News from Your IMC
Welcome, Fall!
Celebrate Teen Reading
The Book Fair is Back!
Visit our Scholastic Book Fair! The Fair will begin in the IMC this Friday and go through Parent-Teacher Conferences next week. In addition to the great selection of books for preschoolers through adults, we'll have contests and drawings in the IMC during that week as well! As a special incentive for teachers, we will be hosting CYBER TUESDAY just for teachers! Make any order on our Scholastic website on Tuesday, October 11 and get entered into a drawing of just NCHS teachers to win a $20 gift certificate! Remember that all Scholastic purchases directly benefit the NCHS IMC!
IMC Webpage
I'm happy to talk to departments during PLC time, or to classes starting research projects about these databases and what they can do.
Back by Popular Demand
Lunch and Learn will take place in the IMC over the lunch periods on the second Thursday of each month. More information will be forthcoming about individual speakers.