Ranger Report 12/09/22
IB World School
Message from the Principal
Ranger Families,
Wow! It was a great week here at BTE! This week, as a school, we practiced being PRINCIPLED by having integrity and honesty. Our Spanish phrase of the week was ¡Felices fiestas! which means, Happy holidays! We encouraged all scholars to practice this phrase throughout the day and even at home.
Our goal is to bridge the divide between families and school. Please help us do that by making sure you are receiving Talking Points messages that are being sent out from your child's teacher. If you are not, let them know and we will get you connected.
Important reminder:
- BREAKFAST- If your child needs to eat breakfast in the morning, they will need to arrive BEFORE 7:25. The breakfast line DOES shut down at this time so that all students can be in class before the tardy bell rings!
Quintina Gildon
Interim Principal, BTE
The 5 Days of Dress Up are HERE!!!!!
District Benchmark Testing is next week!
Next week, all 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th graders will be taking district benchmark tests. On these testing days, BTE will be a closed campus, and will not allow visitors at all. The testing schedule is as follows:
- Tuesday 12/13 - Math (3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th grades)
- Wednesday 12/14 - Reading (3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th grades)
- Thursday 12/15 - Science (5th grade)
BTE Parent Workshop
Hosting a parent workshop next Tuesday on Internet Safety. Will you please help me promote it and share it on the Ranger Report and all other platforms?
Here is the link to the Zoom Meeting
Mentors: WE NEED YOU!
Want to stay connected?
Instagram: @BTEogesIB
Facebook: Bluebonnet Trail Elementary
Twitter: @BTEgoesIB
Upcoming Events
- 5 Days of Dress Up --> 12/12 - 12/16
- District Benchmark Testing --> 12/13, 12/14, 12/15
- Closed Campus for Testing --> 12/13, 12/14, 12/15
- Winter Break --> 12/19/22 - 01/03/22
- First Day of School 2023 --> 01/04/22