Patriot Post
Counseling Corner: November
Monthly Theme: Career Development
Wellness Corner
- Please encourage your students to attend our upcoming Lunch & Learn workshops focused on Effective Communication with Teachers (11/17) and Managing Test Anxiety (12/01). Free pizza is available for attendees on a first-come, first-served basis. Students can RSVP here.
- Annually the BHS counseling team coordinates parent workshops throughout the school year in collaboration with different agencies and community resources. Please take a moment to complete the interest survey here to help inform us about potential parent workshops for the Spring 2022 semester.
College and Career Resources
- Irvine Valley College will be available for seniors every Tuesday at break and lunch in the college & career center. IVC outreach and matriculation will be available to answer IVC application questions, explore programs, and discuss the matriculation process with Beckman seniors.
- Interested in taking a Coastline ROP class? Coastline ROP is now enrolling students for the spring semester of 2022. Many options for career focus electives are available, some including working with animals, construction, learning to cook, and working in a dental office as a dental assistant.
Students can register for Coastline ROP classes by grade level
-November 15th for 12th grade @ 3pm
-November 17th for 11th grade @ 3 pm
-November 18th for 9th and 10th grade @ 3 pm
Students can register for courses here.
- Orange Coast College 2021 Science Night Calling all schools & families! Orange Coast College is proud to have our Science returned & virtual! Come & Join our Math & Science Professors to learn about the wonders of Science, Technology, Engineering, Math AND SO MUCH MORE!
Grade Level Info
Senior Scene
- Be sure your student applies to colleges by their posted application deadline. Most colleges' early admissions happen in early November, UCs/CSU’s are November 30th, and many colleges have deadlines for regular admissions into January.
- Encourage them to attend college planning events or college fairs. It’s helpful to attend workshops that give information about what types of colleges might be good for you or guide you in choosing a major. Here is an updated list of upcoming BHS College Visits.
- Double-check they have recommendation letters secured if required by their colleges. The CSUs and UCs don't require any recommendation letters to apply.
- Begin working on their financial aid forms, including scholarships. Check out the Federal Student Aid videos to help you understand the process. Remember the CA deadline to submit the FAFSA or CADAA is March 2nd!
- The Beckman Counseling Team will be offering college application (Common App, CSU/UC, or Community College) support in the Library on Wednesdays, during students' CCE. Be sure to have students bring their electronic devices!
During CCE Time: November 17 - Cash for College: The counseling department will be hosting a Cash for College Workshop on Tuesday, November 16 from 6:00 – 8:00 pm in room 131. The financial aid specialists will go over the steps on how to complete your FAFSA/CADAA application and will also be available for individual application assistance. Please have your 2020 taxes, W-2’s, and tablets. RSVP here, space is limited to keep with social distancing protocols. We look forward to seeing you there!
Junior Junction
Self-Care Tip:
- Tips for Finals Week (From LeadMN)
- Stay nourished. Eating healthy foods and getting your nutrients is one of the most important ways to keep your mind sharp.
- Think positive. It may seem obvious or even cheesy, but positive thoughts can go a long way toward boosting your confidence. If anxious thoughts are invading your mind, try this exercise: instead of focusing on negative “what if’s”—What if I fail the test? What if my paper gets a bad grade?—try forcing yourself to consider positive ones: What if I ace the test? What if I crush the presentation?
- Give yourself a break. Your brain can only take in so much information before it starts to get overloaded. Take study breaks intentionally, leaving the books behind for something that relaxes and allows you to recharge. Maybe that is a bubble bath, or maybe it’s taking time to work on a hobby, or just watching your favorite TV show with someone you love.
- Move around! Exercise releases dopamine in your brain and can increase your mood and concentration in a huge way. If jogging or weight lifting isn’t your thing, try a mini dance party, a few jumping jacks, or some yoga to keep your mind focused. Even just five minutes of movement can greatly increase your performance and leave you feeling more relaxed and less stressed overall.
- Keep things in perspective. Acing your English final might seem like the most important thing in the world right now, but in the grand scheme of things, it doesn’t actually matter all that much. Try your best, and then allow yourself to let go of some of the pressure you put on yourself.
The BCAP is coming! What is the Beckman Career/College Admission Process?
- Lesson and Project in English Classes during the Spring semester of your junior year.
- Includes instructions on the application processes for each type of post-secondary path, how to request letters of recommendation, questionnaires, resume, & much more!
- Interested in learning more about the BCAP? Check-out the BCAP Intro Video.
- Get a head start by utilizing Naviance to start keeping track of colleges you are interested in on your “Colleges I’m Thinking About” list. Find potential colleges by completing the SuperMatch College Search, learn how to do this here.
On Wednesday, November 10 every 11th grade CCR class participated in a digital lesson created by the Counseling Team called, “Career Interest Profiler and Related Majors”
ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors standards addressed:
- M 6. Understanding that postsecondary education and life-long learning are necessary for long-term success
- B-LS 5. Media and technology skills to enhance learning
- B-LS 7. Long- and short-term academic, career and social/emotional goals
Learning Objective(s):
1. Students will create a new password for Naviance and log-in to their account.
2. Students will take the Career Interest Profiler Assessment and review their results.
3. Students will utilize what they learned from their results to explore related majors on Big Future.
- 94.8% of students who participated in the lesson know how to log-in to their Naviance account after the lesson.
- 93.1% of students can name three careers that may be a good fit for them based on their interests and strengths after the lesson
Sophomore Stop
College is Around the Corner:
- It’s never too early to start building your road map to get there. Using the Naviance/Family Connection program is a great tool to help explore college / and or career planning beyond high school.
The Effects of Too Much Screen Time:
- Today’s children have grown up with a vast array of electronic devices at their fingertips. They can't imagine a world without smartphones, tablets, and the internet.
- The advances in technology mean today's parents are the first generation who have to figure out how to limit screen time for children. While digital devices can provide endless hours of entertainment and they can offer educational content, unlimited screen time can be harmful.
- The Negative Effects of Too Much Screen Time
Whether you keep the TV on all the time or the whole family sits around staring at their smartphones, too much screen time could be harmful. Here's what some of the research says:
Obesity: Too much time engaging in sedentary activity, such as watching TV and playing video games, can be a risk factor for becoming overweight.
Sleep problems: Although many parents use TV to wind down before bed, screen time before bed can backfire. The light emitted from screens interferes with the sleep cycle in the brain and can lead to insomnia. - Establishing Family Rules With Electronics
Telling your child to turn off his video games while you're sitting in front of the TV won't do anyone any good. It's important for you to set healthy limits on your electronics use for your own sake, as well as your child's sake.
Here are a few household rules you might want to establish to curb screen time:
No digital devices during family meals.
No screen time in the car.
No screens allowed in bedrooms.
No electronics use during family fun nights. - In addition, consider an occasional digital detox for the whole family. Create a screen-free night once a week or commit to unplugging one weekend a month. It could be good for everyone's physical and emotional health, as well as your family's relationships.
● Websites: Common Sense Media; VeryWellFamily
● Article: Why it’s never too early to teach your children about social media
● Article: Teens aren't socializing in the real world. And that's making them super lonely
● 20/20 Special: ScreenTime, Diane Sawyer
● Scholastic Article: How to set smart screen time rules
● A wealth of developmental skills (by grade), articles, clips found on Parent Tool Kit
Freshman Forum
Erin Charles, freshman counselor, completed an Aeries 4-year planning lesson with all freshmen through their Biology class. Freshman learned about high school grad and A-G requirements and the CTE/fine/performing arts pathway electives available at Beckman. Students left the lesson with a draft Aeries 4-year plan to work with throughout their 4 years at Beckman. Pre and Post survey data collected shows freshman gained valuable knowledge.