Bordeaux Elementary School
Weekly Update - January 21, 2024
Dear Bordeaux Families -
Thank you to everyone who came out on Friday to participate in Books and BINGO. If you are interested in ensuring these types of community events can continue, our PTSO is seeking a new President and Vice-President for next year.
This Wednesday, January 24, Bordeaux will be celebrating our school wide Bulldog Ticket Program. As part of our continued recognition of students being Safe, Respectful, and Responsible we are having a school spirit day. Each grade level has picked a color for students from that grade level to wear. The grade level with the most school spirit will receive a Big Paw for their classes. Plus - it’s more fun if everyone participates. Below are the colors being represented by each grade level.
Kindergarten - RED
First Grade – PINK
Second Grade – BLUE
Third Grade – BLACK
Fourth Grade - GREEN
Basketball starts this week, with 1st grade on Monday, 2nd grade on Tuesday, 3rd grade on Thursday, and 4th grade on Friday. Students were accepted on a first come first served basis and space was limited. The students that will be participating received letters, so please check your student’s red folder. If a student misses the first two practices, they will be removed from the team in order to provide space for someone who is on the waitlist.
It’s continuing to be wet and rainy. We do not have enough extra clothes to provide students if they choose to play in the puddles or in the field and get wet. We do our best to monitor all the students on the playground and they are reminded to stay out of the water and mud. If students bring an extra set of clothing, we will allow them to change. When it’s raining heavily, we do keep the students inside, but try to limit that as much as possible so that they can get outside to run around and get some fresh air. However, the field and puddles remain, even when the rain has stopped.
As always, it’s a great week to be a Bordeaux Bulldog!