognised Social Emotional Wellbeing program, that empowers children with the skills, language and self-confidence to be better friends and develop healthier relationships. URSTRONG’s Language of Friendship is suitable for students in Yr. 1-6 and will take place in a COVID safe way on Tuesday, 9 March from 5:00 pm to 6:30pm in the PCPS hall. Please see the P&F section for further details. Big thank you to Natalie Bullen for co ordinating this event.
Tuesday Pre-Kindy (3-Year-Old) has some vacancies this term. If you have a child who is 3yrs old or is turning three this year please enquire at the office regarding enrolling your child into our fabulous programme or click on the following link for further information -
If you have friends or neighbours who have children who are 3 years old, please talk to them about our exciting Pre-Kindy programme and encourage them to enrol.
Enrolments are now taking place of Kindergarten 2022, 2023, 2024. Please ensure that you have completed an enrolment form for your child and see Mrs Ellen at the office should have any queries.
Please take the time to read through the school website as it offers a lot of information about our school including the history, traditions, routines and practices here at Padbury Catholic Primary School. By reading this information you will to see that our wonderful school offers innovative programmes, provides a safe and secure environment for all and encourages parents to become partners in their child’s education. Upon enrolment at Padbury Catholic Primary School all parents sign the enrolment form whereby it stipulates that parents will agree to abide by the polices and directions of the school and the Catholic Education Office of Western Australia. The school website is a handy reference for the year ahead and any updated information will be provided via the newsletter or email informing you of any alterations to procedures and policies.
Parent Teacher Interviews for all children will be held in Week 7&8 of this term (Kindy also Week 6). Interviews are strictly 10 minutes. 5 minute breaks have been allocated between meetings for teachers to make notes and prepare for the following interview. If you require more time with a particular teacher, please arrange a separate meeting by emailing your classroom teacher.
This year, we are using an online booking system to make things more convenient and easier for parents. You would have received instructions earlier in the week on how to book your interviews -
1. Go to the following link -
2. Enter your details (including children’s names)
3. Select the teachers you wish to see
4. Select the appointment times that suit your family best
We have received a lot of positive feedback regarding the online booking system already, thank you to parents who have emailed this through.
All schools are always on a continual journey of improvement. We have an Annual School Plan which provides direction for the year ahead. This plan is based upon our Strategic Plan LEAD – Learning, Engagement, Accountability and Discipleship, which you can view on our school website -
Annual School Improvement Plan - Focus Areas 2021
Discipleship- Mercy
v Mercy Values – children, staff, parents, classrooms/school, newsletter
v Mercy Value Certificates and Banners
v Engagement with Sisters of Mercy
v Consolidate Literacy and Mathematics
v Creation and implementation of Staff Development and Growth Plan
v Development of Staff through Literacy, Mathematics, Early Childhood Education & Technologies Key Teacher roles
Early Childhood Education
v Shared beliefs and understandings
v Early Childhood Charter
Aboriginal Education
v Teachers to embed Aboriginal perspectives meaningfully into teaching and learning programs in cross-curricular areas
v Marketing Plan – expand
v Review social media accounts, website, tours, staff badges, children wrist bands
v Enrolment bag, school signage (internal & external)
v Playgrounds – redevelop
v Develop Welcome Courtyard
v Review current Behaviour Management Plan
v Continue to enhance the GreenSpace, upgrade chicken coop, garden bed
v Develop whole school action plan and Sustainability Charter
Please find below brief pointers regarding the Advisory Council’s last meeting:
· Bishops Mandate – Code of Ethical Conduct appropriate to Catholic schools.
· School Improvement Plan 2021
· Principal Report outlining school programmes in relation to Learning, Engagement, Accountability and Discipleship with a focus on Religious Education, Pastoral Care and Curriculum.
· School Finance Report
· Thank you to P&F regarding all their hard work and effort thus far this year
· P&F Rep Report
· Parish Report – sacramental programme commencing this week; invitation to Father Cyprian’s 10 yr anniversary
· Code of Conduct and Child Safety Framework
· Playground development discussed
· Master Plan discussed
· Information and Technology upgrades discussed
· Marketing Plan discussed
Have a wonderful weekend.
Kind regards
Mrs Margaret Williamson
Sacramental Update
A reminder that the Sacramental Enrolment Masses are this weekend at all OLM Saturday night and Sunday Masses. Please Note: The Sacramental Enrolment Mass on Sunday, 7th March, 2021 at 9.30 am has been cancelled in lieu of a special outdoor thanksgiving mass at 11 am on the oval near the parish. All families are warmly invited to attend this 11am mass instead as it is also in celebration of Fr Cyprian’s 10th anniversary as a priest.
The sacramental enrolment forms (sent home yesterday with your child), documents and fees are to be placed in a sealed envelope. The child’s name, school and sacrament is to be clearly stated on the envelope and returned when attending any of the enrolment masses.
Free Dress
We will be having a free dress day for a gold coin donation on Thursday 11 March with all money raised going to assist the victims of the recent bushfires.
Kindy will have a dots or stripe day on Wednesday 10 and Thursday 11 March and PK will have a green day on Tuesday 9 March.
Money raised will go to the Catholic charity Vinnies Bushfire Appeal.
Project Compassion
By giving what you can this Lent, you will help transform the lives of people like Jamila. Jamila is a twenty-two year old single mother, living in the world’s largest refugee camp in Cox’s Bazar in Bangladesh. A Rohingya woman, she fled the armed conflict in Myanmar’s Rakhine State to save herself, her elderly mother and eight month old baby daughter. Watch her story in the video below and see how her life has changed, thanks to people like you.
Kiss & Ride - O'Leary Road
Mornings - Parents may park along these bays.
Afternoons - NO PARKING. These bays are for KISS & RIDE ONLY.
Parking Reminder
The PCPS Musical is Coming...
This week we have spoken to the Year 5's and 6's about the Musical and what is involved. We are currently preparing for auditions which will begin next week. All students in Years 5 and 6 that want to be involved will have a part in the show!
Stay tuned for more information in the coming weeks.
Mrs Bastow & Mr vB
Musical Production Directors
Containers for Change
If you would like to deposit your containers and donate your refund amount to Padbury Catholic to put back into our sustainability initiatives, at the depot/drop-off point please enter our Scheme ID: C10370571
School photos are coming...
Dear Parents,
Your school photo day is coming! By now your child(ren) should have brought home their personalised flyer from Kapture Photography containing their unique codes for ordering school photos online.
The unique codes contained on the flyer will be issued only once.
Photo days: Monday 22 March and Tuesday 23 March
Dress: FULL SUMMER UNIFORM – including proper socks and proper black school shoes
Sibling photos: Monday 8am – Kindy Gecko and last names starting A-P
Tuesday 8am – Kindy Wallaby and last names starting Q-Z
Order EARLY for sibling photography
All photos can ONLY be ordered online. Sibling photos will need to be ordered before photo day. Once the maximum capacity of sibling orders has been reached, no more sibling orders can be placed. If maximum capacity is not reached, sibling orders close 12pm midday sharp, one business day prior to the first photo day.
The school or the photographers cannot accept late orders for sibling photography. Please do not ask as your request simply cannot be accommodated.
Order EARLY for discount photo day prices
All photos can ONLY be ordered online. Order your photos within 10 calendar days of photo day to receive discount photo day prices. Late orders are handled separately to the school delivery and incur a $20 custom service charge.
Other information
Kapture offer a money back guarantee for any parent who is not fully satisfied with their photo package. Should you have any queries before or after photo day, please check the FAQ’s on the Kapture website.
All students will be photographed individually on photo day for school administration records AS WELL as included in their class group presentation available for purchase to all families. Should there be any reason why your child should NOT be included in the photo shoot –please contact the school office.
For the duration of Covid-19 in WA, please be aware that Kapture are following all recommended health guidelines and safe practices. Our photographers are acutely aware of the evolving situation surrounding Covid-19 and abide by each individual school's Covid-19 policies. Where possible, the photographers will use verbal queues and instructions in an effort to uphold our high standard of student presentation. Students may be instructed by photographers to use single use sterile combs, wet wipes or tissues or to fix their own collars, buttons and stray hairs.
Music News
Choir for Boys and Girls in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 will be held each Tuesday morning in the hall at 8:15am.
All that is needed is a voice and lots of enthusiasm so please come along!
Mrs Cusack 🎶
Music Teacher
Our condolences to the Milan Family (Lia) whose Nonno recently passed and also to the Sita family (Sienna and Tyson) whose Nanny passed recently. You are in our prayers.
Social Worker's Corner
PCPS Social Worker
School Social Workers provide a safe place where parents, teachers and children can work through life’s ups and downs and where they can be supported in making positive decisions.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you would like to arrange a catch up. I am now available at Padbury Catholic on a Monday and Tuesday and can be reached via email or you are very welcome to pop into the office on a Monday or Tuesday.
More information is available on the school website:
Mrs Fisher
School Social Worker
This Week's Focus: Digital Devices in the Home
Family disputes around digital devices in the home environment can be common and stressful. Parents and their children often have differing ideas around what should and shouldn't be allowed when it relates to the use of digital devices. Rules are often set, but children can push the boundaries or break these rules.
To get some information and advice on how families can have less drama around digital device use, how to establish yourself as a mentor, and how to negotiate the use of technology with better safer outcomes, click on the link below to watch/listen to a Podcast on this very topic.
Mr vB
Assistant Principal
Family Fun Night 2021
Dear Parents
After postponement of our workshop last year, our P&F Faith and Education committee are excited to be hosting URSTRONG, an internationally recognised Social Emotional Wellbeing program, that empowers children with the skills, language and self-confidence to be better friends and develop healthier relationships. To learn more about URSTRONG and their programs please watch a short video describing the impact of URSTRONG on children and parents around the globe here.
URSTRONG’s Language of Friendship will take place on Tuesday, 9th March from 5:00 pm to 6:30pm in the Hall at Padbury Catholic School, and is suitable for students in Year 1 - 6. Tickets are $27.50 per person (2 tickets are required for a parent and child) and Padbury parents can will receive $10 off per ticket by utilising the PADBURY coupon code. Please click here to register. Due to COVID regulations we will be following the 2 square metre rule in the hall and hand sanitiser will be available. We will update should regulations change.
If you had paid last year, your tickets are being held in credit for you. If you need to clarify any queries about payment from last year, or would like a refund, please email directly, stating that you are from Padbury Catholic.
At PCPS we always have the children’s social-emotional needs at the forefront, implementing tools and strategies to support our efforts in creating a safe and caring school. We believe that empowering our students with these skills will create a school community where children are better able to manage their relationships in a safe and respectful environment.
Please do not hesitate to get in touch via the admin email if you have any questions.
Kind Regards
Mrs Natalie Bullen
P&F Faith & Education Co ordinator
Parish Update
24:7 Whitfords Youth Group For all youth in Years 6 to 12 1st and 3rd Friday @ Whitfords Parish Hall, 7pm Coming up: (Next week for Friday youth groups) Friday 19th February
Call Luke 0401822932 for more information.
Children's liturgy starts again from this weekend (14.02,21) ongoing during the term, 9.30am mass. All children 3+ years welcome.
Save the Date - Fr Cyp's 10th Sacerdotal Anniversary Thanksgiving Mass and Celebration:
Fr Cyprian will be celebrating 10 years of Priesthood on Sunday 7th March. A special outdoor Thanksgiving Mass is planned on the oval near the church for 11am followed by lunch . The Parish Council would like Padbury Catholic Primary School families to come and celebrate with him. To aid with the preparations, the 9.30am Mass will be cancelled on that Sunday so everyone is invited to the Special 11.00am Thanksgiving Mass. (8.00am & 5.45pm Mass will go ahead as usual).
Rev Fr Cyprian M Shikokoti - PP
Our Lady of the Mission, Whitford Parish
Website :
Padbury Catholic Primary School
Location: O'Leary Road, Padbury WA, Australia
Phone: 94044000