Mac Library Newsletter
Empowerment through Exploration
Coming Up in September
Batman Day- September 16th
Talk Like a Pirate Day- September 19th
Hispanic Heritage Month: September 15th- October 15th
National Hispanic Heritage Month, recognized annually from September 15 to October 15, celebrates Hispanic and Latino American history, culture, and the contributions of Hispanic Americans whose families came from Spain, Mexico, Central, South America, and the Caribbean. Students can check out our book display in the library to learn more!
September is National Public Library Card Sign-up Month
Maximize Your Student Sora Account with SAPL!
Parent Lunch & Learn Opportunity
CCMR Spotlight: Language of Success
Language of Success
Your CCMR, AVID, and Library program are teaming up this year to build a culture of College, Career, and Military Readiness on campus. We are building our Language of Success with a new word each week!
PSAT Study Plan
Shout out to our CCMR specialist Mr Robledo-Madera for popping by the library during FLEX to talk to our CTECH students about Industry Based Certifications!
August Highlights
Library Lesson Spotlight
Freshmen Library Orientation
Senior Kickstart
Mac Library and our CCMR Specialist Mr. Robledo Madera teamed up host Senior English classes for Senior Kickstart. Students learned about CCMR resources in Learning Express and completed a to do list to set themselves up for success in their senior year
MacUP Team Building and SEL
Engagement in August
Library Student Interest Survey
Stick Together Virtual Boards
Calf Scramble
August Book Displays
Monthly Snapshot
- Passes are NOT required before/after school
- Pink passes are required from 8:50 AM to 4:20 PM
- All students coming to the library with individual passes must sign in at the circulation desk
- Please do not bring food and open drinks into the library
- Electronic devices for educational purposes are welcome in the library but must not disturb other library users
- Senior Early Release/Late Arrival Students: Senior early release/late arrival students must sign in at the AP office to get a pass to come use the library during their off period.
- Each student must have their own dated pass from a teacher. Students can ask any of their morning teachers for a pass.
- Students must enter through the library courtyard door in the first 10 minutes of the lunch period. Students can exit through the courtyard doors before the end of the period if they want to go eat lunch.
- Students may not eat lunch in the library
- The library will be closed during lunches if there are any classes in the library 4th - 6th period.
- Everyday there will be a PA announcement to let you know if the library is open during lunches that day