November 2022
Partners In Prevention is a collaboration of community stakeholders whom work together to share resources in an effort to decrease substance use, misuse, and abuse in our communities.
You and Me, Together Vape-Free Campaign
The goals of this curriculum are for adolescents to:
- Increase their knowledge about e-cigarettes and the harms they can cause.
- Gain awareness of strategies manufacturers and sellers of e-cigarettes employ to increase use among adolescents, such as deceptive and creative marketing strategies.
- Gain skills to refuse experimentation and use of e-cigarettes.
- Ultimately, to reduce and prevent e-cigarette use of any type, including nicotine, cannabis/THC, and/or non-nicotine products.
The You and Me, Together Vape-Free curriculum includes 6 lessons, each providing activities, online quiz games, and worksheets in addition to presentations, resources, and other materials aimed at addressing key factors associated with youth e-cigarette use, including changing adolescents’ attitudes towards and misperceptions about e-cigarettes; increasing their refusal skills to pulls of flavors, marketing, and social media; reducing stress and depression which have been linked to e-cigarette initiation and use; improving coping; and decreasing intentions and actual use of all e-cigarette products.
Real Deal on Fentanyl Campaign
Successful Outreach, Events, and Trainings
Super Colfax in Colfax, WA. Medication Take Back Day
East Valley Community Coalition Medication Take Back Day
Wilbur-Creston Medication Take Back Day
West Spokane Wellness Partnership Take Back Day
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Prevention Voices Annual Youth-Led Advocacy Training
Prevention Voices will be collaborating with the Rural Network to help facilitate the Prevent Coalition’s (ESD112) annual youth-led youth advocacy training, Use Your Voice. We hope together we can reach youth from all corners of the state! We will be doing this in a hybrid format, where we encourage youth groups to come together in their own space (although this won’t be required), with an adult facilitator. Break out sessions will be both in-person and virtual. We plan on inviting two legislators, one for each day. Registration dates, times, and links are directly below.