Hāwera Primary School
Newsletter No. 12 - 26th July 2019
Contact Details
Email: admin@haweraprimary.school.nz
Website: https://sites.google.com/haweraprimary.school.nz/haweraprimaryschool
Location: 261 South Road, Hawera, New Zealand
Phone: 06 2787709
Facebook: facebook.com/haweraprimaryschool
From the Principal
Kia ora koutou
Welcome back we have had a great start to Term 3. With all classes settled and looking forward to upcoming events. This week has hummed along with everyone keen to get into learning.
Staff have conducted mid- year testing and analysis. Our Year 1- 6 reports were written and distributed at the end of term 2. These are a summary of each learner’s progress and current achievement in relation to end of year expectations. The format has been refreshed to align with our school values and goals. Seesaw app has become our main tool for reporting to parents/caregivers on specific learning areas throughout the year. Home/School Partnership Meetings will be held on Wednesday 31st and Thursday 1st next week. We look forward to seeing you all here.
We would appreciate it if you could please make arrangements to pick up your child/ren at 1pm on Wednesday 31st only. Some staff will be available to supervise students if required. If you would like you child to walk/ride home at 1pm, we must have written or verbal consent. Thank you for your support with this.
Mid-year whanau voice surveys were also sent home with the reports. This is another important opportunity to affirm your aspirations for your child's learning with us so that together we can then work towards supporting your child to achieve their full potential. We look forward to receiving these as soon as possible.
Term 3 extracurricular focus shifts from sports to The Arts with the continuation of Kapa Haka tutored by Lui Domb. This will culminate in various festivals, concerts and performances later in the year. Our Mau Rakau group instructed by Bodene Tewhare (MenToa) will continue to work towards their first grading and future demonstrations, their excellent first showcase will certainly be hard to top! The upcoming Junior Drama Festival, Roald Dahl Quiz, Glee/Singing Club and School Talent Show will be popular activities. Speech making will also be at the fore later in the term with the introduction of “structured talks” formats lead by our Literacy Leaders.
Our Inquiry/Investigation focus for the term is “Te Rangatira o taku Ao” some of the content covered will include:
Big Ideas - Before you can excel, create and problem solve you have to be a leader (rangatira) in your own world: show resilience, preserve, add value, think critically, connect to others, know when to lead and when to follow and demonstrate the ability to learn from one another.
Macro Concept: 'Explore, Explain, Excel!
Enduring Understanding: We will explore how we can connect our learning to respond in an informed, critical and creative way.
Learning Intentions for Concept: We understand that explorers are risk takers, problem solvers and leaders. They must be prepared to take risks and apply their knowledge and understanding to solve their own problems and create their own solutions.
Context: Create a plan to collaboratively solve a problem at “our place” (HPS) through a passion project.
Projects planned: Murals, building items from recycled materials, outdoor art, STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) and enviro activities.
At the end of Term 2 we said farewell to Bianca Clearwater who has decided to return home to the Far North. We wish Bianca all the very best and thank her for her contribution to Hawera Primary. Whaea Jude and Whaea Paula will share the Room 5 teacher role, I am currently in the process of sorting the Room 6 position for Term 4 and will keep you posted.
Welcome to Liz Wakeling who joins the HPS team as a learning assistant, we hope you enjoy your time at our school.
We extend our condolenses to the family of Robin Millar, who recently passed. She worked at Hawera Primary as school secretary for 25 years. Robin will be fondly remembered for her graceful style, wonderful smile and dedication to her role.
'Ma te huruhuru ka rere te manu-Adorn the bird with feathers so it can fly!'
Ngā mihi nui
Shevaun O'Brien
Home School Partnership Meetings- Wednesday 31st July (1 pm finish) and Thursday 1st August
Tortoise and the Hare Play- Wednesday 7th August, $6 per student (please pay at the office ASAP)
PJ Disco- Friday 9th August 5.30-7.30 pm in the hall, $2 entry
Tatarakihi Kapa Haka Festival (New Plymouth)- Friday 23rd August
School Cross-country and Adventure Race- date tbc (Week 7 on)
Lizzie Bell Barque Shipwreck
On Wednesday 24 July there was a commemorative service Pihama Cemetery for the seaman killed during the sinking of the Lizzie Bell barque* (1036 tons) which took place off the South Taranaki Coast on that same day in 1901.
(*A barque is a sailing ship, typically with three masts where the foremast and mainmast are square-rigged and the mizzenmast is rigged fore and aft.)
The service which is being organised by the New Plymouth branch of the Merchant Navy Association and include a wreath laying ceremony and roll call of the 12 sailors who died that fateful night.
The Lizzie Bell was travelling from Wellington to Newcastle, Australia when it struck rocks a mile and a half south of the Oeo river.
When the vessel struck rocks, two crew members fell overboard and were found dead, jammed against the rocks. The rest of the crew escaped in the boats, the largest of which overturned several times. The survivors managed to reach shore the following morning, Captain Reese and chief mate, W.G.E Barrow among them. Two of the crew died in the boat and another two died after making it ashore. The men made their way to the property of Captain Good seeking help. The wreckage of the barque was strewn along the beach.
An inquiry was held in New Plymouth on 30 July 1901, where it was found that the course as stated by the Captain was not steered and the loss of the barque was “occasioned by negligent navigation”. In all 12 of the Lizzie Bells 18 sailors lost their lives as a result of the shipwreck. Seven bodies were recovered, with five missing.
Facts on the mast of the Lizzie Bell
The most notable of all Hawera's flagpoles stood for many years in South Rd in the grounds of the Hawera District High School (1901-1919) and would claim to have the tallest school flagpole in New Zealand.
In 1903 the headmaster, Conrad Strack, (appointed 1896) and his school committee had the opportunity to purchase the mast from the wreck of the Lizzie Bell.
Strack and the school committee bought the barque's foremast, the spanker boom and a ship's bell from the owner of the salvage and brought them to Hawera by bullock wagon. The spar and mast were laid out on the school playground. Here the two pieces of Oregon pine were joined by local craftsman Mr Grant; a short spar was fixed at about halfway in order to secure steel cables (also from the Lizzie Bell) that would ensure that the mast remained steady and a pulley at the top and rope was attached for raising and lowering a flag.
Before the new mast was raised into position, Strack measured its length less the six feet of mast that stood in the soil and declared it to be 73 feet 2 1/2inches (22.31m) tall. Almost every child who attended the school declared it must be much taller.
From that point on the flagpole was the focus of special school assemblies when the school bugle band and the school cadets paraded. The uniformed school cadets went off to the Christchurch Exhibition in 1906 and joined in activities with hundreds of other boys from all over New Zealand.
The flagpole provided the centre of patriotic assemblies throughout the years 1914 to 1919 when ex-pupils in their khaki uniforms were given the best wishes of the school or welcomed home to Hawera.
Although it had been well protected in an iron jacket, the foot of the flagpole showed obvious signs of rotting, so the mast and spanker boom of the Lizzie Bell was lowered and a more modest flagpole took its place.
The bell from the Lizzie Bell continued to live on. While metal fatigue affected the bell we believe it still remains among the treasures of Hawera Primary School.
From Arthur Fryers 2014 article “Flying high at Hawera School”
Puanga 2019
Term 2 finished with a wonderful celebration of Puanga (Māori New Year). The week began with an invitation for our senior Kapa Haka members to perform for Best Start Early Childhood Centre as part of their activities, this provided a lovely opportunity for our learners to give back to the community and inspire some potential future members. Our students were excellent ambassadors for our school-it was a lovely experience.
Some highlights of our school Puanga event included a karakia to begin the festivities, tree planting by our oldest and youngest students, a range of co-operative group activities, powerful performances by our Mau Rakau & Kapa Haka groups, class items and waiata followed by a delicious shared kai for lunch. Thank you Whaea Jude Cornelius for your excellent organisation and vision, it was a huge day but truly one to remember where the very best of our school shone for all to see. It was heartening to see so many of our school whanau actively involved supporting our students and staff. I think everyone is already looking forward to next year!
Check out Room 6 enjoying their lessons with the Hawera Library this week
Ice Skating Fun
Wattie’s Cans for Good!
Collect. Educate. Donate!
Welcome to Wattie’s Cans for Good! We’re back again for another year of our exciting national can ‘collection, creation, education and donation’ campaign run by The Salvation Army in partnership with Wattie’s for New Zealand schools.
Thanks to the incredible efforts of the 249 schools and kindergartens who participated in 2018, more than 95,000 cans were donated to Salvation Army foodbanks – restocking shelves in the high demand winter period.
Since Cans for Good began in 1994, nearly 1.5 million cans have been donated and this year through the support of New Zealand schools participating we hope to collect 110,000 cans taking us to a total of 1.6 million cans. With Wattie’s kick starting with 25,000 cans, this will make an incredible boost to local Salvation Army food banks at a critical time of year.
Please have your cans to the office by TUESDAY 13th AUGUST. Thanks!!
If you do not wish to participate please return the sheet to the office as soon as possible. Also if you would like to sell extras please pop in and collect one of our extra sheets.
We would like all money and sheets returned on WEDNESDAY 28th AUGUST. The winners of the $100.00 petrol and $100.00 grocery vouchers will be drawn at Assembly on Friday 30th August.
As we did not have a gala this year. All profits will go towards reducing the costs associated with our end of year/camp costs. Please see Ms O'Brien if you have any further questions. Thank you for your support.
Fresh Food Fridays helpers needed-It there anybody out there?
Personal Best at HPS
Wonderful writing by Keanu and awesome 'awhi' from Aracadia .
Look at all those super sight words you know Theo, ka pai!
Excellent writing Skyler, lots of ideas!
Keep up the fantastic 'personal best' writing Katiee, Sjhasia and Paige. You shine!
Tu meke Hakopa, keep doing your awesome 'personal best' writing.
Ka pai Zoe! What a beautiful story about Puanga.
Ka pai Marley, Reef, Kaylee and Erina-your descriptions of Puanga are amazing!
Sports Uniforms
Touch Rugby
Also a sincere thank you is extended to our staff, board members and parents who stepped up to coach/manage all the various teams throughout the season. We really appreciate the time, energy and commitment you have put into supporting our sporting endeavours.
This term we look forward to the Top School Basketball and Touch competitions beginning. More details will follow.
Cross Country-Adventure Race is coming up!
All students will begin training on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Our goal is to have everyone participating. Please make sure your child has appropriate running clothes and footwear at school.More details will follow later in the term
Messages for Children
emailed out and linked to the school website, apps etc every fortnight on a Friday
subscribe to this app to get quick reminders and notifications. Don't forget to customise your settings to make sure, you stay in the loop.
great source of information and celebration of all things HPS!
A wonderful app that let's you share in your child's learning journey and find out class specific information.
This app allows staff to email you directly and vice versa
Outside the classrooms you will find physical copies of newsletters etc.
If you are unsure about any of these app or are having trouble downloading any of them please see you class teacher, we want you to be informed.
Measles Information for Parents
Every Wednesday is Sub day
Orders need to be place BEFORE 9am Wednesday (no late orders accepted as Subway collects the money)
Please provide correct money -
Hawera Primary will NOT be able to change money for the children.