BSD Family Updates
For Bremerton School District students & families
Tuesday, November 21, 2023
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Reminder: Apple Cup Rivalry Day is tomorrow!
BSD's annual Apple Cup Rivalry Day is Wednesday, November 22 (the last day of school before Thanksgiving break).
Show your school pride on Wednesday, November 22 for the annual BSD Apple Cup Rivalry Day. Wear your favorite school's colors and submit your photos for the highlight reel to: Communications@BremertonSchools.org
Not a fan of the Huskies or the Cougars? That's ok! Wear colors or attire for your favorite local school, college or professional team!
We will put together a highlight reel that will be shared via the Bremerton School District Facebook page and website on Saturday before the Apple Cup. View last year's highlight reel here!
This month we are celebrating...
Native American and Alaska Native Heritage Month
Parents and families are essential partners in promoting good attendance!
To help students succeed academically and later in life, families should:
Make getting their children to school on time every day a top priority.
Alert your child’s teacher or school counselor to barriers that may be keeping your student(s) from attending class or getting to school on time. We are here to help!
Together we can B Present: Attend today, Achieve tomorrow. We invite you to learn more at www.BremertonSchools.org/BPresent
Two funding measures on the ballot for the February 13 special election
As you may have heard, the District has two funding measures for the special election ballot on February 13, 2024. The proposed measures include:
Replacement Educational Programs & Operations (EP&O) Levy, which provides funding for educational programs and services like safety and security staff, classroom support, health services staff, and extracurricular activities. This levy replaces the existing EP&O levy which expires at the end of 2024.
Bond to fund high-priority updates to school facilities, including the replacement and renovation of school buildings, many of which are beyond their usable life. This bond - the first on the ballot for the Bremerton School District in nearly 20 years - replaces the existing capital projects levy which expires at the end of 2024.
We invite you to visit our website to learn more. We will be sharing more information in the coming weeks and welcome any questions families may have.
Save the date!
During the 2023-2024 school year, we are engaging in a comprehensive strategic planning process. The strategic plan acts as a roadmap for our District that will identify our vision, common goals, and unified direction for our district’s educational efforts.
Community-wide involvement is vital to the strategic planning process; therefore, we are designing the process in ways that will embrace the diverse voices of our district’s participants. We hope you will join us at one of our upcoming community forums!
There is still time to complete the annual Federal Impact Aid survey!
Please take a moment to log-in to Skyward and complete the annual Federal Impact Aid survey for your student(s).
Step-by-step instructions for accessing and completing the survey are posted on the District website. If you need help accessing Family Access in Skyward, please contact your child’s school. If you have questions about the survey or need help completing the form, please contact Connie.Long@BremertonSchools.org or 360-473-1033.
Join us for our next Beloved Community Listening Circle!
Bremerton School District's Restorative Program is working to create a learning environment where all of our scholars feel cared for; a place absent of violence, bigotry, and hate.
If we are going to create a healthier, happier school climate, close the achievement gap, and create competitive workers and forward thinking citizens, we all have to work together to create our own "beloved community." With care and compassion driving us, partnered with the use of restorative practices, we will transform our schools.
Join us! Students, parents, staff and community members are invited to participate!
Beloved Community Listening Circles will be held on the 2nd Wednesday of every month through May 2024. If you are interested in participating in person, please email china.cooper@bremertonschools.org or nyasha.jackson@bremertonschools.org. If you'd like to observe a Beloved Community Listening Circle, please visit the District website for information and the Zoom link.
Have you completed your ABCs?
This is a friendly reminder to complete your Annual Back-to-school Check-in process or ABCs. It should take about 15 minutes (or less!) to complete the process for each child in your household.
The ABC process must be completed for all students in the district - including both previously enrolled as well as newly registered students.
Please log-in to Skyward and take a few moments to complete this important process for your student(s) ASAP. Thank you!
Questions about this process? Need help with your Skyward log-in? Please contact your student's school or click here.
Family Quick Links
Need childcare for winter break?
Both Right at School and Y-Kids are offering child care during winter break. Learn more!
Check out our before- and after-school childcare options for each elementary school and Mountain View Middle School.
Health Resources for Students
PCHS school-based health clinics
Hazel Health
In an effort to ensure that all of our students have timely, affordable access to mental and physical healthcare, we are partnering with a health services program called Hazel Health.
With parent or guardian permission, students can speak with a Hazel mental health professional or have an on-demand medical visit at home or at school. We invite you to learn more here!
Gaggle Teletherapy
Background photo: The base rock is down for the athletic fields at the at the community sports complex at Mountain View Middle School. This project was funded with capital levy dollars!
The Bremerton School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employee(s) has been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Garth Steedman at 360.473.1031 or the Section 504 Coordinator, Mark Mayfield at 360.473.4702. Mailing address: 134 Marion Avenue North, Bremerton, WA 98312.
Bremerton School District
Email: communications@bremertonschools.org
Website: www.BremertonSchools.org
Phone: 360-473-1000
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