4-H Friday NewsBlast
02/05/2021 - 4-H Professionals Appreciation Day
Cass County 4-H Council will again be providing Cass 4-H'ers with FREE codes for their YQCA training! There will be different codes for in person YQCA training and web based training, Please email Tammy @ tcavanaugh2@unl.edu for your code, or call the Extension Office 402.267.2205. Be sure to email your certificate to Tammy when you have completed the training.
4-H Summer Intern
Cass County Extension Office is seeking a 2021 4-H intern to work in our office. This paid summer internship will begin mid May and conclude mid August. Send cover letter and resume to: Lauren Stohlmann lstohlmann2@unl.edu OR mail Cass County Extension Office, Attn: Lauren Stohlmann, 8400 144th Street, Suite 100, Weeping Water, NE 68463. Deadline for submission is Sunday, February 7th. More information can be found at Cass County 2021 summer Intern
February 9th 4-H Escape Room with Tracy!
2021 Cass County Public Speaking Contest
The Cass County Public Speaking Contest is scheduled for Sunday, April 11th @ 2 p.m. in the Cass County Fairgrounds Expo Building. Registration is due by Friday, April 2nd. Click here for full guidelines and registration information.
Please direct your questions to Lauren @ lstohlmann2@unl.edu or 402-267-2205
2021 Cass County 4-H Summer Camp Awards
If you would like an application snail mailed to you just email Tammy @
SENIORS! Check out all the Scholarship Opportunities Available!
- Scholarship opportunity for Shooting Sports Seniors! Check out the Cole Anderson Memorial Scholarship for Seniors available under the Information tab at https://cornhusker-trap.com/
- Scholarship opportunities for all Cass County 4-H Seniors can be found at https://extension.unl.edu/statewide/cass/4-h-resources/#tab3
Keep Cass County Beautiful!
Keep Cass County Beautiful has funds and supplies available for 4-H litter cleanups in Cass County. Mini-grants are award to community groups, organizations and clubs who conduct litter cleanups in public areas along streets, roadways and parks. Adopt a Highway projects are ineligible for funding. An online application and guidelines can be found on the KCCB website at https://www.keepcasscountybeautiful.com/index.php/litter-reduction/clean-up-grants or contact Linda Behrns, Executive Director, at Linda@KeepCassCountyBeautiful.com or at
OWAA Student Photo Contest & Norm Strung Youth Writing Awards
Entering the contests is easy. Any outdoor-themed written or photographic work created during 2020 can be submitted between January 15, 2021, and March 1, 2021, at owaa.org/contests/. Complete rules of the contests are also available at that site.
4-H Plant and Insect Identification Contests
If you like plants and/or insects, here’s your opportunity to build skills and have fun too!
Attend to participate in one, two, three or all four contests!
Your interest - your choice! Bring a friend too!
4-H’ers may earn a trip to a state and/or national contest!
Thursday, June 24, 2021
Agricultural Park Exhibit Hall Club Room, Fairgrounds - 822 15th Street, Columbus NE
(Entrance to Ag Park is at intersection of 10th Av. and 15th St.)
12:15 – Welcome and Instructions
12:30 PM - Horticulture Judging, I.D. & Quiz
1:45 PM - Tree Identification
2:35 PM – BREAK with Refreshments
2:45 PM - Entomology (Insect) Identification
3:45 PM - Grass and Weed Identification
Identify plant/insect samples for each contest. For horticulture, there is also 4 judging classes (vegetables, fruits,
flowers, nursery stock). Study materials available at https://4h.unl.edu/fairbook/contests. For information, contact
your local Extension office or Kelly Feehan at kfeehan2@unl.edu or 402-563-4901.
2021 Tractor Safety Training
2021 Great Plains Livestock Judging Circuit
Youth in Action Awards
- Applications for the 2022 4-H Youth in Action awards are now open! This awards program, coordinated by National 4-H Council, recognizes four outstanding young people ages 15-19 making meaningful impacts in their communities. Winners receive a $5,000 scholarship, an all-expenses-paid trip to Washington D.C. for National 4-H Council’s Legacy Awards, a personal promotional video showcasing their 4-H impact story, and much more! Learn more and apply at go.unl.edu/4hyia.
👈Nebraska 4-H 2021 Summer Camps
We have exciting news! Registration for Summer Camp 2021 is now OPEN! Check out our exciting 4 and 5 day overnight camp offerings at the NEBRASKA STATE 4-H CAMP in Halsey! Charter bus transportation option offered select weeks from Lincoln (UNL East Campus) and Grand Island (Raising Nebraska)! Register by Jan. 31st to receive 10% off per session! Use code: EARLYBIRD21
See full camp descriptions and register online: https://4h.unl.edu/camps-centers/summer-camp/schedule
2021 Annual Cornhusker Jr/Sr High School Shoot
Attention Shotgun participants: The annual Cornhusker Jr/Sr High School Shoot is scheduled for April 29, 30 and May 1, 2021. To participate in this shoot, youth must enroll or re-enroll in the 4-H Shotgun project by March 1, 2021. Contact Tracy at tracy.ensor@unl.edu if you have questions.
Indirect Volunteer Information
We love our volunteers and all that you have to offer Cass County 4-H!
Nebraska 4-H has updated the volunteer application process within the last year. This process was developed to provide protection for our youth and volunteers. Volunteers are identified as direct or indirect.
All Indirect Volunteers (non-leaders and/or project managers) are required to complete a simple form and return it to the Extension Office. This includes all Animal Superintendents, Static Superintendents, Contest Superintendents, and Judging Superintendents. For a complete list, please visit https://4h.unl.edu/employee/youth-protection#volunteers
To complete your form please follow this link: https://go.unl.edu/0mi6
Signed forms can be printed, mailed, dropped off to the office, or emailed to sandy.prall@unl.edu
Please direct questions to Lauren at lstohlmann2@unl.edu or 402-267-2205.
Thank you for all you do!😊
👉Get Enrolled Today👈
👈How to Pick A Project in 4HOnline:
Sometimes it is difficult to know which project to choose when registering in 4HOnline. The Pick Your Project resource can help! Using this searchable, web-based tool, users can search for projects by keywords, curriculum areas, knowledge levels, and geographic levels that link to 4HOnline projects. Curriculum and resources are directly linked within each of the fairbook entries within the new Nebraska State Fair 4-H Fairbook.
Innovative Youth Corn Challenge 2.0
The Nebraska Innovative Youth Corn Challenge is approaching its tenth-year engaging youth in crop science-based education. The Innovative Youth Corn Challenge (IYCC) was created as a partnership between the Nebraska Corn Board and Nebraska Extension. Over $2,000 in cash prizes are awarded. More information can be found at: https://cropwatch.unl.edu/youth/cornchallenge
Animal Science: Inspiring Your Future Scholarship Contest
This is the inaugural year for the Animal Science: Inspiring Your Future Scholarship Contest and we will be awarding ten $5000 scholarships. We want students to tell us their digital story about an individual or animal who has inspired them to pursue an education and career in animal science. This can be done via video, essay, pictures, a combination of those things, or really any medium that allows them to comfortably express themselves. The website link is below that lists out the contest details and link to apply and submit their digital story. All entries must be submitted by Noon on February 15th!
More details at: https://animalscience.unl.edu/Inspiring-Your-Future-Scholarship-Competition
Virtual Horse Judging Camp
This is an online horse judging camp for anyone thinking about giving horse judging a try! The camp includes at-home assignments, reasons critique, 4 interactive virtual meetings, quizzes, and certificate of completion!
This camp is for anyone who may be thinking about being on or coaching a Horse Judging team.
More info: https://campus.extension.org/course/search.php?search=horse+judging+camp
Joke of the Week 😁
2021 Cass County 4-H Calendar
4-H Calendar
4-H Calendar - Be sure to check often for updates!
- February 1-29, 2021 Nebraska 4-H Month
- February 9, 2021 YQCA in person training 6:30pm-7:30pm (sign up required)
- June 14, 2021 - District 4-H Horse Show - Scottsbluff
- June 15, 2021 - Statewide Enrollment Deadline
- June 15, 2021 - ALL Animal ID sheets due & county only horse ID/level testing
- June 15, 2021 - 4-H YQCA Testing complete and turned in to Extension Office
- June 15, 2021 - District 4-H Horse Show - Burwell
- June 16, 2021 - District 4-H Horse Show - Columbus
- June 17, 2021 - District 4-H Horse Show - Lincoln
- June 18, 2021 - District 4-H Horse Show - McCook
- June 28-29, 2021 - Life Challenge
- June 28-29,2021 - Premier Animal Science Event (PASE)
- June 30, 2021 - State 4-H Public Speaking Contest
- July 10-14, 2021 - Fonner Park State 4-H Horse Expo
- August 7, 2021 - Fairgrounds clean up - Livestock buildings and grounds
- August 8, 2021 - Static Exhibit Entry Day
- August 9, 2021 - Judging day for static Exhibits
- August 11-14, 2021 - Cass County Fair
- August 14, 2021 - 4-H Livestock Auction
Nebraska Extension Cass County
Lauren Stohlmann, Extension Educator and Unit Leader, lauren.stohlmann@unl.edu
Katie Kreuser, Extension Educator, katie.kreuser@unl.edu
Tracy Ensor, Extension Assistant, tracy.ensor@unl.edu
Tammy Cavanaugh, 4-H Support Staff, tcavanaugh2@unl.edu
Sandy Prall, Office Manager, sprall2@unl.edu
General Mailbox, cass-county@unl.edu
Email: cass-county@unl.edu
Website: www.cass.unl.edu
Location: 8400 144th Street, Weeping Water, NE, 68463
Phone: 402-267-2205
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UNLCassCounty/
Twitter: @UNLCassCounty