State Agency Library News
August, 2022
Inside this edition:
- Message from the librarian
- August Special Days Calendar compliments of Pam Coomer at LMS
- Shout Out to LMS!
- August Literary Calendar with links to resources
- SEL - Darryl's Dream by Darryl "DMC" McDaniels
- Support for Intellectual Freedom
- Schedule and Contact Information
A Message from the Librarian
I hope everyone had some time to rest and re-energize over summer break and I hope you all had an excellent first week back to school!
Just a couple of announcements that I am excited to share!
Boys & Girls Haven will be getting a new library this year! We have over $50,000 worth of new books that are just waiting for the library space to be completed, which I am very pleased to say should be soon! Thanks to Kris Zix, I have been able to provide books from other locations to the students at BGH over the past year and they are looking forward to being able to browse their very own library collection and check out books of their choice.
Also, I met with Assistant Principal, Karen Corbeill and I am excited to announce that I will be serving our students at Maryhurst this school year as well! This makes school number 7!
While the amount of time I get to spend at the various sites is minimal, a large number of our students love to read and are always excited to get their hands on books. I am thrilled to be able to be a part of making sure that our kids have a variety of reading material and resources that interest them and support literacy.
Our theme this year at LMS is Growing Readers, Growing Leaders!
I look forward to a great year serving you and our students in State Agency schools in any way that I can.
I wish you all a super successful year and as always, please feel free to contact me if I can be of assistance.
August Special Days Calendar!
Shout Out to LMS!!! Click the image below to learn more!
Social and Emotional Learning
Darryl's Dream by Darryl "DMC" McDaniels
Intellectual Freedom
I hope that you all understand the importance of providing reading material that is inclusive of ALL of our students, regardless of our own personal beliefs and values. In order to support our students and give them a sense of belonging and community, we have to set aside our opinions and do our very best to meet their needs.
Ms. Jennifer
Support For Intellectual Freedom
Intellectual freedom is the right of library users to read, seek information, and speak freely as guaranteed by the First Amendment. Intellectual freedom is one of the core values of the library profession; it promotes access to information and guides the defense against censorship.
The Freedom to Read Statement asserts, “The freedom to read is essential to our democracy.” In a democratic society, individuals must be sufficiently knowledgeable to make informed decisions. Libraries provide their users with necessary information through a wide selection of materials from varying points of view. It is essential that library resources remain free to use for all, regardless of age. The Library Bill of Rights and its interpretations lay out rationales for these principles of intellectual freedom. Incorporating the tenets of intellectual freedom foundational documents (such as the First Amendment, the Library Bill of Rights, and the Freedom to Read Statement) into the selection policy provides support for intellectual freedom as a philosophy underlying the policy. Strong selection policies include a statement of support for intellectual freedom. Intellectual freedom policy statements are often attached to selection policies.
"Support for Intellectual Freedom", American Library Association, December 18, 2017. (Accessed August 2, 2022)
Document ID: 4f6c0837-3b7d-474c-b992-9927a3f565d9
Schedule and Contact Information
- Monday - Brooklawn
- Tuesday -
- Wednesday - KMI and Maryhurst
- Thursday - HOTI
- Friday - Boys & Girls Haven and Louisville Day
Phone: (502) 298-9496