Veterans with Untreated P.T.S.D.
Group 5
One Place, One Stop
Group members: Abigail, Logan, Kylan, Enoch, Natalie, Will, Drew, and Nicholas
The Issue
Our issue is veterans suffering with untreated Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (P.T.S.D). There are approximately 50% of veterans with P.T.S.D. that do not seek treatment. Our goal is to increase the number of veterans getting treatment for P.T.S.D. Many veterans do not get treatment for P.T.S.D. because of the stigma associated with it. There is a program called Veterans One Stop in Waco that offers multiple services to veterans. One of the services this program offers is counseling and therapy for veterans with P.T.S.D. Due to the fact that this program offers multiple different services, no one knows if a veteran is going there for treatment for P.T.S.D. or something such as financial counseling. This gives a veteran the chance to get treatment for P.T.S.D. who otherwise would not choose to get treatment due to the stigma associated with the disorder. We will increase the awareness of Veterans One Stop by advertising it on social media, and others can share these advertisements on their social media as well.
Advocacy Project (video)
Take Action
Individual/personal level:
- advertise on your social media how Veterans One Stop can help veterans with P.T.S.D.
- talk to Veterans One Stop about using Animal Therapy, such as riding horses
Local level:
- contact local counselors and ask them to volunteer at Veterans One Stop
- contact city leaders about providing funding for Veterans One Stop
State level:
- contact state leaders about providing funding for Veterans One Stop
- contact leaders in other cities in Texas about starting a Veterans One Stop program in their city
- write letters to national leaders about providing funding for a Veterans One Stop next to every military base in the country
Ways others can take action:
- share advertisements on social media about Veterans One Stop and how it can help Veterans with P.T.S.D.
What We Learned
Abigail: I learned how we can help veterans with P.T.S.D. by lowering the stigma about it.
Logan: I learned how to be active in your community.
Kylan: I learned what Veteran One Stop is and what they do.
Enoch: I learned what P.T.S.D. is and how some veterans have it.
Will: I learned the true meaning of P.T.S.D.
Drew: I learned how veterans with P.T.S.D. usually don't confess that they have P.T.S.D.
Nicholas: I learned how veterans get P.T.S.D. and why some of them don't get help for it.
csmith@wacotrib.com, CASSIE L. SMITH. “Veterans One Stop to Celebrate New Location, Growing Services.” WacoTrib.com, Waco Tribune-Herald, 27 June 2016, www.wacotrib.com/news/military/veterans-one-stop-to-celebrate-new-location-growing-services/article_7a290156-0aca-553a-b107-75283c4f15de.html.
Glover, Lacie. “Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Statistics for Veterans.” NerdWallet, Nerd Wallet, 5 Dec. 2016, www.nerdwallet.com/blog/health/ptsd-post-traumatic-stress-disorder-statistics-veterans/.
Tucker, Charlotte. “U.S. Veterans Struggle with Pain, Stigma of Post-Traumatic Stress: New Research Aimed at Mental Health.” The Nation's Health, American Public Health Association, 1 Apr. 2012, thenationshealth.aphapublications.org/content/42/3/1.1.full.