The Eagle Express
CSSE's Weekly Newsletter - Mar. 6, 2022
Important Dates
Sat., Mar. 5 - Happy birthday, Mrs. Borgert!
Mon., Mar. 7 - Feast Day - St. Thomas Aquinas
Wed., Mar. 9 - Archdiocesan Spelling Bee
Thurs., Mar. 10 - School mass (8:15am)
Fri., Mar. 11 - No School
March 13-19th - Spring Break!
Sun., Mar. 13 - Daylight Saving Time begins (Set clocks forward one hour)
Wed., Mar. 16 - Happy birthday, Mrs. Young!
Mon. Mar. 21 - Begin 4th Quarter
Check out the calendar on the school webpage for more
Bonus Vacation Day
SALT Day of Service
SALT T-Shirts
All students and staff are entitled to one free SALT shirt to wear on our CSSE Day of Service or when performing grade level service through our SALT program (Serve Appreciate Love Teach).
Please fill out a NEW form for EACH student/staff member who needs a new shirt or exchange.
If you have lost a shirt and need a replacement, fill out the form and send $10 payment to the school office marked “SALT Shirt Replacement” and include your student's name. Checks should be made out to St. Eugene School.
If your student's shirt still fits, no action is necessary! Just make sure you have located it and it's ready to wear on April 1st!
Form must be submitted by ***March 9th*** to guarantee availability. Questions? Contact Brigitte Silvernail.
Operation Rice Bowl
Used Book Sale
Yearbook Orders Opening Soon!
Our 2021-22 CSSE Yearbook is in development! Be on the lookout for details and the order form link in the next few weeks!
Gala News!
Raffle Tickets Going Home This Week
Look out for raffle tickets in your student’s backpack this week. Our gala committee is raffling off a $5,000 cash prize OR a year’s free tuition for one student - winner’s choice! We are asking each school family to sell at least 10 tickets to help raise money for our school and parish community. Tickets cost $10 each. Checks may be made out to "St. Eugene Gala." Winner will be announced at the gala on April 22nd. They need not be present to win. If you sell all of your tickets and need more, please contact Jennifer Taylor. Money and tickets can be turned in any time, but must be turned in to the school office no later than April 21st!
As an added incentive for the kids, our top ticket seller will receive a $300 gift card to Amazon or Target. Our 2nd and 3rd place sellers will each receive a $100 gift card!
Last year we sold $19,000 in raffle ticket sales. If our school can sell $15,000, the whole school will earn a Free Dress Day!
Join us for Bubbles & Bowties: A Party with a Purpose on April 22, 2022 at the Skirvin Hilton! Support our parish and school AND relish an evening of fun while mingling with fellow St. Eugene families at our biggest fundraiser of the year! There will be live and silent auctions with must-have items to win! Enjoy excellent cuisine, musical entertainment, games, and drinks all during this exciting adult night out. Get your tickets and make plans to join us for an incredible evening together! Ticket prices go up after March 31st, so order now! https://steugenes.ejoinme.org/gala2022
Gala Sponsorships Available! Enable St. Eugene to do a tremendous amount of good by committing to a sponsorship! In return we will create for you a fantastic opportunity to position your business to a valuable demographic in Oklahoma City metro and outlying communities—and you’ll have some fun in the process. Your tax-deductible donation to the St. Eugene Gala is both a philanthropic gesture and a great promotional opportunity for your business. Choose your level of sponsorship and either pay online or request to be invoiced. If you have any questions or would like more information you can reach out to Kari Webber at 405-323-7173.
PTO News
Upcoming Eat & Earns - Always mention St. Eugene when you order so we get a donation back to the school. Thank you, and don’t forget to spread the word to family and friends! Have an idea for an Eat and Earn or school fundraiser? Email us at pto@steugeneschool.org!
Johnnie’s - Britton and N. May locations - Wednesday, March 23rd all day
Don’t forget our Simply Sign It fundraiser that you can purchase at any time for them to donate 25% back to our school!
Eagle Excellence
Congrats to our CSSE Eagle basketball teams! This past weekend, our 4th grade girls placed 2nd in their tournament this past weekend! Team members are Davyn, Paola, Savannah, Emery, JeraLee, Clair, Ashlyn Gabby, and Alyssa.
The 5th grade girls also placed 2nd in their tournament. Team members are Kate, Celine, Olivia, Natalee, Annabelle, Vakina, Lily, and Matilda.
4th/5th grade boys won the consolation bracket. Team members are Connor, Enzo, Jack, Will, Joseph, Aston, Christian, Lennox, Gehrig, and Taylor.
Good luck to our students participating in the Archdiocesan Spelling Bee this coming week!
Have some news to celebrate? Let us know about your student's achievements, family joys, or give a shout out to a staff member so we can celebrate their Eagle Excellence!
News on Repeat
Don't Lose Your Seat!
Thank you to the families who have taken the time to fill out their re-enrollment packets online! We have been reviewing new student applications and sending out acceptance letters. If you intend to return in the Fall, it is of utmost importance that you complete your enrollment, otherwise your student may lose their seat. We do have some grade levels that are close to or at capacity with a wait list. Early Childhood spots are always in demand, so families with younger children should fill out re-enrollment ASAP.
Make sure you apply for new siblings now so they receive preference when we begin reviewing new student applications this month!
If you do NOT intend to re-enroll for 2022-23, please email Mrs. Metz (tuitiondirector@steugeneschool.org) so we know your child's spot is available.
You are our best school representatives! Please share with family and friends why you love St. Eugene! Encourage them to apply or take a tour. A successful referral could result in a tuition credit for your family! See the details in Mrs. Goldsworthy’s February 5th parent email.
Please Pray For...
Pray for peace in Ukraine. | Please pray for Mrs. Hackett who continues to recover from the side effects of COVID-19 and will be staying home to rest for a while. I Please pray for Mrs. Aleman’s mother who is very ill. | Please pray for Judy Seymour, grandmother of Isla and Lusiana. | Please pray for Linda Skinner, a mentor and dear friend to Mrs. Goldsworthy. She is going through chemo. | Please pray for the healing of Sasha, cousin to Mark Roby and granddaughter to Mrs. Neal. | Please pray for the healing of Dub Wheeler, grandfather or Gehrig and Gabby. He has numerous medical issues, and needs the extra prayers. | Pray for those in our community who are quarantined, ill, or struggling to recover from COVID-19 | Pray for our staff, students, and their families.
If you would like to include something in the Prayer Requests section, please contact Kim Hattaway at media@steugeneschool.org.
Parish & Community News
Mobile Meals Seeking Volunteers! Meals on Wheels (formerly Mobile Meals) has been a volunteer ministry at St. Eugene Church since 1980. We deliver lunch every Monday to our homebound neighbors. We currently are in need of delivery drivers to deliver meals one Monday per month. We also need substitute drivers who could help as needed. If you are interested in helping, please call or text Peggy Berringer at 405-473-9928.
Our Lady of Guadalupe Youth Summer Camp Registration Open! We are excited to announce that registration is officially OPEN! Join us Summer 2022 in full capacity for a week of prayer, activities and friendship! Camp OLOG, which is located between Luther and Wellston approximately 45 minutes from Oklahoma City, offers students of all faiths an opportunity to attend. The camp is open to students who will be entering fourth through 12th grades in the 2022-23 school year. Camp will be facilitated by counselors, priests and seminarians and is designed to instill the values of the Catholic faith in an exciting, safe and supportive environment. Visit the website to see session dates and register!
Check the Monthly Minister’s Schedule! The minister’s schedule for St. Eugene is out for February, March and April. Make sure you check the schedule for your child’s name if they are an altar server. If your child no longer participates in this ministry, please secure a substitute for your assigned dates and update the church office. We are always looking for more volunteers to serve at weekend mass as lectors, cantors, altar servers, ushers, Eucharistic Ministers, Vocare chalice recipients, and more. Contact the church office to find out how you can grow your spiritual life through greater participation in the mass!
Make Lent a Time of Spiritual Renewal! Do you use Formed? Our parish subscribes to this wonderful resource, and it’s FREE to all parishioners! To sign up and view books, articles, videos and more…
1. Go to formed.org
2. Click “sign up”
3. Click “sign up as a parishioner”
4. Type in “St Eugene” and select our location.
The site will ask for your name and email address. After this, you will have access!
You can also sign up for daily Lenten reflections from Dynamic Catholic! Click here.
Catholic Foundation of Oklahoma is Hiring! CFO is seeking candidates for the Grant Program Coordinator position. https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/2944314388/ This role is for someone to manage the grant distribution programs for parishes, schools and other ministries. Position to start immediately - 20 hours per week.
Agape Road Needs Our Help!
Many of you may remember that our school SALT program worked with Agape Road a few years ago when they began their ministry. For those that are not familiar with Agape Road, it is an end-of-life care home. Their mission is to provide a safe and comfortable place for people who are at the end of their lives, and would otherwise die alone, in fear, or in pain. Please read the letter from their Executive Director, and consider making a monetary donation so they may keep their doors open to continue their good work.
With Gratitude,
The SALT Committee
Dear Friends and Donors,
It saddens me to write this, but we are in a dire situation. As you know, everything changed in 2020 shortly after we opened our doors, which made it extremely difficult to get substantial funding to keep operating consistently. Several times Agape Road has temporarily closed for periods of time due to staffing shortages and lack of finances. Operating solely on donations, grants, and fundraisers, our services are free to our guests and their families. We are so grateful for those who have donated and helped us continue our mission to endeavor that no one dies alone, in fear, or in pain.
We need your support. The monthly cost to run Agape Road is $10,000, which includes staff salaries, rent, utilities, insurance, and food for our guests. Our Executive Director has never taken a salary; her time has been entirely volunteer. We need to raise $100,000 by April 1st or we will have to close our doors again.
Caring for your loved ones has been our passion. Each guest we served touched our hearts deeply and the impact on our community has been immeasurable. Since opening, we have cared for sixty-three precious souls at Agape Road. Many of these people would have passed in hospitals, nursing homes or on the streets. Instead, they had a home with the love of wonderful caregivers in collaboration with hospice to manage their pain and fear. Families were comforted and allowed to be present. We have witnessed miraculous events and seen families reunited.
We understand the impact on the economy during these challenging times and we covet your prayers for provision. If you are able, would you consider giving either a one-time donation or a recurring donation to help us? Donations can be made online at agaperoad.org or mailed to 6601 NW 48th St, Bethany, OK 73008. We know that God has called us to walk God’s children to the gates of heaven. Please help continue our mission to endeavor that no one dies alone, in fear, or in pain. Blessings to you!
Julie Brown
Executive Director
Weekly Snapshots
Mrs. Goldsworthy makes the shot!
3rd Grade SALT
Mass with Archbishop Coakley
The Catholic School of St. Eugene
Email: media@steugeneschool.org
Website: www.steugeneschool.org
Location: 2400 West Hefner Road, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 72120
Phone: 4057510067
Facebook: facebook.com/csseokc