Counselor Updates
Navigating School Closings and Your New Normal
Date: 4/6/2020 Volume 3
Dear Klein ISD Parents & Students,
In these strange times, we can expect that kids are waking up on the wrong side of the bed and feeling anxious. The KISD Intermediate Lead Counselors will be collaborating to create a weekly newsletter offering some suggestions for a daily routines, ways to decrease stress and cope with the ever changing world. As always, if you have any questions or needs, email your child's counselor. All counselors are working remotely and providing office hours.
We miss you!
Klein ISD Intermediate Counselors
Thank you to our district KISD employees who have put together this website to help you navigate your way through at home learning. We hope that you have found this website helpful. All lessons will now also be loaded into schoology every week. If you are having trouble accessing schoology, please fill out the help desk ticket that can be found at the bottom of the KISD At Home Learning website.
KISD At-Home Social Emotional Resources
Helping your child cope
Here are links to various resources that will help when talking with your child about emergencies, mental health concerns, and/or COVID-19.
7 Guiding Principals for Parents Teaching from Home
Self-Care in the Time of Coronavirus
Four Things to Do Every Day For your Mental Health
COVID-19 It's OK to Feel Overwhelmed and Unproductive
Klein ISD's Counseling & Whole Student Wellness
National Alliance on Mental Illness -COVID 19
Character Education
The Death Crawl scene from Facing the Giants
This a clip from the film Facing the Giants. When you watch this clip, we want you to focus on Brock (he is the one doing the crawling). As you watch Brock, think about the things in his situation that are out of his control and the things that are in his control. What are some of your goals? Create a list of things that are keeping you from reaching these goals (and we know that leaving your house right now will probably appear on everyone's lists). Once you have written down all of those things, put a circle around the things that are OUT of your control and a square around things that you CAN control. Total the circles and squares up. Which one has more? Where are you putting most of your focus--on what you can can control or what you cannot control? What do you need to change in order to make a switch? What mindset should you have when looking at your goals? Always remember that your mindset is the one thing you CAN control.
Dinnertime Discussions
We know that both kids and parents are experiencing a gamete of emotions during this time. One of the things we can do as parents it to be leaders in the home and engage our children in conversations. We want to give everyone an opportunity to express themselves and identify those feelings they may be having. Thanks to our elementary school counselors, they've come up with this Dinnertime Discussions slide to help you navigate those talks for each day of the week.
Practicing Mindfulness
There's a lot of research out there that suggests that taking a few minutes every morning to clear your mind and breathe deeply helps to reduce stress. These are traumatic times, and meditation can help kids (and grownups) to start the day with calm.
Mindfullness Activities
Virtual Field Trip of the Week
African Safari
Join us on a virtual safari and explore Asilia’s camps and lodges across Kenya and Tanzania — from the Masai Mara to the Serengeti – and get inspired by what’s to come when you safari with Asilia.
Click the link (title) above to ensure your child is NEVER Bored!
Klein ISD Intermediate Schools
While school is closed, we'll do our best to keep you updated and busy. Good luck, parents, and thanks for all you're doing! In this time, the best way to reach us is via your school's website and their social media sites.
Location: Your School
Twitter: @kleinisd
Counselor Updates Archive
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