District Digest
Glen Ellyn School District 41
In this issue…
- COVID-19 Dashboard
- Revised Guidance Reminder
- Safety Session Webinar
- Hadley Orchestra Solo & Ensemble Festival
Dual Language Program Applications
- 5Essentials
- Nominate the D41 Educator of the Year
- GPS Series
- Rental Assistance Program Open
COVID-19 Dashboard
The District 41 COVID Dashboard is a way for the public to monitor both the number of positive covid cases reported for students and staff as well as the number of people quarantined in the district due to close contact with someone who has tested positive. The dashboard will be updated every Monday by the end of the day.
CLICK HERE for the District 41 COVID-19 dashboard.
NOTE FOR PARENTS: Please check your email the morning after your child takes the SHIELD saliva test at school. At times we receive the results overnight and will email the information to you early the next morning.
Revised Guidance for Isolation and Quarantine
The isolation and quarantine period for students and staff members sick with COVID-19 or considered a close contact has been reduced to five days.
The Illinois Department of Public Health, Illinois State Board of Education and the DuPage County Health Department announced that the agencies have adopted CDC guidance for P-12 schools that halves the isolation and quarantine period. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) updated its guidance (updated 1/27) for P-12 schools.
As a result, District 41 has implemented this updated guidance. This announcement does not change the State of Illinois mask requirement for anyone inside school buildings. The Governor’s indoor mask mandate for school is still in effect until further notice.
Click here for more details.
Safety Session Webinar
On January 27, Glen Ellyn Police Department Sergeant Craig Holstead presented an online safety session webinar for parents. Sergeant Holstead provided information about District 41 safety and emergency response procedures. He also provided a brief training on the Run. Hide. Fight. protocol that District 41 teachers, students and staff are trained to use in an emergency.
To watch a recording of Sergeant Holstead's presentation click the screen below:
Hadley Orchestra Solo & Ensemble Festival
Congratulations to all the performers!
Dual Language Program Applications - Kindergartners 2022-2023
Exciting news! Applications of interest for incoming kindergarteners to be considered for our Dual Language program will be available soon! On February 24, a Dual Language Parent Information video along with accompanying documents will be made available on the District 41 website. Parents are asked to view the video before completing the application process. All students must complete and submit an application of interest in order to be considered, including siblings of current Dual Language students. More detailed information about the video and forms will be communicated once they are available.
5Essentials Parent Survey
All parents are encouraged to participate in a brief survey to help District 41 gather valuable data to inform school improvement. The Illinois 5Essentials Parent Survey is administered annually by the Illinois State Board of Education. The survey is open.
Click here to take the survey and choose “Parent Survey.” The deadline is March 11.
Each school needs at least 20 percent parent participation for a data report to be provided for the school. For more information about the survey, see below. Thank you in advance for your participation. Your feedback is very much appreciated!
For questions regarding the survey, please call Department of Wellness at (217) 782-5270 or email 5Essentials@isbe.net.
D41 Educator of the Year - Nominate Before February 6th!
For 58 years, Glen Ellyn has been honoring the BEST of what and who makes Glen Ellyn such a wonderful village to live, work and play. Many of our civil servants, businesses, non-profits and residents have risen up consistently through these obstacles to support their community, reorganize their business plan, and go above and beyond. These are the individuals behind what makes Glen Ellyn great. One of the winners to be selected will be the D41 Educator of the Year. For more information CLICK HERE. To nominate, CLICK HERE
Upcoming Glenbard Parent Series Events
Julie Lythcott-Haims
Tue, Feb 8 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Real American: A Memoir
Dr. Kristin Neff
Wed, Feb 16 @ 7:00 pm CST - 8:00 pm CST
The Power of Self Compassion
For the full list of Upcoming Speakers CLICK HERE
Illinois' new COVID-19 Rental Assistance Program Open
The Illinois Housing Development Authority has opened a new federally funded round of assistance. If you are behind on rent due to COVID-19, you may be eligible for up to $25,000 and 18 months of emergency rental payments. To learn more about how you can sign up for this program and whether you qualify for help, please visit www.illinoishousinghelp.org
Glen Ellyn School District 41
Email: webmaster@d41.org
Website: www.d41.org
Location: 793 North Main Street, Glen Ellyn, IL, USA
Phone: 630.790.6400
Facebook: facebook.com/glenellynd41
Twitter: @glenellynd41