Centennial Middle School
September 1, 2023
Letter from Principal Rosenbach
Dear Centennial Families,
It was great to see so many of you at our Start Up days this last week! If you didn't get a chance to purchase items in person, please remember you can do this online. Also, if you were unable to come to the Start Up days, please make sure to print and turn in to the front office a copy of the health form listed below. The staff is excited to get to know all of their new students and teach them this year.
The first day of school will be 7th grade only, as our fantastic 8th grade WEB leaders show them around this big new world and give them a chance to adjust before we get everyone in the building on Thursday, September 7th.
Picture day is on Wednesday September 13th and the retake day will be on November 1st. Students will receive their ID/ASB card the day their picture is taken. You can purchase pictures on the website below and we are also sending home a hard copy picture packet with your student on Friday the 8th.
On Monday and Tuesday, the 11th and 12th, we will be checking out materials needed for the school year including a set of textbooks that students keep at home, as well as a computer. Every student is expected to have a charged school computer with them at school every day. Devices brought from home are not allowed this year.
Get your laptop ready for school! After students have their computer checked out to them, they will first need to charge the device and then will need to logon to the computer. Students should charge their school computers every night and bring a fully charged laptop to school with them every day.
I look forward to serving our students and school community this year and having an awesome year together.
Josh Rosenbach
First Days of School
- Wednesday, September 6
- 7th graders only attend school
- Thursday, September 7
- All students (7th and 8th graders) attend school
Student Schedules
Start Up Health Forms
Transportation Information
If your student rode a bus last school year, they will be assigned a bus for 2023-2024 school year. Bus routes can be accessed online or through the Traversa app by the end of the month.
If you are a new student, or have any change of information that would affect your student's route, please contact transportation directly: transportation@sno.wednet.edu
Picture Day
**Students will receive their Student ID cards/ASB cards
Wednesday, November 1 - Retakes
- Go to Dorianstudio.com and search for your school
- Select the order button from the appropriate photo day
- Complete your transaction
School Supply List
Other supplies may be requested or required by individual teachers after the start of classes.
Health Room Information
Any students with life-threatening conditions must have their medication authorizations and medication in the building on the first day of school. As per the state law, your student will not be able to attend school on the first day without it.
Counselor's Corner
September 2023: Welcome to Middle School
Middle school is a time of emotional, physical, social and academic changes. Your child is learning and developing skills that will make it easier to adjust to the challenges of high school and beyond. Research shows that teens do better in school when their families are involved in their lives in and out of school. Read this month's Counselor's Corner to find out how to help.
1:1 devices and Technology Protection Plan information
Snohomish School District students will soon be provided with a 1:1 device to aid in their learning. This technology shift for the school district of providing every district student with a device (laptop, touch screen or iPad) will happen beginning with the 2023-2024 school year.
As part of the 1:1 device rollout, students will be expected to bring/have a district-provided device/laptop at school every day. All students will receive district-provided devices/laptops, and students should not bring personal devices/laptops from home. The district-provided device/laptop must be charged and ready to use for classroom learning each day. When students receive a district device/laptop at the start of the school year, the student will also receive information about the district’s Technology Protection Plan.
Important links and information
- Technology Protection Plan - Click here for details, forms and more information regarding the district’s Technology Protection Plan coverage.
- Free/reduced meal applications - Click here for district free/reduced meal application information.
- Future ready! - Click here to learn more about how the district is helping prepare students to be future ready.
- District technology plan - Click here for more details about the district’s technology plan (2023-2026).
2023-2024 Athlete Registration
Season 1 Sports:
- 7th & 8th grade Cross Country
- 7th & 8th grade Football
- 7th & 8th grade Girls Softball
- Sign-ups for Season 1 sports will be during our start-up days in August.
Students planning on turning out for a sport need to have a sports physical completed by a physician before participating in any sports tryout or practice.
We are excited to partner with FinalForms, the school district's new online athlete registration platform. The site went live on Wednesday, May 24. Emails were sent to parents/ guardians, via their email on file in Skyward/Family Access, and all students, via their school district email account, early on Wednesday, May 24. The email will include an invitation to verify your FinalForms account, set passwords and complete the required paperwork. Both parents/guardians and student-athletes should verify their own account.
When registering your athlete(s), please make sure to register for the 2023-2024 school year, which includes upcoming summer activities.
Physical expiration dates have been uploaded to FinalForms. Parents/guardians and athletes will be able to see their expiration dates once accounts are verified. Physicals are valid for up to 24 months.
If you did not receive an email on Wednesday, May 24, please check your junk/spam folder first and then reach out to your school athletic office, if you need additional assistance.
Click here to access the FinalForms login site.
Any questions regarding Athletics registration, please reach out to:
Vice Principal- Angela Collins: angela.collins@sno.wednet.edu
Admin Assistant- Debbie Smith: debbie.smith@sno.wednet.edu
Does your family qualify for free or reduced price school meals?
Free/reduced meal applications available online and in paper form beginning Monday, August 14. To learn more, visit www.sno.wednet.edu/freereducedmeals. Compare the size and income of your household to the USDA Income Guidelines. Only one application should be completed per household. The school district will notify you if the application is approved or denied.
Payments and Online Purchases
Click here to go directly to Touchbase online payments.
$15.00 ASB Cards
$16.00 PE/Health Fitness Uniforms (shorts $8/shirt $8)
$25.00 Yearbooks *They will be sold starting on August 15th until early November.
After that time, we will sell them at the end of the year on a first come, first serve basis.
$50.00 Athletic fees (Cost is zero if you qualify for free lunch)
Calendar of Events/District Calendar
2023-2024 School Year Dates
- Wednesday, September 6 – First day of school (first day of school for 1st – 7th and 9th graders).
- Thursday, September 7- First day of school 8th grade students
- Monday, September 11 - First day of school for students in kindergarten.
- Wednesday, September 13 - First day of school for students in developmental preschool.
- Week of October 23 - Fall conference week (schedule and details TBD)
- Friday, November 10 - No school/Veterans Day
- Wednesday, November 22 - Half-day early release
- Thursday, November 23 - Friday, November 24 - No school/Thanksgiving Break
- Wednesday, December 20 – Half-day early release
- Thursday, December 21 - Tuesday, January 2 – Winter Break
- Wednesday, January 3 - Classes resume after Winter Break
- Monday, January 15 - No school/MLK Jr. Day
- Monday, January 29 - No school/Beginning of second semester and non-student day
- Friday, February 16-Monday, February 19 - No school/Mid-Winter Break
- Week of March 25 - Spring conference week (schedule and details TBD)
- Monday, April 1 - Friday, April 5 - No school/Spring Break
- Monday, May 27 - No school/Memorial Day
- Thursday, June 13 - Tentative last day of school
- Wednesday, June 19 - No school/Juneteenth
- Potential inclement weather make-up days - Friday, June 14, Monday, June 17, Tuesday, June 18, Thursday, June 20, and Friday, June 21
District Approved Community Flyers
- 2023 Book Café and Summer Literacy
- 2023 Kids Café and Summer Feeding
- Camp Erin Snohomish County - August 25-28
- Cocoon House Connections Host Homes
- Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) Volunteer Opportunity
- Cub Scouts Pack 193 and Calendar
- Daisy Troop Girl Scouts Troop 41623
- Free French for Children - August 9-30
- Girl Scouts of Western Washington
- Seattle Children's Chorus Registration
- Soccer Camp for Kids with T1D - September 3
- Teen Storytellers Project Summer Film Camps
- TOPSoccer Community Service Opportunity
Fliers are typically posted on Tuesdays during the months of August through June. For additional flier program details and/or to complete a request for distribution, please click here.
Centennial Middle School - Contact Us
Phone: 360-563-4525
Attendance Line: 360-563-4534
Fax: 360-563-4585
Registrar: 360-563-4528
Registrar Fax: 360-563-4588
Josh Rosenbach, Principal
Angela Collins, Assistant Principal A-K
Julian Parker, Assistant Principal L-Z
Wendy Floyd, Administrative Assistant and Registrar
Kerry Plantz, Administrative Assistant and Bookkeeper
Debbie Smith, Administrative Assistant and Athletics
Christy Martin, Main Office Secretary/ Attendance
Loren Childers, Counselor A-K
Erica Fortune, Counselor L-Z
Website: http://centennial.sno.wednet.edu
Location: 3000 South Machias Road, Snohomish, WA, USA
Phone: 360-563-4525
Non-Discrimination Notice
The Snohomish School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Civil Rights Coordinator, Title IX Coordinator and ADA – Darryl Pernat, 1601 Avenue D, Snohomish, WA 98290, 360-563-7285, darryl.pernat@sno.wednet.edu; Section 504 Coordinator and Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying – Shawn Stevenson, 1601 Avenue D, Snohomish, WA 98290, 360-563-7282, shawn.stevenson@sno.wednet.edu.