Miss Bailey's Class
Welcome to Our Newsletter
Announcements and Important Information
Dates to Remember
May 30 - Field Day (wear red)
May 31 - Last Day of School (Early Release 12:55)
Recess Sports
5th Grade Families,
We have made the difficult decision to take a break from sports at 5th grade recess. This will include football, soccer, basketball and baseball for the remainder of the year. Over the year, we have had countless issues with students playing these sports inappropriately, and we continue to have incidents where students are getting injured. We have tried setting expectations and rules and reviewing them often, pulling students who are playing too rough from the games, having admins come in and discuss appropriate play, and yet we are still having the same results. While we understand that community-based sports have different rules, we are regularly seeing school-based sport rules not being followed. From now until the beginning of next year, our teachers and admins will be working on a more robust plan for recess sports to ensure appropriate and safe play for all students. If you have input on how we can make a safe and successful plan, please email our principals (their contact info is below.)
Thank you so much for your support and understanding as we work to make sure all students are safe at school every day!
Kylie Dixon (dixokyli@sd91.org)
Chandra Bratton (langchan@sd91.org)
Shelby Whiting (whitshel@sd91.org)
Mrs. Farnsworth
Mrs. Allison
Miss Bailey
Mrs. Varvel
STOP it - Website and App
This is the new district website for reporting safety and bullying issues. This program is for students, parents, patrons, and staff to report concerns that directly impact student/staff safety. The program can be found on D91 app, the students' Single Sign On accounts, all school websites, the district home page, and the STOPit! App.
What We are Learning!
English Language Arts
Etymology (Spelling)
Social Studies
Policies and General Information
Homework Policy
The students will have regular spelling homework. The spelling homework should not take students more than 10-15 minutes to complete per night. The homework is set up to help them become familiar with the words that will be on the test. The student may also have homework for large projects, uncompleted classwork, or days absent. If a student has homework, the expectation is that they bring it back to school completed on the following day (for unfinished work) or on the due date (for projects and absent work).
Classwork Grading Scale
The scale is as follows:
4 = I got it, and I used complete sentences.
3 = I almost got it, and I mostly used complete sentences.
2 = I don't understand, or I didn't use complete sentences.
1 = I didn't try or ask for help.
Birthday Treats
As a staff, we have decided that students can bring birthday treats on their birthday for the class if they follow the guidelines below:
- Store bought
- Individually wrapped
- Must fit in student backpack
We have 25 students this year, so make sure each student as a treat. We do have some nut allergies in our class, so please choose a treat free of nuts!
Scholastic Online Book Orders
Dear Family,
With a $25 order, you can pick a FREE $5 Book (use code: READS).
Shop Our Class Page: https://orders.scholastic.com/YKBVH
Shop Digital Flyers for Our Grade with Your Child: https://clubs.scholastic.com/grade5
Please share the Class Page link to extended family and friends. All orders also earn FREE Books for our class.
Thank you for your support!
Miss Bailey
Our class code for scholastic online book orders is YKBVH. If you or your child orders a book online, please let me know so I can confirm the order. It won't send the orders into scholastic unless I hit the confirmation button. This is separate from the Scholastic Book Fair at school.
Hunter Bailey
Email: bailhunt@sd91.org
Website: ifschools.org
Location: 165 Cobblestone Ln, Idaho Falls, ID 83404
Phone: (208) 524-7880