The Navigator Newsletter
Sycamore Junior High's Parent Communication
April 16, 2021
School Goals
Ensure safety of self and students
Provide engaging, standards-based digitized curriculum both F2F and Virtually
Remain prepared to adapt
Coming Up
This Week:
- April 21 and 22: AIR Testing - MATH
Mark Your Calendar:
AIR Testing: April 29 - 8th Gr Science
Summer School: June 14 - July 9
Speak Up/Save Lives
By calling or testing the statewide hotline
- 844-SAFEROH -
- 844-723-3764 -
you can report anything that is suspicious or endangering you, your friends or school.
Report Cards
AIR Testing
What are the upcoming testing Days?
April 21 & 22 - MATH
April 29 - 8th Gr Science
What is the schedule for these days?
We will follow the schedule below for all but the Science testing day, April 29. That day we will operate on a normal bell schedule as only the 8th grade is testing.
What does my student need to bring to school on the day(s) of testing?
Chromebook - Charged and updated to the latest version of Chrome! This is VERY important!!! -
Earbuds - also VERY important
Book to read once testing is completed
Writing utensil
Can students use a calculator on the math test?
In general, your child will be able to use the same calculator they have been using all year on the sections of the test. For questions, refer to your math teacher or check out this document, Calculator Recommendations
If you have any further questions, please contact Clay Lavercombe at lavercombec@sycamoreschools.org.
Construction and Its Impact
Important Message
The administration is working closely with Monarch Construction Company to minimize disruption to the stakeholders of SJH when possible. As you might imagine, undertaking such a large project on the grounds of an existing school building has significant challenges.
One of these challenges is managing the balance between minimizing inconvenience to our families and keeping a multi-million dollar project on schedule and on budget. Sometimes even a short pause in the construction schedule can have a large ripple effect on the project management and can cause significant cost overruns.
Please know that both the construction company and our administration are keenly aware of and sympathetic to the concerns of our families. Each is party is doing its best to mitigate the effect of this multi-year project on our community. However, we respectfully ask for your patience and partnership in this exciting chapter of SJH as certain activities may unavoidably disrupt traffic and procedures here on our campus and on Cooper Road. Thank you for your understanding.
Current Information
- Monarch Construction Company will begin constructing a temporary bus lot in the front of the building in the large grassy area west of Delray Drive.
- Temporary walls will go up around the auditorium during the first week of May.
- The administration is working to minimize disruption to the school day and our drop-off and pick-up times. We thank you for your patience!
End of Year Events
The following lists our traditional end of year events and our plans for 2021:
- 8th Grade Day: Celebration at Blue Ash Rec center will occur on June 2
- Award Ceremony: Will be virtual
- Yearbook Distribution for those who ordered: 8th grade will receive at Rec Center at 8th Grade Day; 7th graders will receive at school June 2; Virtual Students may pick up yearbooks on June 4.
- OGB School Supply Drive/locker cleanout: Unable to conduct
- Winton Woods Field Day: The host school will not allow visitors due to COVID
- Memorial Day Celebration at Blue Ash Town Square: Unable to participate due to COVID
- Magic Show for 7th Grade: Will be conducted in small groups while maintaining proper distancing June 2
If you would like to share any concerns with the administration, please use this FORM to leave your comment and email address.
Technical difficulties using the Google Form link above? Please email photos to Mrs. DiOrio at dioriom@sycamoreschools.org
Aves Day at the Races
Support the Junior High PTO and Sycamore Athletic Boosters Fundraiser
You can do it all with this link!
Register for the Derby Dash by April 19
And receive your race t-shirt by Derby Day. All registrants will be put in a raffle to win one of four $250 gift cards!
Get out for some Derby Day exercise with your family and friends and post your pictures on social media.
Click here for instructions on how to register and receive at $15 Athleta gift card.
Virtual Silent Auction
Check out over 100 spectacular baskets and items!
Place a bid, buy now, and follow items you like on the virtual auction platform.
Don’t Delay - Auction is open now and closes on May 1.
A Few Featured Baskets: (Follow the link to see more…)
Derby Dash
Derby hats, leis of roses, horseshoes, silks…. Can’t wait to see your outfits while you walk or run your neighborhood as we dash towards summer! Get your ‘bubble' of family and friends and celebrate in style the last month of school.
Post your pictures on #avesderbydash #avesdayattheraces @avesderbydash.
Student Announcements
News Crew Links
SJHS News Crew Video Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9vrBl5kKJXhJL9nL5xl5Ag
SJHS TV Communications: http://display.sycamoreschools.org/display/18
Grade 7-8 Summer School
Sycamore Community Schools Grade 7-8 "Summer Learning and Enrichment" will be held June 14 through July 9.
Please visit the SYcamore website Summer School Page for more information. If you have questions, please contact Chris Gutermuth, Summer School Director at gutermuthc@sycamoreschools.org
2020/2021 Immunization Requirements
Please turn in your required immunization paperwork to nurse Amy Bonham ASAP at jhimmunization@sycamoreschools.org.
In Ohio, the following vaccines are required by law:
7th-grade students must show proof that they have received (1) dose of Tdap, and (1) dose of MCV4 . This requirement must be met NO LATER THAN THE 14th day of attendance at school for the 2020-21 school year.
If you have questions, please email Amy at bonhama@sycamoreschools.org or call 686-1763.
Honoring Our Past, Building Our Future Contest
Calling all creators! Help us honor our past and celebrate our future as we get ready to break ground on a new E.H. Greene Intermediate and Sycamore Junior High School.
From April 6-April 28, Sycamore Community Schools will be accepting creative entries for our Honoring Our Past, Building Our Future contest. The randomly selected winners will have the opportunity to be a part of our groundbreaking ceremonies on May 5.
Who can enter?
All Sycamore Community Schools students in Grades K-12 can enter.
How do I enter?
Draw a picture, write a poem, record yourself performing a song, take a photo, create a model... the skies the limit! We just ask that whatever you decide to create pay tribute to the Sycamore spirit, E.H. Greene Intermediate, and/or Sycamore Junior High.
Take a photo or video of your entry and upload it by clicking here by April 28 at noon.
You will receive a confirmation email once you have submitted your entry.
What can I win?
The contest will have eight winners: four in Grades K-6 and four in Grades 7-12. The winners will have their work displayed at our groundbreaking ceremonies on April 13 as well as the opportunity to “turn dirt” during the ceremonies. Four winners will be a part of the E.H. Greene Intermediate ceremony on May 5 at 10:00 a.m. The other four winners will be a part of the Sycamore Junior High ceremony on May 5 at 11:00 a.m.
Winners will be randomly selected and announced during the week of April 28. Winners will be contacted via email.
All entries will be shared on Sycamore School’s website and social media after the contest ends on April 28.
FTC Robotics
Wish your child was truly passionate about
Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM)?
Sign-up now to join a Sycamore Robotics team. Download the flyer below for more information.
This Week:
- April 14 & 15: AIR Testing - MATH
Mark your Calendars:
- April 29: AIR Testing - Science (8th Grade only)
- May 5 and 6: MAP testing for Virtual Students (conducted remotely) 8:02 am - 10:02 am, remainder of day on Testing Bell schedule.
Questions? Here are your Building Contacts
Assistant Principal Molly Bernosky bernoskym@sycamoreschools.org
Counselor Rachel Morris morrisra@sycamoreschools.org
Tech Help
AIR Testing for Virtual Students
Dear Parents,
We believe that the adjustments made to pick up after the first day of AIR testing helped make pick up run more smoothly. We do, however, ask you to arrive closer to the time requested to minimize any backups.
When all students are finished testing and the entire group is ready to be dismissed, we will allow them to text a parent or pickup person, and proceed to the pickup locations. If your child does not have a cell phone, he or she will be ready for pick up no later than 11:00.
Coming Up
This Week:
- April 14 & 15: AIR Testing - ELA
Mark your calendars:
- April 29: AIR Testing - Science (8th grade only)
- May 12 and 13: Spring MAP for F2F
AIR Testing at the JH
When will students take the AIR assessments?
Sycamore Junior High will administer the AIR assessments on April 21, 22 and 29.
See the "Information for Everyone" section for details.
How can you help?
Please mark these dates on your calendars and make every effort not to schedule your child for appointments or vacation days. Thank you for your cooperation!!
Dress Code Reminder
As the weather becomes warmer, we are noticing changes in our students' manner of dress. Some warm-weather clothes are in violation of our dress code policy. Thus, we are seeing an increase in discipline around the dress code expectations.
The faculty and administration have a responsibility and an obligation to enforce a dress code that provides for the students' health, personal hygiene, safety, and effective education. Please remind your child of the below expectations.
Students are not permitted to wear the following:
- See-through garments, exposed midriffs, strapless tops, spaghetti straps, low cut shirts that show cleavage, pajamas, loungewear, house shoes/slippers or muscle shirts.
- Clothing that reveals undergarments
- Shorter length shorts and skirts
Please review the SJH Student-Parent Handbook, page 20, for specifics on our Dress Code.
Our Resource Officer has been informed that a significant number of parents are parking at Pipkin's and instructing their child(ren) to walk to that lot to be picked up. This is impacting their business and the ability of their customers to have access to parking spots in the lot and to enter/exit safely. Please respect our business neighbor and use the Pipkin's lot only when shopping.
Beginning Monday, the city of Montgomery Police Department may issue citations to parents for using this private lot in this manner.
Please understand that our dismissal procedures are in place to ensure the safety of our students. Thank you for your cooperation!
Walkers: Walkers are to exit the front entrance by the "pig" or elevator and walk HOME only. This exit is not to be used for students to walk to a vehicle at an alternate pickup site.
Car Riders: Students will exit on the east side of the building only and will be picked up by their parent or designate. Students are not allowed to use the front sidewalk and cut across the lanes of waiting vehicles. We understand that this process takes a few extra minutes, but we have your student's safety as our number one concern.
Bus Riders: Students riding a bus should exit in the back of the building (usually at Door 24) and proceed to waiting busses. No students are allowed to exit until all busses are parked and stationary. Staff is present to ensure their safety.
In the event of an emergency where an evacuation of the school building is necessary, students will be transported to safety at Sycamore Community Schools’ reunification site:
Blue Ash Recreation Center 4433 Cooper Rd. Blue Ash, OH 45242
Detailed information can be found on the district website under Reunification Plans.
For more information on safety & security at Sycamore Schools, visit the district Safety & Security web page.
Sycamore Junior High School
Email: jhadmin@sycamoreschools.org
Website: www.sycamoreschools.org/sycamorejh
Location: 5757 Cooper Road, Cincinnati, OH, United States
Phone: 5136861760
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SycamoreJuniorHighPTO/
Twitter: @sycamorejrhigh