All Things RE
April 2023
Sunshine, 80 degrees and the threat of snow on the weekend. It must be spring in Wisconsin! Though I was a summer baby, spring has always been my favorite time of the year. Spring brings us rebirth, firsts, and blooms. The first day in flip flops and shorts. The first sprout peeking from the flowerbed and stretching toward the sun. The first day our little ones can run and play outside without a jacket or care in the world. It is a gift to see our Earth awake and remind us of her beauty in springtime sounds, sights and smells. May your days be longer, and beauty be found everywhere you seek it.
LaToya Bates
Director of Religious Education
News and Announcements
Summer Survival Camp
What would you do if your power went out? It happens from time to time, but what would you do if the power was out for more than a day? Could you stay warm or cook meals? If you get lost, do you know how to find your way without the use of your cell phone? Do your kids know how to find safety or shelter in an emergency? How do you find food or drinking water in an emergency? Do your children know who to contact if they need help? These are skills that we may not have, but certainly need.
Join us for Summer Survival Camp at UCN. Kids, adults and families are invited to our three-day summer camp where we will learn basic survival skills and how to prepare for emergencies. We’ll have camp activities for K4-3rd graders, 4th through 8th graders, teens (high school) and adults/parents.
Activities will include learning how to:
· Find food in a crisis
· Build a shelter
· Start a fire
· Signal for help
· Use a compass
· Locate water and make water safe for drinking
Explore nature and enjoy the trails around UCN. Participate in arts, crafts and games. Most importantly, you can meet new people while enjoying time with your UCN family and friends.
Registration for summer camp is now open. Summer camp will be on Thursday, June 22nd from 5:30-8pm, Friday, June 23rd from 5:30-8pm and Saturday, June 24th 9am-3pm. Campers and their families are invited to attend Sunday service on June 25th. Dinner is provided on Thursday and Friday and lunch is provided on Saturday.
Summer Survival Camp is free and is sponsored by the Religious Education program at UCN. You don’t need to be a UCN member or RE student to participate. Contact DRE@UCNorth.org with questions. Click here to register.
Registration closes on June 15th.
OWL Survey
B~Free & Quinten Farr in Concert at UCN
We are proud to present a wonderful evening of live music, featuring the musical stylings of longtime joint force & multifaceted husband & wife combo, B-Free & Quinten Farr. Singer, producer & multi-instrumentalist B~Free has paved her creative career in a large number of musical disciplines, while Quinten has navigated waters as a musician, producer, mixing engineer & sound designer. With the combination of original, cover & reinterpreted music alongside unique, in-depth performances, their musical offerings are sure to deliver a variety of feel-good vibes to any setting.
A party with a purpose! Proceeds form the event will help pay for a new UCN sign on Port Washington Rd. Advanced tickets are $25, and $30 at the door. We will be serving beer, wine and non-alcoholic beverages. Tickets available through Eventbrite, link below.
Free childcare is available for those attending the event. Click here to register your child/children.
Update on Religious Education Classes
K4-4th Grade
In March, the K4-4th grade students had two lessons from the Love Surrounds Us curriculum, Our Words Matter, and Hear Our Voice. On March 5th, students made their own talking stick, and read a Native American story, The Talking Stick. Students enjoyed time making crafts together. On March 19th, students learned about Ruby Bridges and talked about the importance of making people feel welcome. In April, they will talk about peace. On April 2nd they read Supriya's Bowl and made bowls from clay. On April 16th, they will decorate their bowls and learn about peaceful choices.
5th Through 8th Grade
The World Religion class studied Sikhism in March. The group led a trip to the Sikh Temple on March 19th. UCN members, their family and others participated in this trip to the gurdwara. We look forward to visiting again!
Coming of Age (COA)
COA class talked about prayer and social justice in March. COA was also invited to participate in the trip to the Sikh Temple on March 19th. Members of the Social Justice Committee have been invited to share information about their work. More about this meeting in May.
Recent Events
Family Fun Day
Family Fun Day was on March 26th. UCN members and friends met at Cedars III Bowling Center, to enjoy two games of bowling, pizza and an afternoon of fellowship. Those kiddos are pretty good bowlers too! It was such a good time for all.
Women and Wine Wednesday
Women and Wine Wednesday was held on Wednesday, March 29th. Thanks to everyone who attended and shared their vision for the year. Save the date for a paint and sip event on Wednesday, May 31st.
The Church Where It Happens
Email: DRE@UCNorth.org
Website: UCNorth.org
Location: 13800 N Port Washington Rd, Mequon, WI 53097, USA
Phone: 262.375.3890
Facebook: Facebook.com/REatUCN/