Barbieri Bulletin
Family Edition: November 13, 2023
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Principal's Message
Good morning Barbieri Families,
During this time we honor our Veterans and give them thanks for protecting and defending our freedom! I thank my brother, Ramon, U.S. Army Lieutenant, who has served directly in combat. My brother now lives in Italy with his wife Isabel, my niece Sofia and nephew Maksim.
This week we have a full week ahead before we break for the Thanksgiving holiday weekend! Thursday night we will host a Arts Signals event of painting and pottery hosted by Mrs. MacKay and sponsored by our PTO.
Gracias a todos,
Worcester Public Schools Visit
Worcester Public Schools Multilingual Education office has reached out to visit Barbieri School and observe our dual language instruction. More specifically, they would like to observe the delivery of co-taught ESL instruction within our dual Language program. We will welcome our guests on November 30th from 9:30AM-12:00PM.
Barbieri School's Winter Scholastic Book Fair 📚📘📚
Please view the classroom sign up sheet above and consider volunteering when your child/ren class attends the book fair.
We are noticing an increase in the amount of toys, cards, dolls, and other personal items coming to school. They are not allowed in school. We are not responsible for these items. It is best to keep them at home safely for all children to be able to come to them when they arrive home. We appreciate your support with this! Children at this age become very upset when these items are lost. Please keep them safely stored at home.
Thanksgiving Holiday Meals🍗
Barbieri School gives a special thank you this year to the student athletes of Team New England! As part of their community service they have donated 50 turkeys and all of the sides for a meal to 50 Barbieri Families We are extremely thankful for their support and their sponsors, Stop and Shop, Trader Joes and BJ's! All families (*invitation only) will be able to pick up their full meals at Barbieri School on Tuesday 11/21/23! Thank you to our schools' support team for their planning and collaboration. A special thank you to Mrs. Yesenia "Yesi" Gaudet, Barbieri School's Wraparound Coordinator for organizing this event!
Order your Pies--Barbieri PTO Fundraiser! 🥧🥧🥧
16- Painting Night, 6pm-8pm, Barbieri Bistro
22- NO SCHOOL: Staff Appreciation Day
23-24- NO SCHOOL: Thanksgiving Holiday Recess 🦃
30- DLPAC Meeting at 7:30PM, virtual, see flyer above for link
1- Staff and Students PICTURE MAKE-UP DAY📸
4-8- Barbieri's Winter Scholastic Book Fair Week! In the lobby!📚
5- Barbieri School Family Game Night!
7-Barbieri School Family Game Night! (snow date)
7- Early Release Day: PD Day, Students are dismissed at 12:55PM, lunch is served
7- Family, Friends, and Neighbor's Day, NO HOMEWORK
25- 1/2- Holiday Winter Break!!! NO SCHOOL